That was only the beginning; now I had to learn to act like Reeves-his walk, his gestures, the way he laughed, his table manners. I doubt if I could ever make a living as an actor-my coach certainly agreed and said so.

‘Confound it, Lyle, won’t you ever get it? Your life will depend on it. You’ve got to learn!’

~But I thought I was acting just like Reeves,’ I objected feebly.

‘Acting! That’s just the trouble-you were acting like Reeves. And it was as phony as a false leg. You’ve got to be Reeves. Try it. Worry about your sales record, think about your last trip, think about commissions and discounts and quotas. Go on. Try it.’

Every spare minute I studied the current details of Reeves’s business affairs, for I would actually have to sell textiles in his place. I had to learn a whole trade and I discovered that there was more to it than carrying around samples and letting a retailer make his choice-and I didn’t know a denier from a continuous fibre. Before I finished I acquired a new respect for businessmen. I had always thought that buying and selling was simple; I was wrong again. I had to use the old phonographic tutor stunt and wear earphones to bed. I never sleep well that way and would wake up each morning with a splitting head and with my ears, still tender from the operations, sore as two boils.

But it worked, all of it. In two short weeks I was Adam Reeves, commercial traveler, right down to my thoughts.


‘Lyle,’ Master Peter van Eyck said to me, ‘Reeves is due to catch the Comet for Cincinnati this afternoon. Are you ready?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Good. Repeat your orders.’

‘Sir, I am to carry out my-I mean his-selling schedule from here to the coast. I check in at the San Francisco office of United Textiles, then proceed on his vacation. In Phoenix, Arizona, I am to attend church services at the South Side Tabernacle. I am to hang around afterwards and thank the priest for the inspiration of his sermon; in the course of which I am to reveal myself to him by means of the accustomed usages of our order. He will enable me to reach General Headquarters.’

‘All correct. In addition to transferring you for duty, I am going to make use of you as a messenger. Report to the psychodynamics laboratory at once. The chief technician will instruct you.’

‘Very well, sir.’

The lodge Master got up and came around his desk to me. ‘Good-by, John. Watch yourself, and may the Great Architect help you.’

‘Thank you, sir. Uh, is this message I am to carry important?’

‘Quite important.’

He let it go at that and I was a bit irked; it seemed silly to be mysterious about it when I would find out 5ust what it was in a few minutes. But I was mistaken. At the laboratory I was told to sit down, relax, and prepare myself for hypnosis.

I came out of it with the pleasant glow that usually follows hypnosis. ‘That’s all,’ I was told. ‘Carry out your orders.’

‘But how about the message I was to carry?’

‘You have it.’

‘Hypnotically? But if I’m arrested, I’ll be at the mercy of any psychoinvestigator who examines me!’

‘No, you won’t. It’s keyed to a pair of signal words; you can’t possibly remember until they are spoken to you. The chance that an examiner would hit on both words and in the right order is negligible. You can’t give the message away, awake or asleep.’

I had rather expected to be ‘loaded’ for suicide, if I was to carry an important message-though I hadn’t seen how they could do it at the last minute, other than supplying me with a pill, I mean, a method almost useless if the policeman knows his business. But if I couldn’t give away the message I carried, then I preferred to take my chances; I didn’t ask for poison. I’m not the suiciding type anyhow-when Satan comes for me, he’ll have to drag me…

The rocket port serving New Jerusalem is easier to get to than is the case at most of the older cities. There was a tube station right across from the department store that hid our headquarters. I simply walked out of the store, took the bridge across the street, found the tube stall marked ‘Rocket Port’, waited for an empty cartridge, and strapped myself and my luggage in. The attendant sealed me and almost at once I was at the port.

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Categories: Heinlein, Robert