Pandora’s Redoubt by James Axler

“Good thinking.”

Stubby toes worked in the slime. “Dark night, it’s too slippery. I can’t get a grip.”

Dean hawked and spit, hitting the tiny sliver of steel amid the semidigested military rations.

“Good shot,” Ryan said, watching the door. “Try again.”

“What’s the hurry?” Shard asked, gripping the bars. “We’re here for the night.”

“The sooner we leave, the more distance we can get between us and this bastard pesthole.”

“Got it,” J.B. announced, lifting the pick into view. Groaning with the strain, he raised his leg inch by inch, higher and higher. “Can’t hold on much longer- Shit!”

The lockpick tumbled from his grasp, spinning for the floor. It bounced once and Krysty kicked it gently with her cowboy boot. The steel probe lofted high and landed flat in Jak’s outstretched palm. He wiped it dry on his shirt and tossed it to J.B. The Armorer made the catch easily and started on his manacles. A second later, there was a click and the cuff fell off. Less than a minute later, the other companions were freed.

Removing the cuffs from the end of his chain, Ryan slid the links through the retaining bolt, then wrapped the length around his fist, leaving a good foot dangling loose. Jak and Krysty followed the example. It was a crude bludgeon, but better than nothing.

Dean stumbled to the water hose, refraining from glancing at the hanging corpse, and washed off the vomit with lukewarm water. Doc joined him in the ablutions, then drank deeply in greedy drafts.

Keeping near the walls to avoid the puddles.

Krysty and J.B. hurried to the door. Listening intently, he undid the lock when she gave the okay.

“Hey,” Shard whispered, hope brightening his features. “What about me?”

J.B. checked with Ryan. He nodded, and the Armorer started over to unlock the cell door. “The more the better.”

Shuffling into the dungeon, Shard stood upright

Even in his bare feet, he towered over the tall Doc Tanner.

“Know the way to the armory?” Ryan asked, holding the loose end of the chain to keep it from jangling.


“Where they keep the blasters.”

“Oh, the hack room. But you can’t get in. There are always guards.”

“How many, and how are they armed?” Ryan asked. “Any backup? Vid cams? Booby traps?”

“Tell us everything,” Krysty urged.

THE DOOR SWUNG aside on oiled hinges. Stepping into the hallway, the friends saw that torches on the walls illuminated a hallway. A barred window was deeply set into a thick wall to their left, and a long curving corridor stretched to the right.

“It’s night,” Krysty said, looking out the window. “Stars are out. Close to midnight, I’d say.”

“Good,” Mildred said, scowling. “Maybe most of them will be asleep.”

“Guards work in shifts,” J.B. reminded her. “There’s always somebody on duty.”

“Too bad for him,” Jak said, swinging his heavy chain once around in a deadly circle. It smacked into his palm with a dull thud.

“Why are we in a tower,” Ryan asked, “and not underground?”

“Why no guards?” J.B. asked suspiciously. Jak snorted. “Same reason. Smell.” Doc inhaled and gagged. “By the Three Kennedys, this place stinks worse than an abattoir. No wonder nobody wants sentry duty.”

“Odors rise. Stink up the whole place.”

“No need anyway,” Shard said. “Nobody has ever…you know, before.”

“Escaped,” Ryan said sternly. “The word is escaped. Get used to it”

A plush red carpet ran down the center of the hallway and around the curve out of sight.

Walking carefully between the wall and the carpet, Krysty kept fidgeting. “There’s a bad feel to this place,” she whispered.

“Many have gone to school,” Shard said, shuffling along In his bare feet.

“Stone may be dead, but it holds the screams of the dying.”

“Not feasible,” Doc retorted.

“Foolishness,” Mildred stated.

“Yes,” Krysty said, her hair moving in concert with her consternation. “You’re correct Gaia is here only because of us. This is an unholy place.”

Ryan kept his own counsel on the matter, paying close attention to the possibility of spyholes, or other hidden guards. The rug ended at the top of three flights of stairs, leading down to a large foyer.

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Categories: James Axler