‘Be careful in her company. She has killed before, and will kill again.’

‘I will be careful. But she . . . disturbs me.’

He felt Okas drift from him and returned to the central square. The auction platform was large, supported by six piers of round stone. He pictured Ravenna standing upon it, surrounded by Nadir men ogling her, desiring her. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine her. But all he could see were the eyes of Tanaki, wide and slanted.

A man tapped his shoulder, making him jump.

‘I thought it was you,’ said Chellin. For a moment Kiall did not recognise the stocky warrior, then he smiled.

‘You are a long way from the mountains, Chellin. I am pleased to see you made it safely.’

The man sat down on a bench seat and scratched at his black and silver beard. ‘It wasn’t easy. You came a long way. How are your friends?’

‘Alive,’ answered Kiall.

‘No mean feat, considering the number of men sent out to kill them.’

‘I’m glad you were not with them,’ said Kiall.

‘I was. We got back this morning. Still, with luck you’ll sort out your difference with the Princess and we won’t have to meet on a battlefield.’

The Princess?’

‘Tanaki. Did you not know she was Nadir royalty?’

‘No, I did not.’

‘She’s the youngest child of Tenaka Khan.’

‘What is she doing here?’ asked Kiall, amazed.

Chellin laughed. ‘You don’t know much about the Nadir, do you? To them women are nothing, worth less than horses. Tanaki had some sort of falling out with her brother, Jungir; he had her banished here.’

‘She is very beautiful,’ said Kiall.

‘She is that – and the most desirable piece I ever saw. A man could die happy if he bedded her.’

Kiall reddened and cleared his throat. ‘Where will you go from here?” he asked.

Chellin shrugged. ‘Who knows? North again. Maybe not. I’m tired of this life, Kiall. I may head south, to Drenai lands. Buy a farm, raise a family.’

‘And have raiders descend on you to steal your daughters?’

Chellin nodded and sighed. ‘Yes. Like all dreams, it doesn’t bear close examination. I hope matters work well with you and the Princess. I like you; I hope they don’t ask me to kill you.’ Chellin rose and wandered away but Kiall sat where he was for another hour. Then a warrior came seeking him.

‘You are wanted,’ said the man. Kiall stood and fol­lowed him back to the long hall.

Tanaki waited, as before, on the divan. She was dressed now in a short tunic of white linen, her legs and feet bare. She wore no jewellery or ornament, save for the silver buckle on her wide black belt.

As he approached she rose. ‘Welcome to my hearth, Kiall. Sit and talk with me.’

‘What would you have me say, lady?’

‘Very little. Just give me a compelling reason why I should not have you killed.’

‘Do you kill for no reason?’ he asked.

‘Sometimes,’ she told him. ‘Is that so surprising?’

‘I am becoming inured to surprises, Princess. Tell me, will you help me find Ravenna?’

She took his hand and led him to the divan, sitting beside him with her arm resting on his shoulder. ‘I am not sure that I will. You know I sent men out to kill you?’

‘Yes,’ he whispered, aware of her breath warm on his cheek and neck.

‘I did that because I heard that a group of heroes was riding out to revenge a raid. I thought you were coming to kill me.’

‘That was never our intention.’

‘And then I find a tall, handsome young innocent, seek­ing a woman who does not care for him. This man intrigues me.’ Her lips touched his neck and her right hand moved across his chest, sliding down over the tense muscles of his stomach. His face felt hot, his breathing shallow. ‘And I wondered,’ she went on, her voice low and dreamy, ‘how it was that a man who has never known love could risk so much.’ Her hand slid lower.

His fingers clamped to her wrist. ‘Do not toy with me, lady,’ he whispered, turning in towards her. ‘You know that I find your beauty . . . irresistible. But I have little . . . self-worth as it is. Just tell me where Ravenna is – and let me leave you.’

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Categories: David Gemmell