Emotional infants, ethical morons-the left hand must know what the right hand doeth, and the heart is responsible for both. I answered almost at once, ‘Master Peter, I am ready to serve . . . that way or whatever the brethren decide I can do best.’

‘Good man!’ He relaxed a bit and went on, ‘Between ourselves, it’s the job I offer to every new recruit when I’m not sure that he understands that this is not a ball game, but a cause to which he must commit himself without any reservation-his life, his fortune, his sacred honor. We have no place for the man who wants to give orders but who won’t clean the privy.’

I felt relieved. ‘Then you weren’t seriously picking me out for assassination work?’

‘Eh? Usually I am not; few men are fitted for it. But in your case I am quite serious, because we already know that you have an indispensable and not very common qualification.’

I tried to think what was so special about me and could not. ‘Sir?’

‘Well you’ll get caught eventually, of course. Three point seven accomplished missions per assassin is what we are running now-a good score, but we ought to do better as suitable men are so scarce. But with you we know already that when they do catch you and put you to the Question, you won’t crack.’

My face must have shown my feelings. The Question? Again? I was still half dead from the first time. Master Peter said kindly, ‘Of course you won’t have to go up against it again to the fullest. We always protect assassins; we fix it so that they can suicide easily. You don’t need to worry.’

Believe me, having once suffered the Question, his assurance to me did not seem calloused: it was a real comfort. ‘How, sir?’

‘Eh? A dozen different ways. Our surgeons can booby-trap you so that you can die at will in the tightest bonds anyone can put on you. There is the old hollow tooth, of course, with cyanide or such-but the proctors are getting wise to that; sometimes they gag a man’s mouth open. But there are many ways. For example-‘ He stretched his arms wide and bent them back, but not far. ‘-if I were to cramp my arms backward in a position a man never assumes without very considerable conscious effort, a little capsule between my shoulder blades would rupture and I would make my last report. Yet you could pound me on the back all day and never break it.’

‘Uh. . . were you an assassin, sir?’

‘Me? How could I be, in my job? But all of our people in positions of maximum exposure are loaded-it’s the least we can do for them. Besides that, I’ve got a bomb in my belly-He patted his paunch. ‘-that will take a roomful of people with me if it seems desirable.’

‘I could have used one of those last week,’ I said emphatically.

‘You’re here, aren’t you? Don’t despise your luck. If you need one, you’ll have one.’ He stood up and prepared to leave. ‘In the meantime, don’t give any special thought to being selected as an executioner. The psychological evaluation group will still have to pass on you and they are hard men to convince.’

Despite his words, I did think about it, of course, though it ceased to worry me. I was put on light duty shortly thereafter and spent several days reading proof on the Iconoclast, a smug, mildly critical, little reform-from-within paper which the Cabal used to pave the way for its field missionaries. It was a ‘Yes, but-‘ paper, overtly loyal to the Prophet but just the sort of thing to arouse doubt in the minds of the stiff-necked and intolerant. Its acid lay in how a thing was said, not what was said. I had even seen copies of it around the Palace.

I also got acquainted with some of the ramifications of the amazing underground headquarters at New Jerusalem. The department store above us was owned by a Past Grand Master and was an extremely important means of liaison with the outside world. The shelves of the store fed us and clothed us; through taps into the visiphone circuits serving the store commercially we had connection with the outside and could even put in transcontinental calls if the message could be phrased or coded to allow for the likelihood that it would be monitored. The owner’s delivery trucks could be used to spirit fugitives to or from our clandestine quarters-I learned that Judith started her flight that way, with a bill of lading that described her as gum boots. The store’s manifold commercial operations were a complete and plausible blind for our extensive operations.

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Categories: Heinlein, Robert