Robert Asprin – Thieves World 09 – Blood Ties

‘favored of the gods’ is only being able to take a woman by force. At least, that’s the excuse he gives for his conduct. What excuse do you have for yours?”

Jubal had time as he spoke to reflect on the irony of him defending Tempus.

“Forgive me if I seem to harp on my criticism of arrogance,” he said, “but I firmly believe it’s the most dangerous characteristic one can have in Sanctuary.

You asked a moment ago of my experience with magic. Well, arrogance is something

I am very experienced with; I’ve had to learn of its dangers the hard way.”

Unbidden, images from the past rose up in his mind. Images that usually confined themselves to his dreams.

“Once, before your cousin came to town, I and my hirelings ran Sanctuary. The governor and the garrison were corrupt and ineffectual, and the power was there to be had by anyone strong enough to seize it and hold it. We were strong enough, but it led us, and me in particular, into believing that we were invincible. Consequently, we swaggered through the streets, flaunting and occasionally abusing our power, eager to have everyone acknowledge our strength.

The result was that when Tempus arrived in town, we were the obvious targets, first for his individual attention, and then for the Stepsons when they joined him. My holdings were seized, my force scattered, and I was left with the wounds that cost me so much to have healed. All that from one man, the same one you are so willing to provoke with petty games.”

“Yet you respect Tempus and are willing to ally with him?” Chenaya wondered out loud.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert