McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 10, 11

That comment startled Sh’gall, but he didn’t look pleased. “I’ve been ill. I’ve been very ill.”

“I sympathize.” Moreta tried not to sound facetious. “Believe me, you’ll be feeling much better by evening.”

“I don’t know about that …” Sh’gall’s voice faded.

“I do! I’ve been through it, too, don’t forget.”

Sh’gall gave her a look of pure loathing, but Moreta could not relent. Some of the burden of continuous Falls had to be removed from S’ligar’s shoulders. Sh’gall was a damn good Leader and his abilities were desperately needed.

“Nerat’s after Tiliek,” she went on. “You’ll be in luck: They can supply ground crews.”

“I didn’t believe Kadith when he said that there hadn’t been any ground crews. Don’t holders realize—”

“The holders realize what this viral epidemic is like a lot more acutely than we do, Sh’gall. Talk to K’lon for a few minutes. He’ll tell you a few hard unpleasant truths.” She stood up. “I’ve a lot to do. Jallora said you must rest today. Tomorrow you can rise. Kadith may, of course, call me if you need anything today.”

“I need nothing from you.” Sh’gall turned away from her and Jerked the sleeping furs around his ears.

Moreta was quite willing to leave him to surly convalescence. She


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


sincerely hoped that he would want to lead his Weyr in three days more than he wanted to indulge his fancied grievances. Leading the consolidated Weyrs was a mighty temptation for a man with Sh’gall’s love of power. She tried to consider him more charitably: He was shocked by the devastation caused by the pandemic and seeking ref-uge from the staggering losses by dwelling on the petty details he could cope with and understand. Like who rose to Fall from where, and how.

She walked down the steps to Leri’s weyr at a fairly rapid pace, an exercise that did not leave her as breathless as it had the day before. She would harness Holth since she could not dissuade Leri from fighting in the queens’ wing though the old woman was very tired. Then Moreta would distill and mix medicines from the Weyr’s dangerously depleted stores. She knew K’lon had been raiding them but hadn’t the heart to object.

“He fainted, did he?” Leri crowed in malicious jubilation. “And he wasn’t satisfied with my decisions during his illness, was he?”

“Was Holth eavesdropping again?”

“She doesn’t need to. I don’t know another reason why you’d have anger spots on your cheeks. Ha!”

“I’ve as much trouble making you listen to reason.” Moreta spoke more tartly than she meant and she could feel her cheeks flush again. “You know you’re overreaching your strength—”

Leri flapped her hand. “I will not forgo the pleasure of flying the queens’ wing. Not while I’m able. And I’m a lot abler today than I have been for Turns!” She sipped from her wineglass.

“Oh?” Moreta eyed the goblet significantly.

“I won’t have any more fellis juice until you’ve brewed it, my dear Moreta,” Leri reminded her with a saccharine smile.

“K’lon said he knew where he could get some dried fruit.”

“Hmmm.” Both women knew that many of K’lon’s supplies probably came from a hold that didn’t need such medicines any more. “Ah well.” Leri lifted her glass in silent homage.

Moreta turned to the harness rack, tears stinging her eyes again. She must stop thinking other family’s empty hold. The memories of that place, shimmering in summer’sunshine, children playing in the big meadow in front of the Hold, old aunties and uncles basking along the stone walls, seesawed with the present empty lifeless dwell ing. Snakes and wild wherries must have …

“Moreta?” Leri’s voice was soft and kind. “Moreta, Holth says K’lon has arrived,” she added in a brisker tone exactly as Orlith told her rider the same news.

“I sometimes think I have more than two ears and one head.”

I don’t have ears, Orlith remarked.

Then K’lon was striding into the weyr, exuding an enormous amount of energy and good spirits. Moreta was suddenly struck by the warm brown tan of his face. Then, as he pulled off his flying helmet, she noticed that his hair was bleached.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne