Pandora’s Redoubt by James Axler

“At once, Your Highness,” he said, blanching.

“Certainly. With all due speed.”

Richard grandly gestured with the saber. “Then go.”

“And report to us at sundown,” Amanda said, smiling at the trembling man, “with good news.”

Spinning on a heel, the sec man marched away on trembling legs, his camou fatigues splotchy with sweat stains.

When the lieutenant was far enough away, Richard turned to his sibling. “Do you think he told us the truth?” he asked, testing the edge of his weapon on a thumb. The steel drew a thin line of blood and, satisfied, he sheathed the blade with a flourish.

“I could smell the stink of fear on him,” she answered. “Yes, he told the truth. And was yet brave enough to face us with failure.”

“Does that mean he does not fear us enough?” Richard asked, a tinge of eagerness deepening his voice. “Perhaps we should reorient his attention.”

“Later, my sweet,” she promised, resting a dainty hand on his thick arm. “First, we must find the people who control the tank. With it at our command. nobody could stand before our troops.”

“We could rule the world,” he burbled, “from coast to coast!”

She smiled at the ignorance. “From sea to shining sea.”

“Yes. Yes!” He raised a clenched fist, then lowered it and glanced nervously about the room. “Do you really think Ryan is still here, even if free?”

“Naturally,” the woman said in total conviction.

“He admitted that he was a former ruler. He’ll want the Citadel.”

The deputy ward turned red. “Never! Death is too good for them!” He stood, flourishing his sword. “By Father’s blood they shall all die for his impudence!”

“Rabbit stew,” Amanda said, toying with her pearl necklace.

“What do you mean?” he demanded hotly. “The recipe for rabbit stew, dear brother,” she said, crossing her knees, her gown rising to expose a great deal of creamy thigh. “First, catch the rabbit.”

“Perhaps we should flood all of Novaville with sleep gas and then have the sec men sort the bodies,” he suggested. “Many would die, but how could he escape that!”

“How did he escape this time? Besides, if our guards are unconscious, then who shall do the work? Am I to do a slave’s task?”

He kissed her hand. “No, of course not. But they must not escape!”

“That vehicle is the key to everything we want.”

“I only wish I knew how they locked its doors when they were asleep.”

“Some clockwork mechanism, or a comp.”

Richard snorted. “Bah, comps. Machines that think? Fairy tales for fools and peasants.”

“If you say so, dear brother,” Amanda demurred as a servant refilled her chalice from a silver tureen.

She took a sip and frowned.

“Too sweet,” Amanda said, pouring the brew onto the girls kneeling at her feet. They were drenched to the skin, but ignored the action and made no move to clean themselves. Gushing apologies, the servant hurried off to the kitchen for another bottle.

Turning slightly, Richard glanced at the closed curtains. “Perhaps we should awaken Father and ask his counsel.”

“He’ll be cross,” Amanda spoke quickly. “He hates to be disturbed.”

“Do we have another choice?”

She sat back. “No, we don’t.”

“Captain of the guards,” Richard said loudly.

The little man scurried into view from a curtained alcove. The dogs responded to his passage, but didn’t try to attack him. “Yes, my liege?” he asked, bowing. “How may I serve?”

“Clear the room. My sister and I are going to awaken Father.”

The man clapped twice, and everybody departed quickly, even the see men at the machine-gun nest.

Alone in the great room, the heirs ascended the few steps of the dais to the next level and pulled the cord to part the heavy curtains.

IN RAGGED STAGES, he started to become awake, distorted images swirling around him like a fevered nightmare; the Ranger…the ivy…Leviathan…trap!

As the last wisps of sleep departed, cold adrenaline surged and Ryan came fully awake, scrambling for his rifle. It was nowhere to be found.

Sitting upright, he found himself on a pile of rags forming a crude bed on a bare rock floor. The rest of his group was also nearby on rag beds. None of them appeared to be hurt, or constricted in any way.

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Categories: James Axler