McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part four

This was the point when Khornya was sorely missed. Neeva understood Niriian very well indeed, but she missed many of the nuances of Hafiz’s speech.

“He says he can’t save them,” Neeva said. “He is no -warrior, merely a rich merchant.” Hafiz caught her look and saw that he had fallen somewhat in her estimation. The Niriians weren’t buying it, however. They set themselves even more squarely in front of him and stuck their round jaws out a bit and smiled even more broadly and determinedly.

“Sister-child’s father’s sister-brother Hafiz,” Neeva said, for had he himself not said he felt as if he were related to the Linyaari as he was to Khornya herself-therefore he would naturally also be related to Neeva. “I must tell you that these Niriians are very stubborn people. Once they put their minds to a thing, they do not budge until they have achieved their goals.”

“Most admirable,” Hafiz said nodding and smiling still. “But their tenacity cannot change the facts.”

At this impasse, Nadhari Kando and Captain Becker and the little cadre of security troops Nadhari commanded marched into the reception area. With them were a gaggle of children including Maati, as well as Thariinye, Aari, and Khornya.

“My husband is a merchant, as he has explained to you elevated alien beings,” Karlna Harakamian now addressed the Niruans with an apologetic flutter of lilac-and-violet draperies and a sparkle of amethyst-jeweled hands. “Surely you would not wish him to subject himself and those he protects to the same fate your planet has met? Hafiz is a genius at accumulating and distributing useful things and services. The idea of the sort of mass destruction the Khieevi wreak is abhorrent to him, but also totally incomprehensible. I don’t know how you could possibly imagine he could be of assistance.”

Liruli had a fine curl to her lip and to ” Neeva, said in Linyaari, “It is as I suspected. Your great hero-our adopted ‘uncle’-is perfectly willing to trade with us but as far as being a true friend of anyone but himself-hah!”

Neeva tried valiantly not to let the disappointment show in her eyes as she murmured to the unflinching Niriians.

Acorna was roused from her bemusement by this exchange, and separated herself from Aari and the others to go stand next to Hafiz.

To Liriili she said, “That is not fair. Uncle Hafiz is responsible for the lives of all of the people here and their welfare has to be his first consideration. And he and Captain Becker have been making some strides in perhaps finding a way to combat the Khieevi without risking more lives.”

“Is that so?” Liriili demanded. And before anyone could stop her, she translated a version of what Acorna had said to the Niriians. The result of this was that one of them, following Acorna’s glance to where Becker stood beside Nadhari, reached out a muscular arm and hauled Becker into a great crushing hug.

Liriili smirked. “Our allies say the junk man is their hero and surely if he knows a way to fight the Khieevi, he will use it quickly to save what is left of their world.”

Acorna translated to Becker, “They want you to use the methods we have discovered to fight the Khieevi now, Captain, to save the rest of their -world.”

“Okay, okay!” Becker hollered. “Just tell them to let me go! We’ll talk.”

This time Thariinye stepped in to translate, adding his usual flourishes.

The Niriian did not loosen its grip on Becker.

“What did you say?” Aari asked Thariinye. “It’s not working.”

“I told them the captain was a great hero and had already slain many Khieevi and would save their homeworld with the help of the philanthropist Uncle Hafiz.”

“Tell them they have to let Captain Becker go before he can help them,” Acorna suggested.

Thariinye spoke to the Niriians again and the one who held Becker released him with such an enthusiastic clap on the back that the captain staggered into the arms of Nadhari Kando, and stepped on the cat’s tail as he stumbled.

RK rewarded him by opening his leg from kneecap to ankle.

Nadhari patted Becker absently and shoved him gently aside to pick up the cat and croon to it. “Your servant meant no disrespect, sacred feline. Is your magnificent tail broken?” She looked at the nearest Linyaari, -who happened to be Liriili. “Please heal the tail of the sacred temple cat.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne