Rama 4 – Rama Revealed by Arthur C. Clark

Nicole could not catch her breath. Dr. Blue could see the strain on her face. “I’ll never make it,” Nicole said. She clutched the octospider with all the strength she had remaining. “You must go see the Chief Optimizer without me,” she said. “As my friend. Ask her—no, beg her to do something for Katie and Robert. Tell her it’s a personal favor. … For me.”

“I’ll do what I can,” Dr. Blue replied. “But first we must take you back.”

“Mother, ” Nicole heard Patrick yell behind her. He was running down the street toward them. When he reached them, Dr. Blue boarded the transport. Nicole Jooked up at the dome just as a helicopter blade, wrapped in burning foliage, fell out of the sky and crashed in the distance.



atie dropped the syringe in Uhe sink and looked at herself in the mirror. “There,” she said out loud, “that’s much better. I’m not trembling anymore.” She was wearing the same dress she had worn to her father’s hearing. Katie had made that decision also the week before, when she had told Franz what she was planning to do.

She turned around, watching her reflection critically. What is that swelling on my forearm? she wondered. Katie had not noticed it before. On her right arm, halfway between her elbow and her wrist, there was a lump the size of a golf ball. She rubbed it. The swelling felt tender when she pressed it, but it neither hurt nor itched unless she touched it directly.

Katie shrugged and walked into her living room. The papers she had prepared were lying on the coffee table. She smoked a cigarette while she organized the document. Then she placed the papers in a large envelope.

The phone call from Nakamura’s office had come that



morning. The sweet female voice had told Katie that Nakamura could see her at five o’clock in the afternoon. When she had put down the phone, Katie had hardly been able to contain herself. She had almost given up hope that she would be able to see him at all. Three days earlier, when she had called to make an appointment “to talk about their mutual business,” Nakamura’s receptionist had told her that he was extremely busy with the war effort and was not scheduling unrelated meetings.

Katie checked her watch again. It was fifteen minutes until five. To walk from her apartment to the palace would take ten minutes. She picked up the envelope and opened the door to her apartment.

The wait was destroying her self-confidence. It was already six o’clock and Katie had not even been admitted yet to the inner sanctum, the Japanese part of the palace where Nakamura worked and lived. Twice she had gone to the rest room, both times inquiring on her way back to her seat if the wait would be much longer. The girl at the desk next to the door had twice responded with a vague, unknowing gesture.

Katie was struggling with herself. The kokomo was starting to wear off, and she was having doubts. While smoking a cigarette in the rest room, she had tried to forget her anxieties by thinking about Franz. She remembered the last time that they had made love. His eyes had been heavy with sadness when he had departed. He does love me, Katie thought, in his own way.

The Japanese girl was standing at the door. “You may go

in now,” she said. Katie crossed back through the waiting

room and entered the main part of the palace. She took off

her shoes, placed them on a shelf, and walked on the tatami

in her stocking feet. An escort, a policewoman named

Marge, greeted her and instructed Katie to follow her.

Clutching her envelope of papers in her hand, Katie walked

‘behind the policewoman for ten or fifteen meters until a

.screen opened on their right. “Please go in,” Marge said.

: Another policewoman, Oriental but not Japanese, was





waiting in the room. She was wearing a gun in a holster on her hip. “Security around Nakamura-san is especially tight right now,” Marge explained. “Please take off all your clothes and jewelry.”

“All my clothes?” Katie asked. “Even my panties?”

“Everything,” the other woman said.

Her clothes were all folded neatly and placed in a basket marked with her name. The jewelry went into a special box. While Katie was naked, Marge checked her everywhere, including her private parts. She even inspected the inside of Katie’s mouth, holding her tongue depressed for almost thirty seconds. Katie was then handed a blue and white yukata and a pair of Japanese slippers. “You may now go with Bangorn to the last waiting room,” Marge said.

Katie picked up her envelope and started to leave. The Oriental policewoman stopped her. “Everything stays here,” she said.

“But this is a business meeting,” Katie protested. “What I want to discuss with Mr. Nakamura is in this envelope.”

The two women opened the envelope and took out the papers. They held each individual paper up to the light and then passed them, one at a time, through some kind of screening machine. Finally they replaced the papers in the envelope and the woman named Bangorn motioned for Katie to follow her.

The final waiting room was another fifteen meters down the hall. Again Katie had to sit and wait. She could feel herself starting to shake. It isn ‘t going to work, she said to herself. What a fool I am!

As she sat, Katie began to yearn desperately for some kokomo. She could not recall ever wanting anything so much. Fearful that she was going to start crying, she asked Bangorn if she could go again to the rest room. The policewoman accompanied her. At least Katie was able to wash her face.

When the two of them returned, Nakamura himself was standing in the waiting room. Katie thought her he^art was going to jump out of her chest. Nakamura was wearing a yellow and black kimono covered with bright flowers.

“Hello, Katie,” he said with a leering smile. “I have not seen you for a long time.”

“Hello, Toshio-san,” she replied, her voice breaking.

Katie followed him into his office and sat down, cross-legged, at a low table. Nakamura was opposite her. Bangorn stayed in the room, standing unobtrusively over in a corner. Oh, no, Katie said to herself when the policewoman did not leave. What do 1 do now?

“I thought,” Katie said to Nakamura a moment later,

trying to sound normal, “that a report on our business was

long overdue.” She pulled the papers out of the envelope.

“Despite the poor economy, we have managed to increase

our profits by ten percent. In this summary sheet,” she said,

handing a page to Nakamura, “you can see that although the

Vegas revenues are down, the local take, where the prices

are cheaper, is up substantially. Even in San Miguel—”

> He glanced at the paper quickly and then put it down on

the table. “You don’t need to show me any data,” Nakamura

. said. “Everyone knows what a superb businesswoman you

”. are.” He reached over to his left and retrieved a large

black-lacquer box. “Your performance has been outstand-

, .ing,” he said. “If times were not so tough, you would

definitely merit a large raise. As it is, I would like to offer

you this gift as a token of my appreciation.”

Nakamura pushed the box across the table to Katie.

– “Thank you,” she said, admiring the mountains and snow inlaid on its top. It was indeed beautiful.

“Open it,” he said, reaching for one of the wrapped candies in the bowl on the table.

Katie opened the box. It was full of kokomo. A genuine

-,. smile of delight crossed her face. ‘Thank you, Toshio-san,” she said. “You are most generous.”

. “You may sample it,” he said, now grinning. “You won’t insult me.”

Katie put a small amount of the powder on her tongue.

.: It was top quality. Without hesitation, she pinched a chunk


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Categories: Clarke, Arthur C.