“I have an idea,” she said with an imp’s grin, “that should make us both feel a whole lot better.”

Lukes slow smile revealed his understanding, his pale eyes were hot with desire that she could read as surely as the more obvious indications. “I will do anything in my power to make you feel better, Joey.” His hands slid up to her shoulders, thumbs drawing lazy circles on her collarbones where the edges of her shirt parted.

“Oh, this is most certainly within your power,” she assured him, shivering. “But don’t think it’s going to be a one-way experience, mister—the idea I have in mind will definitely take two participants.” Suiting action to words, she reached down to touch the most blatant expression of his arousal; he let his breath out in a long sigh as her fingers traced the outline of it through the heavy fabric.

“I want you, Joey,” he breathed. His hands tightened on her arms, his breath coming hard as he looked into her eyes.

She ended her teasing to slide her palms over his hips and up the broad expanse of his back, feeling the vibration of his rapid heartbeat. “And I want you, Luke—as soon as possible.”

He almost crushed her against him then, but his face abruptly lost its intensity as he set her back down.

“But, Joey, your ribs…”

“I’m a fast healer—remember?” She stared challengingly into the glow of his eyes. “That’s what the doctor said. And it so happens that I’m quite sure I won’t feel entirely well again until I’ve had a great deal more exercise. The kind I have in mind requires a certain amount of cooperation from you. I’d rather not waste the time—but if necessary, I’m perfectly willing to convince you that I’m as up to it as you are.”

She dropped her eyes significantly, and whatever resistance Luke had felt obliged to put up fell rapidly by the wayside. With a wordless growl that might almost have been her name, he swept her up in his arms and made for the cabin door, leaving the packs and litter on the ground behind them.

The door was unlocked as he kicked it open, but the cabin was bitterly cold. The temperature had a slightly dampening effect on Joey’s ardor, but it soon became apparent that Luke had matters well in hand. He deposited her on the bed, threw several blankets over her, and disappeared into the adjoining kitchen, where the sounds indicated a very rapid session of fire-building in the cooking stove. Anticipation kept Joey patient as she huddled under the blankets, weariness claimed her in spite of it before Luke came back to waken her with his warm breath and the touch of his mouth on hers.

“Is it warm enough, Joey?” he breathed against her lips. The heat of his body made it impossible to judge, she flung off the blankets and pushed into the solid wall of his chest, savoring the masculine scent of him as her lips found the hollow of his throat.

“Oh yes It’s definitely warm enough.” She felt him shudder as her tongue stroked along the concavity between the tendons of his neck. “In fact, it’s getting so hot that I don’t think we need all these clothes.”

Her fingers suited actions to words, carefully undoing the top button of his shirt. The rough hair of his chest tickled her nose as she kissed the skin revealed. She unbuttoned her way down, trailing kisses until she could tug the tails of his shirt free of his trousers, her palm lightly brushing lower where his body’s reaction was shamelessly evident.

“Joelle,” he gasped, but when he would have returned the attention, she slipped out of his grasp and maneuvered him awkwardly but firmly back down onto the bed. His resistance was token at best, Joey grinned triumphantly and straddled him.

“You see?” She straightened her arms and spread her palms on his chest, sliding them over his burning skin to push the shirt to either side. “The idea is that I can get my exercise without having my ribs crushed. Don’t you think it’s a good one?”

Luke’s expression was answer enough, but he managed a somewhat dazed smile. “An excellent idea. But…”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan