Robert Asprin – Thieves World 09 – Blood Ties

Jubal caught himself before he said more and inwardly cursed his lack of control. The purpose of this interview was not to show Chenaya how to get him to lose his temper. Such information could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Fortunately, the girl seemed more taken aback than alerted by his outburst.

“Please,” she said in an uncomfortably contrite tone, “I don’t wish to insult you or to fight with you. I… I made it known that I wanted to meet with you because I hoped we might work together.”

This was more to Jubal’s liking. He had anticipated this request when he first heard that she was trying to get in touch with him.

“Unlikely,” he replied grimly. “I’ve had you watched since you arrived in town, as I do anyone who has the potential of influencing or disrupting the balance of power in this town. So far, your actions have been those of a spoiled brat: alternating malicious pranks with tantrums. I have heard of nothing that would give you value as an ally.”

“Then why did you have me brought here?”

Jubal shrugged. “When I heard of your predicament, I thought perhaps the sudden demonstration of your vulnerability might shock you into thinking. Now that you’re here, however, I see that you’re still too full of yourself to listen to anyone else, or even talk to them instead of at them. Your value remains zero, however great the potential.”

“But I have much to offer….”

“I have no need of a slut or a horse thief. The streets are full of them, and most are better at it and smarter about plying their trade than you seem to be.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert