Myth-ion Improbable by Robert Lynn Asprin

I’d make that decision if Aahz and Tanda didn’t come back, Right now I just needed to make sure Aahz and Tanda could find me when they did get here. This little town was where they had left me; this was where I was going to stay. At least for the immediate future, however long that might be. If Glenda had managed to do something awful to Aahz and Tanda, I would face that problem later. Much later. And somehow make sure Glenda paid for her sins.

With one last look at the empty road, I turned and headed back to Audry’s. At least there I could sit in the window and watch the street without being obvious.

The music was still coming from what looked like a piano, even though the place was empty. The guy behind the bar smiled at me, then frowned when Glenda didn’t follow me in the door.

I decided I needed to have him on my side. I walked up to the bar.

“Has my friend been back here yet?”

“No,” he said. “You ain’t found her?” There was instant worry in his question.

“Haven’t seen her since I left here earlier,” I said. “Been walking the length of your fine town looking for her.”

“I was a wonderin’ what you were doin’,” he said. “Can’t imagine what might have happened to her, though. The full moon is still a few days off, so the round-up couldn’t have taken her. At least not yet.”

I desperately wanted to ask him what the full moon had to do with anything, and what a round-up was, but he said both so matter-of-factly that I knew I would blow my cover if I asked.

“Yeah, couldn’t be that.” I said instead.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert