Sara Douglass – The Serpent Bride – DarkGlass Mountain Book 1

“What is this then, StarDrifter? Wings?”

StarDrifter sobered. “You know how—”

“How you lost them. Yes. Gods, StarDrifter, no one knew what had become of you.

Where you had gone. We had lost Zenith, only to rediscover her in the world beyond death, but

you…No one…oh, sweet stars in heaven, I can hardly believe you are here. I saw you this

morning, and thought you an apparition…and this evening, when Maximilian and Ravenna


“Please,” interrupted Serge, “what of Maximilian? Is he safe?”

“Yes,” said Ravenna, “for the moment I believe he is safe enough in body if not well in

spirit or heart, Serge. Ishbel has abandoned her wifely vows for the Tyrant of Isembaard, and the

daughter she bore Maxel died at birth. Murdered, I believe, by the maniac Ba”al”uz.”

His hand still on StarDrifter”s shoulder, Axis turned to face the rest of the group.

“We all have much news to share,” he said, “and we need somewhere better than this to

share it. Isaiah, the tyrant, has offered Maximilian and all of you shelter within his palace. He—”

“Oh, come now!” said Doyle. “Surely you don”t expect us to believe that!”

“Isaiah is not the great evil warlord of the south,” Axis said. “He is a good man. And I

think you will be no more imprisoned within his palace than you are”—he glanced about the

dismal bakery cellar—“here, and far more comfortable, although you may have to relinquish

your weapons at the door.”

Serge”s and Doyle”s hands both tightened reflexively about the hilts of their swords.

“And I shall return them to you within your quarters as soon as I might,” Axis said. “A


Serge and Doyle exchanged a nod. “A deal,” Doyle said.

“So then,” said Axis, “now that we”ve sorted out the difficulties of accommodation,

perhaps some introductions?”

“Ah, I am sorry,” said StarDrifter. “Where are my manners? Serge and Doyle,” he said,

nodding in turn at each man, “are Maxel”s men.”

“And former assassins, I hear,” said Axis, stepping forward to take each man”s hand.

“Please don”t mention that to Isaiah. He has just survived an assassination attempt, by an


“What?” said StarDrifter.

“StarDrifter, I will talk to you about it later,” said Axis. “Serge, Doyle, your former

employ shall have to remain quiet for the moment, I think. Agreed?”

They both nodded. “Agreed.”

“This is Venetia,” said StarDrifter. “Ravenna”s mother.”

Axis smiled at her. She was as lovely as her daughter, with the same coloring and strange

gray eyes, but whereas Ravenna”s beauty was that of the freshness of youth, Venetia”s was that

of the mature woman. Axis felt immediately attracted to her—experience was always the more

seductive beauty than youthful freshness.

And when combined with her obvious power…

As with Serge and Doyle, Axis took Venetia”s hand, but did not immediately let go of it.

“I have never met such as you and your daughter,” he said quietly, holding her level gaze.

“Maximilian is a lucky man to have you as his allies.”

“He is a man who attracts such luck,” said Venetia. She started to pull her hand from

Axis”, but he tightened his grip fractionally, keeping it trapped a moment longer.

“I shall have to ask him his secret,” Axis said, then let Venetia”s hand go with a slight

widening of his smile, and turned to where Salome stood.

“You are Salome,” he said, taking her hand as he had everyone else”s. “An Icarii…and

also growing wings, I see. There is a story here.”

Salome said nothing, looking uncomfortable.

Axis looked to his father.

StarDrifter looked even more uncomfortable.

“Salome is a SunSoar, Axis,” Venetia said, irritated by all the hesitation, “and now

carrying StarDrifter”s child. The SunSoars are to be congratulated, I think, for their skill in

rekindling their dynasty. The rest I should leave for StarDrifter or Salome to explain to you.”

Axis was aware he was gaping unbecomingly, but for the moment he could do little else.

The instant Venetia had said Salome was a SunSoar he had recognized it in her face. But how?

Whose child was she?

StarDrifter had come over and gently disengaged Salome”s hand from Axis”. “We have a

great deal to share, Axis,” he said softly, “but as you said, this is not the place to do it.”

Axis finally managed to regain his composure, and turned to Salome fully.

“Have you been welcomed into the House of SunSoar, Salome?”

She frowned, flickering a glance at StarDrifter.

“No,” she said, “what do you mean?”

“Although my father has very obviously been an attentive man, Salome,” said Axis, “he

has also been somewhat neglectful of his duties.” He gave a little shrug, remembering how he

had shunned his son DragonStar for far too long. “As we have all been, from time to time.”

He stepped closer to Salome, placing both of his hands on her shoulders.

“These are words, Salome, that are usually spoken to a newborn baby, as StarDrifter and

myself, and you, too, will speak them to the child you are carrying at his birth. But I sense you

have had a difficult life, and have only come recently into your heritage, and I think you need to

hear these words very much indeed.”

He leaned forward, kissing her softly on the forehead.

“Welcome, Salome, into the House of SunSoar and into my heart. My name is Axis

SunSoar, and I am your kinsman. Sing well and fly high, and”—here Axis hesitated, wondering

whether he should speak redundant words, then quickly revised the traditional greeting—“may

all of creation work to ensure that one day your feet will tread the path of the Star Dance.”

But still, he thought, remembering the lifeless glass pyramid he still had in his

safekeeping, there is hope that one day you, as all Icarii, may set foot once more on the path of the Star Dance.


Sakkuth, Isembaard

The palace chamberlain met Maximilian as he strode out of the room where he”d talked

with Ishbel, informing him that Axis and Ravenna had gone to fetch the rest of the party and they

were to be accommodated with all honor in Isaiah”s palace.

Maximilian was so angry, so hurt, and so overwrought at that moment he couldn”t have

cared less had the palace chamberlain informed him he was to be escorted to the dungeons, so

he”d simply followed the man wordlessly.

The chamberlain led him to a door, saying that his apartment lay beyond it, and

Maximilian had just laid a hand to the door handle when a voice spoke.


Maximilian realized he was going to have to wait a little while yet for the peace he

craved. He turned slightly.

Isaiah stood, arms folded, leaning in the frame of another doorway a few paces down the


He hadn”t been there when Maximilian had walked past a moment ago.

“Isaiah,” Maximilian responded, his voice dull.

“Can we go inside?” Isaiah said, nodding at the doorway leading into the apartment. “I do

not wish to speak to you in the corridor.”

A muscle flickered in Maximilian”s jaw, then he gave a terse nod.

“You know who I am,” said Isaiah the moment the door closed behind him.

Maximilian said nothing. They were in the first room of what appeared to be a suite of

spacious and well-appointed chambers, and he marched over to a side table, poured himself a

glass of wine, and gulped it down.

“My Lord of Elcho Falling—” Isaiah began.

Maximilian whipped about. “Don”t call me that!”

“Wake up, damn you!” Isaiah said. “Kanubai is risen, and it is time for you to assume

your responsibilities. You must know that!”

Maximilian decanted himself another glass of wine, drinking it down as fast as he had the


“I walk,” said Isaiah, “and Light walks as a man named Lister. Kanubai is risen.” Isaiah

thought about telling Maximilian that Kanubai had used the blood of his daughter to attain flesh,

but thought better of it—another time, but not now. “Elcho Falling is stirring. I don”t care what

you want, Maximilian Persimius, but you must have known from the moment you met Ishbel,

from the moment you heard from where she came, that Elcho Falling stirred. The time has come,

my lord.”

Maximilian poured himself a third glass, stared at it, then slammed it down so hard on the

table that red wine spilled over its glossy surface, and sank into a nearby chair.

“Why take her from me?” he said, his voice weary. “Why sleep with her? What purpose

did that serve save to break hearts?”

“You had lost her, Maximilian, turned your back on her. I am a man, and Ishbel is a

lovely woman.”

“I had expected a more noble excuse. Surely there were other lovely women about you

could fuck for recreation.”


Maximilian leapt to his feet. “Don”t you ever step in my way again, you shitty little piece

of frog spawn!” He took a step toward Isaiah, who moved backward.

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Categories: Sara Douglass