Power Lines by Anne McCaffrey And Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Chapter 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

“And just what is that potential, Messer Anaciliact?” Marmion asked with one of her more radiant smiles.

He gave a shrug, opening his hands. “It is—boundless, it is—unchartable, it is—unfathomable, it is—”

Yana’s pent-up nerves of the last few weeks released in a short guffaw. “I think what Messer Anaciliact is trying to say is, ‘whatever’!”

The Sentience gave a tremor that might have been a laugh but certainly concluded the current interview.

“What songs we’ll make of this, huh, Bunny?” Diego whispered as people turned to file reverently from the cavern. Bunny smiled in agreement, just as a peculiar echo rang through the cavern. It repeated not the last words of Diego’s sentence, nor the first word, but the middle ones. As they turned to listen, the cavern played rainbows on its reflective surfaces and the echo sang back to them. in a voice neither Diego’s nor Bunny’s nor that of any human being they knew, “Songs we’ll make, songs we’ll make …”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne