McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 10, 11

“Donations can be taken here,” Follen went on, combing his hair with his fingers. “I’ll give them some of Desdra’s brew first, but judging from Lord Alessan’s tally, the Hold will be able”—Follen gave a dour snort—“to supply those left here. Do ask Lord Shadder if he can find a few more volunteers. I’m sure we can save many of those with secondary infections if we just have enough nurses. We’ve got to try. This Hold has been devastated.”

K’lon acknowledged that with a slow nod of his head. The desolation and ruin of Ruatha Hall had appalled the relief party. K’lon and three Benden green dragons had conveyed Follen, an apprentice healer, and six volunteers from Benden Hold. The spectacle that greeted the party emerging from between over the Hold was the worst K’lon had seen. The monstrous burial mounds in the river field, the wide circle of chamel fires near the race flats, the abandoned tents built on Gather-stall frames had indicated the magnitude of Ruatha’s attempt to survive. The sad tatters of the gaudy Gather flags, hanging from the upper tiers of the closely shuttered windows, had struck K’lon as grotesque, a mockery of the gaiety that was Gathering in the midst of the tragedy that had befallen the Hold. Bits and pieces of trash skittered across the forlorn dancing square and the roadway while a kettle swung noisily on its tripod over a long-dead fire, its ladle banging in time to gusts of the bitter-cold wind.

“Lady Pendra?” K’lon began.

A quick shake of Pollen’s head made it unnecessary for K’lon to continue. “No, nor any of the daughters he brought to Ruatha Gather. At that, Lord Tolocamp comes out better than Lord Alessan. He’s got but the one sister left.”


“Lord Alessan frets about her. And his runners. More of them survived than guests, I think. You speak to him,” Follen suggested, clapping the blue rider on the shoulder before making off up the dark corridor to the next room.


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


K’lon squared his shoulders. In the last few days, he had learned how to keep his face from showing his emotions, how to sound not exactly cheerful, which would have been offensive, but certainly positive and encouraging. After all, with the vaccine, there was the hope of mitigating the plague and preventing the disease in those not yet infected. He knocked politely at the heavy door but entered without waiting for an acknowledgment.

Lord Alessan was kneeling by a toss-mattress, bathing the face of the occupant. There was another makeshift bed along the wall leading into the sleeping quarters. K’lon suppressed an inadvertent exclamation at the change in the young Lord Holder. Alessan might regain lost weight and his skin its healthy color, but his face would always bear the prematurely deep lines and the resigned expression that he turned toward the blue rider.

“You are many times welcome, K’lon, rider of Rogeth.” Alessan inclined his head in gratitude and then folded the dampened cloth before placing it on the forehead of the man he was tending. “You may tell Master Tirone that, without the invaluable assistance and ingenuity of his harpers, we would be worse off at Ruatha than we are. Tuero here was magnificent. The journeyman healer—what was his name?” Alessan drew a shaky hand across his forehead as if to coax the identity back.


“Strange, I can remember so many names …” Alessan broke off and stared out the window. K’lon knew the Lord Holder could see the burial mounds and wondered if the distraught man meant the names of those who lay beneath the tumbled soil of the mass graves. “It takes you that way, lying in bed, waiting to …” Alessan gave himself a shake and, gripping the top of the table, pulled himself slowly to his feet. “You have brought relief. Follen says that Tuero here, Deefer”—he gestured wearily toward the other bed—“and my sister will recover. He even apologized that he hadn’t more . . • vaccine? Is that what it’s called? Yes, well—”

“Sit down, Lord Alessan—”

“Before I fall down?” Alessan gave a slight smile with his blood-less lips, but he eased himself into the chair, sighing heavily from a weariness that went beyond any physical fatigue.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne