‘Such is my intention. The barbarian mistreated the daughter of my Emperor. Quite rightly she took her own life. Now, I must take his. It is a question of harmony and balance.’

Chareos looked down at the small warrior, noting the steadiness of his gaze and the proud, stern set of his features.

‘It seems to me, ambassador, that the life of a man like Jungir Khan would not compensate for the loss of Chien-tsu.’

‘A graceful compliment,’ said the Kiatze, surprised. He bowed low. ‘And yet the deed must be done. I will journey with you into the bowels of the earth, and I will wait until the woman is rescued. After that, I shall seek out the Khan.’

Asta Khan led the questors down to the edge of a fissure, a jagged tear in the land’s surface. Kiall leaned over and gazed down into the inky depths.

‘This is the entrance,’ said Asta. ‘Now we climb.’ The old man nimbly dropped to his haunches and slithered over the edge. Kiall shook his head and looked to Chareos.

The Blademaster unbuckled his sword-belt and hung it over his shoulders before bellying down and following the shaman.

‘Wait here, Oshi,’ said Chien-tsu. ‘And if I do not return, take note of the man Chareos. Serve him as you would me. You understand?’

‘Yes, lord,’ answered the servant miserably.

Tanaki and Kiall were the last to begin the dark climb. The hand- and foot-holds were good, and the descent less perilous than first appeared. Asta Khan reached the lowest level, raised his arms, and a soft yellow light glowed on the walls of the cavern.

‘A heavily pregnant woman will not be able to make that climb,’ said Chareos.

‘Nor will she need to,’ Asta told him. ‘I have made preparations.’ Moving to the wall, he reached down behind a jutting rock and lifted a coil of hemp rope. ‘When we have her, we will climb back to the surface and then haul her up.’

Draping the rope over the rock, he set off across the dimly glowing cavern. The others followed him through a honeycomb of tunnels until, after about half an hour, they reached a point where the glowing light did not penetrate.

Asta pointed to the forbidding wall of darkness. ‘You all know what is beyond this point: it is the Void. I shall pass through, with the woman Tanaki and the warrior Chien-tsu. You, Chareos, and your friend, will remain here.’

‘What purpose will that serve?’ asked Chareos.

‘If we are pursued, you will cover our retreat. Many of them will be killed in the Void, but others might get through. Also, much could go wrong for us beyond this barrier. You will be able to hear us – and give us aid if necessary.’

‘You said there was no Silver Pathway,’ said Kiall. ‘How then will you cross safely?’

‘I am not without power, child,’ snapped Asta. ‘But all life is perilously fragile. A man cannot live without danger, no matter how much he may desire it.’ He turned to Chien and Tanaki. ‘Draw your swords and be ready to use them.’

Kiall touched Tanaki’s arm. ‘Be careful,’ he said, know­ing the words were ludicrous but unable to find others. She smiled, leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

‘Now stand close to me,’ ordered Asta, ‘placing your hands on my shoulders.’ Chien stood on the shaman’s left, Tanaki on his right. Slowly they moved into the darkness.

Once inside, a circle of fire leapt around them like a wall. The heat was incredible and the light burned at their eyes.

‘I can hold this for moments only,’ said Asta. ‘Be ready!’ He began to run, the others loping alongside him. The circle of fire remained constantly with them, no matter their speed.

From beyond the silent flames came the sounds of pad­ding feet, talons on stone and the chilling cries of hunting beasts. Still Asta ran on, seemingly tireless.

The flames grew thinner and Tanaki began to see shape­less forms beyond the fire, keeping pace with them. When she glanced at Chien his dark eyes met her gaze and he gave a tight smile.

A scaled arm lashed at the flames. The skin shrivelled and a ghastly scream sounded.

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Categories: David Gemmell