Rama 4 – Rama Revealed by Arthur C. Clark

That’s right, Nicole said to herself. The octospider attack wiped out everyone over forty or so. I am the only old person left.

The Eagle had stopped talking for a moment. When Nicole looked at the alien again, his mesmerizing eyes seemed to be expressing an emotion. “Besides, you are special to us. You have played a key role in this endqavor.”

Is it possible, Nicole thought suddenly, still staring at the Eagle’s fascinating eyes, that this electronic creature actu-

ally has feelings? Could Richard have been right when he insisted that there are no aspects of our humanity that could not be eventually duplicated by engineering?

“We waited as long as we could to wake you,” the Eagle

continued, “to minimize the length of time that you would

have to spend in less than ideal conditions. Now, however,

we are preparing to enter another phase of our operations.

As you can see, this room was emptied, except for you, long

ago. In another eight to ten days we will begin dismantling

the walls. By then you should have recuperated enough.”

Nicole asked again about her family and friends. “As 1

told you before,” the Eagle said, “everyone survived the

long sleep. However, the adjustment to living in what your

friend Max calls the Grand Hotel has not been easy for

anybody. All of those who were with you in the Emerald

. another, more highly regulated area of the spacecraft. Robert was moved first. He went into a severe depression shortly after he awakened from the long sleep and was never able to break out of it. Unfortunately, he died about four months ago. Galileo is all right physically, although his antisocial behavior has continued.”

Nicole felt a deep sorrow upon hearing the news of Robert’s death. She was sad for Nikki, who had never really i had a chance to know her father, and for her daughter Ellie. .-..- Nicole had hoped that the marriage . . . She shook her & head. Nicole admitted to herself that she had never really understood Robert. He was so complex, she thought. Talented, dedicated, yet surprisingly dysjunctional on a personal level.

“I guess,” she commented to the Eagle, “that the energy



I expended to save Katie and Robert from the octospider agents was wasted effort.”

“Not really,” the Eagle replied simply. “It was impojtant to you at the time.”

Nicole smiled and thought how wise the Eagle was in his understanding of humans. She stifled a yawn.

“Let me help you back to bed,” he said. “You’ve been up long enough for the first time.”

Nicole was very pleased with herself. She had finally managed a full lap around the perimeter of the room without stopping.

“Bravo,” the Eagle said, coming up beside her. “You are making fabulous progress. We never thought that you would walk so well in such a short period of time.”

“I definitely need some water now,” she said, smiling. ‘This old body is sweating furiously.”

The Eagle retrieved a glass of water from the table. When she was finished drinking, Nicole turned to her alien friend. “Now are you going to keep your part of the bargain?” she said. “Do you have a mirror and a change of clothes in that suitcase over there?”

“Yes, I do,” the Eagle answered. “And I even brought the cosmetics you requested. But first I want to examine you to see how your heart responded to the exercise.” He held a small black device in front of her and watched some markings appear on the tiny screen. ‘That’s good,” he said. “No, that’s excellent. … No irregularities at all. Just an indication that your heart is working very hard, which would be expected in a human your age.”

“May I see that?” Nicole asked, pointing at the monitoring device. The Eagle handed it to her. “I suppose,” she said, “that this thing is receiving signals from inside my body … but what exactly are all those squiggles and strange symbols on the screen?”

“You have over a thousand tiny probes inside your body, more than half in the cardiac region. They not only measure the critical performance of your heart and other organs, but also regulate such important parameters as blood flow and



oxygen allocation. Some of the probes even supplement the normal biological functions. What you are seeing on the screen is summary data from the time interval when you were exercising. It has been compressed and telemetered by the processor inside you.”

Nicole frowned. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked. Somehow the idea of all that electronic junk inside me is not very comforting.”

“The probes are not really electronic,” the Eagle said, “at least not in the way you humans use the word. And they are entirely necessary at this point in your life. If they weren’t there, you wouldn’t survive even one day.”

Nicole stared at the Eagle. “Why didn’t you just let me die?” she asked. “Do you have some purpose for me yet that justifies all this effort? Some function I must still perform?”

“Perhaps,” the Eagle said. “But perhaps we thought you might like to see your family and friends one more time.”

“I find it difficult to believe,” Nicole said, “that my desires play any significant role in your hierarchy of values.”

The Eagle did not respond. He walked over to the suitcase, which was sitting on the floor beside the table, and returned with a mirror, a damp cloth, a simple blue dress, and a cosmetics bag. Nicole slipped out of the white nightgown she had been wearing, wiped herself all over with the cloth, and put on the dress. She took a deep breath as the Eagle handed her the mirror. “I’m not certain I’m ready for this,” she said with a wan smile.

Nicole would not have recognized the face in the mirror if she had not mentally prepared herself first. Her face looked to her like a crazy quilt of bags and wrinkles. All her hair, including her eyebrows and eyelashes, was now either white or gray. Nicole’s first impulse was to cry, but she gamely fought back the tears.

She searched the features in the mirror, guided by her memory, for vestiges of the lovely young woman she had been. Here and there she could see the outlines of what was once considered to be a beautiful face, but the eye had to





know where to look. Her heart ached as Nicole suddenly remembered a simple incident years earlier, when she was a teenager walking along a country road with her father’near her home in Beauvois. An old woman using a cane had been coming toward them and Nicole had asked her father if they could cross over the road to avoid her.

“Why?” her father had asked.

“Because I don’t want to see her up close,” Nicole had said. “She is old and ugly. She makes me shiver.”

“You too will be old someday,” her father had answered, refusing to cross the road.

/ am old and ugly, Nicole thought. / even make myself shiver. She handed the mirror back to the Eagle. “You warned me,” she said wistfully. “Maybe I should have listened.”

“Of course you’re shocked,” the Eagle said. “You have not seen yourself for sixteen years. Most humans have a difficult time with the aging process even if they follow it day by day.” He extended the cosmetics bag in her direction.

“No, thank you,” Nicole said despondently, refusing the bag. “It’s a hopeless situation. Not even Michelangelo could do anything with this face.”

“Suit yourself,” the Eagle said. “But I thought you might want to use the cosmetics before your visitor arrives.”

“A visitor!” Nicole said, with both alarm and excitement. “I’m going to have a visitor? Who is it?” She reached out for the mirror and the cosmetics.

“I think I’ll leave it as a surprise,” the Eagle said. “Your visitor will be here in a few minutes.”

Nicole put on lipstick and powder, brushed her gray hair, and straightened out and plucked her eyebrows. When she was finished, she cast a disapproving look in the mirror. “That’s about all I can do,” she said, as much to herself as to the Eagle.

A few minutes later the Eagle opened the door on the other side of the room and went outside. When he returned mere was an octospider with him. **

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Categories: Clarke, Arthur C.