Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 1, 2

“Most appropriate,” he responded. “Entirely appropriate.”

“And so?”

“Like you, Tmer and Tubble are both under black watch. I understand Tmer is at Jesby, though I believe Jurt has gone to earth somewhere other than Dalgarry.”

“Jurt’s come back?”

He nodded.

“He could be at my mother’s Fortress Gantu,” I mused. “Or, Sawall did have a second stead-the Ways of Anch, at the very Rim.”

Suhuy shrugged.

“I do not know,” he said.

“But why the black watch-for any of us?”

“You went off into Shadow to a fine university,” he said, “and you have dwelled in the Court of Amber, which I would deem highly educational. Therefore, I bid you take thought. Surely, a mind so well honed-“

“I realize the black watch means we face some sort of danger… “

“Of course.”

“… But its nature eludes me. Unless … “


“It has to do with Swayvill’s death. So it must involve some sort of political settlement. But I’ve been away. I don’t know what matters are hot just now.”

He showed me row upon row of worn but still nasty fangs.

“Try the matter of the succession,” he said.

“Okay. Say the Ways of Sawall are supporting one possible successor, Jesby the other, Chanicut the other. Say we’re at each other’s throats over the matter. Say I’ve come back into the middle of a vendetta. So whoever’s giving the orders right now has declared us under watch as a matter of keeping things from getting messy. I appreciate it.”

“Close,” he said, “but it’s already gone further than that.”

I shook my head.

“I give up,” I said.

From somewhere there came up a wailing sound. “Think about it,” he replied, “while I welcome a guest.”

He rose and stepped into the pool, vanishing immediately.

I finished my beer.


It seemed but moments later that a rock to my left shimmered and emitted a bell-like tone. Without conscious intent my attention gathered itself at my ring, which Suhuy had referred to as a spikard. I realized in that instant that I was preparing to use it to defend myself. Interesting, how familiar I felt with it now, how adapted I seemed to have become to it in so short a time. I was on my feet, facing the stone, left hand extended in its direction when Suhuy stepped through the shining place, a taller, darker figure at his rear. A moment later and that figure followed him, emerging into substantiality and shifting from an octopal ape form to that of my brother Mandor, humanized, wearing black as when last I had seen him, though the garments were fresh and of a slightly different cut, his white hair less tousled. He quickly scanned the area about us and gave me a smile.

“I see that all is well,” he stated.

I chuckled as I nodded toward his arm in its sling.

“As well as might be expected,” I replied. “What happened in Amber after I left?”

“No fresh disasters,” he answered. “I stayed only long enough to see whether there was anything I could do to be of assistance. This amounted to a little magical clearing of the vicinity and the summoning of a few planks to lay over holes. Then I begged leave of Random to depart, he granted it, and I came home.”

“A disaster? At Amber?” Suhuy asked.

I nodded.

“There was a confrontation between the Unicorn and the Serpent in the halls of Amber Palace, resulting in considerable damage.”

“What could have occasioned the Serpent’s venturing that far into the realm of Order?”

“It involved what Amber refers to as the Jewel of Judgment, which the Serpent considers its missing eye.”

“I must hear the entire tale.”

I proceeded to tell him of the complicated encounter, leaving out my own later experiences in the Corridor of Mirrors and Brand’s apartments.

While I spoke, Mandor’s gaze drifted to the spikard, to Suhuy, and back.

When he saw that I noted this he smiled.

“So Dworkin is himself once more …?” Suhuy said.

“I didn’t know him before,” I replied. “But he seemed to know what he was about.”

“… And the Queen of Kashfa sees with the Eye of the Serpent.”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger