“In any case, this is the last place I have to check,” Joey said at last. “There’s no point in thinking beyond finding it, is there?”

She had not expected an answer, but Luke echoed her words. “No. No point at all.” He leaned over, Joey could smell the intensely masculine odor of his skin and the flannel shirt he wore. “And the other map?”

Joey pulled the smaller map over to the center of the bed. “This one covers the immediate vicinity of the site, you told me before much of the near area to the south is your land. That shouldn’t pose any difficulty.” She didn’t look up at him, remembering all too clearly his threats to keep her from crossing his territory. And what had accompanied those threats. “The most direct routes don’t seem to intersect the Provincial Park on the other side of the mountain—unless you think there’s a better way than the one I’ve marked here.”

Luke’s finger followed the meandering red line she had used to sketch out the path she’d intended to travel. “Miller’s Peak,” he murmured “The best route is close to the one you’ve indicated, and much of it does cross my land.”

Frowning, Joey traced the area immediately south of the mountain, careful not to let her fingers brush his where they touched the map. “I wasn’t sure about this part. I know it’s private, but I haven’t been able to locate the owners. Do you think that’ll be a problem?”

The softest breath of a laugh made her look up at Luke in startlement. His grim-set mouth had relaxed into a wry half-smile. “No, I don’t think that will be a problem. I know the owners of that land, they won’t object if you’re with me.” He offered no further explanation, and Joey shrugged, explanations didn’t matter if it meant one less obstacle to her goal.

“Good. In that case there’s nothing to prevent us from getting this done as quickly as possible.” Joey straightened, feeling a rush of genuine confidence for the first time in many days. Things were finally falling into place.

Luke studied the map for another long moment, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Then he turned to fix her with a hard stare, the brief smile gone, his eyes pale and cold. “Don’t misunderstand, Joey. It’s not a great distance, not as we reckon distance up here. But it’s wild country. The way to Miller’s Peak covers ground from above timberline to heavily forested valleys, all wilderness. No civilization, and no conveniences. We aren’t going to take any chances.” Each word came with measured deliberation. “This will be done in slow, easy steps—and if there’s any chance that you can’t handle it, or if anything at all happens to make it too dangerous, we’re turning around and coming back. Do you understand?”

The brief surge of confidence fled as Joey absorbed Luke’s warning. She tilted her head and set her jaw. “I understand what I came here to do, what I have to do. One way or another, I’ll do it.”

Luke rose to his full height and took a menacing step forward. “Get this straight, Joey. You’ll do exactly what I say at all times. You’ll obey without question, and if I determine that it’s too dangerous to continue, you’ll come back here with me and stay here.” His eyes locked on hers and did not look away, Joey refused to let him see the unsettling and unwelcome effect of his words.

“I told you before, Luke,” she said softly. “I’ll do this with or without you. If you won’t go through with it, I will.”

Joey had become so practiced at reading the language of Luke’s body that she was able to note the faintest vibration in his muscles as he held himself absolutely still. His voice dropped to a whisper. “And I told you, Joey—I won’t have you die in my territory, or come to harm in my care. If you don’t do exactly as I tell you, I’ll see to it that you never get within twenty kilometers of Miller’s Peak.”

Trembling with an inner rage she struggled to conceal, Joey held her ground. “I see. You’re very good with threats, Luke—and if you’re good at anything else, then you’ll do what I hired you to do. Or is it all nothing but empty words?”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan