Power Lines by Anne McCaffrey And Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

“This way,” Sean said, gesturing toward the door through which the CIS investigator had recently entered. “It’s a short distance from here but I believe—ah, Johnny, did your copter survive?”

“It did, Sean.” Johnny eyed Sean’s companion. “And it’s even fueled and ready to go.”

“Yana, where’s Clodagh? Sean asked, looking around the busy incident room. Then he noticed orange cats prowling discreetly or observing from the tops of piled cartons. “Never mind. She’ll be there.”

When they reached the outskirts of Kilcoole and Johnny circled the copter to land it close to the warm springs, Coaxtl and Nanook bounded out of the forest to await their descent.

They sat back on their haunches when they saw Phon Tho Anaciliact step down. He turned, slightly startled, then bowed with a touch of reverence in the motion.

“You are messengers?” he asked.

Occasionally that is our function, Nanook said. But we do as we please.

“As your breed always has,” Phon Tho said with another respectful bow.

You may follow us. The way has been cleared.

“Sean, the coo-berry …” Yana said as she saw Phon Tho following the track-cats toward the warm springs.

“Why did you think Clodagh, Sinead, Bunny, and Diego skived out of SpaceBase as fast as they could?” he asked her, taking her hand as he landed lightly on his feet beside her. “Coming, Johnny?”

“Sure am!” Johnny had helped Marmion, Whittaker, and Sally descend from the other side of the packed copter and now they all followed the leaders.

Dried stalks lined the path, but not a single live coo-berry tendril remained. Some might have been killed by Clodagh’s antidote, Yana thought, but the rest seemed to have simply … been swallowed up by the planet’s crust.

Oh well. Anywhere else that would have been incredible, but as always, Petaybee played by its own rules.

The track-cats deftly trotted across the stepping-stones to enter the gap between cliff side and cascade, the CIS arbitrator not a step behind them as they disappeared into the Kilcoole access area.

Mist was already forming by the time all had gathered, for Clodagh, Sinead, Aisling, Bunny, and Diego were waiting in the cave, having cleared the way. Clodagh smiled and gestured for Phon Tho to seat himself nearby, and he immediately assumed the very difficult lotus meditation position, back erect, hands with thumbs and index fingers meeting. Marmion settled herself with Sally and Whittaker. Sean and Yana seated themselves so that they faced Phon Tho.

That gentleman had a good long look at the wondrous colors and forms that were shortly obscured by the thickening mist, A slight smile curved his finely molded lips, and then he closed his eyes.

Sean and Yana, shoulders and thighs touching, experienced an overwhelming sensation of relief and total relaxation, of reassurance and goodwill: a sense of great achievement, although relief was the dominant feeling.

When the mist dissolved at last, leaving the ambient glow of the rocks in their splendidly delicate coloration’s visible, the relief still remained. Then all the participants turned their attention to Phon Tho Anaciliact.

He rose from his lotus position with the special gracefulness of someone well accustomed to such a maneuver and smiled at them.

“This planet is self-aware in a manner I have never before encountered. It is an entity, a being with consciousness, and as such deserves the protection which is my prerogative. While it insists that it is no longer indentured to Intergal, it honors the obligation of life and will redeem itself in due course.” Then he turned to Clodagh. “You are named as one minister to its needs, and you, Sean Shongili, are another.” Then he looked curiously around, first at Sinead, then Bunny, until his glance settled on Yana. “Ah yes, it is you, Colonel Yanaba Maddock, whom I take with me to the headquarters of CIS to verify certain particulars in my report. As soon as communications are repaired, I shall give an interim report to my superiors, but in the meantime, I am authorized to evict the incumbent authority as inimical to the Subject Sentience. You who have lived long on Petaybee are requested to remain. I fear there may be some hardships yet for you to undergo until a proper authority can be framed to deal with such an unusual Sentience and the needs of its inhabitants.” His lips curved with wry humor. “But you are welcome, it would seem,” he said, smiling at Clodagh, Sinead, Aisling, Whittaker, Johnny, and Sean, “For without you, the Sentience would never have become truly aware of its potential.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne