Sara Douglass – The Serpent Bride – DarkGlass Mountain Book 1

had him murdered months ago.”

“Perhaps now?” said Eleanon.

“Apparently he is off to Coroleas on some crazed expedition,” Lister said. “I don”t know

what, but at least in Coroleas he cannot do us much more harm. We worry only if he returns, and

we pray that the Coroleans have the sense to spit him the instant he sets foot in their empire.”

“What is Isaiah going to do?” Eleanon said.

“Look after her, I hope,” Lister muttered. “No, not hope. Pray to every benevolent being

that he keeps her protected!”


The Tyranny of Isembaard

They had ridden out westward from Aqhat early in the morning, away from the River

Lhyl and DarkGlass Mountain. Isaiah seemed to have something on his mind, for he was very

introspective, and Axis did not push him for conversation. It was only when they”d reached the

very edges of the Melachor Plains and had pulled their blowing horses to a halt that Isaiah finally

looked to Axis, and spoke.

“Ba”al”uz contacted me last night.”


“His companions are on their way home,” Isaiah said, “although Ba”al”uz has set off on a

journey to Coroleas. Gods alone know why, but I for one don”t begrudge his continuing


Axis waited.

“Ba”al”uz and his companions have, apparently, accomplished their tasks better than

expected in the north,” Isaiah continued. “The Central Kingdoms and the Outlands are at each

other”s throats. Their best generals are dead. Disarray increases by the day.”

“I don”t like this, Isaiah. It is a miserable way to conduct a war, eh?”

“It is the successful way, Axis.”

Axis shrugged, and turned his eyes forward, looking over the Melachor Plains. Any

semblance of lushness and fertility had been long left behind at the river. Here the landscape was

a rolling vast barrenness, carpeted with scrubby plants that clung to rock crevices and the shaded

sides of dust bowls. It was a forbidding landscape, and Axis wondered that Isaiah should have

ridden out to survey it. Did he find comfort here? Or challenge?

Comfort, Axis thought, and wondered that Isaiah needed such as this for comfort.

“There was something else,” Isaiah said.

Axis looked back at him.

“Ba”al”uz has kidnapped the new wife of Maximilian of Escator and is sending her back

to Aqhat.”


“Ba”al”uz said she would make me a fine wife.”

Axis could do nothing now but stare, aghast.

Isaiah had been looking straight ahead over the landscape, but now turned his head to

look directly at Axis. “She would be a fine conquest, Axis. Together with the territory, I take one

of their queens. It would be a total emotional subjection. Ba”al”uz said she was of fair aspect, and

that I would not find her displeasing.”


“Ba”al”uz has requested an escort for the lady from the FarReach Mountains back to

Aqhat. He is worried that Maximilian might try to rescue his wife.”

“Frankly, I”d be a bit worried about that as well,” Axis muttered. Gods, what had

Ba”al”uz done…and what in the world was Isaiah thinking?

“Axis, I ask that you lead a company of men north to the FarReach Mountains, there to

meet Ba”al”uz” men and this woman, Ishbel, Queen of Escator, and escort her to me.”

Axis was now rendered utterly speechless. The news that Ba”al”uz had kidnapped the

new wife of Maximilian of Escator was startling, and the idea that Isaiah would take her as a conquest wife even more so, but that Isaiah should trust him to lead a company of armed men

north…that was unbelievable.

And exciting. The idea of doing something was as heady as a draft of wine.

“Of course,” said Axis, then he smiled. “So long as you trust me with her.”

“You”re the one man I do trust with her,” said Isaiah. “I can”t see you betraying Azhure

for any other woman. Besides, the trip will be useful in another way, for you can check to see

how well the resettlement plans are progressing. Ezekiel and Morfah have sent regular and very

reassuring reports, but it doesn”t hurt to have you cast your eye over their progress, does it?”

Later that night Isaiah sat in a chair in his private chamber, holding the Goblet of the

Frogs in his hands. He rolled it gently between his palms, watching the light play through its

beautifully crafted shape.

Ishbel, here at Aqhat. Oh, the dangers, not merely to her, but to everyone.

But, oh, the possibilities. Isaiah knew Lister would be worried—frantic, even—but Isaiah

wondered if more was at play here than just what Kanubai might be whispering into Ba”al”uz”


Ishbel coming back to Aqhat would be Ishbel coming home. Ishbel coming home could

be an Ishbel awakened. From what Lister had said of her, Ishbel had shut herself off completely

from her true nature.

She would need to wake, sooner or later.

Isaiah thought of what he”d sensed clinging to Kanubai”s back…of his sense that

something else was rising with Kanubai.

Ishbel might be able to see more clearly than he.

After all, she was the one with the blood for it.

“What of you, my friend,” Isaiah murmured to the goblet. “Anxious, or pleased?”

The goblet responded, not with words, but with a wave of delighted emotion. Isaiah

smiled, then raised the goblet to his lips and kissed it gently.

There were dangers, but Isaiah could protect her.


The Road from Kyros to Escator, the Central Kingdoms

Maximilian had left Malat in Kyros without any clear idea what to do. He felt

completely, stupidly useless. His wife had been taken from him, and he had no idea how best he

might save her. Egalion had organized the Emerald Guard into a search of the area between

Kyros and the inn, but they had discovered nothing. Maximilian was not surprised. Ishbel and

her kidnappers must be far, far away by now.

But in what direction?

And who?

What could he do?

Nothing. Nothing, and that infuriated Maximilian more than anything. What a worthless

husband he was! He could not protect his pregnant wife and keep her safe. He could do nothing

to rescue her. He was leagues and leagues from home and friends, and, because of the series of

events from Margalit to Kyros, no one wanted to lend him aid, or even a sympathetic ear.

And Ishbel didn”t even have her ring.

If Ishbel had been wearing the ring, then Maximilian would have had a good sense of

where she was, in which direction. The rings bound each other and their wearers.

But Ishbel had given hers back to Maximilian.

From hopelessness, Maximilian succumbed to anger. Why had he not insisted she wear

the damned ring?

From anger, Maximilian swung back to guilt as he remembered how badly he”d treated

Ishbel after Borchard”s death. She had not been responsible. She had become yet another victim.

What memories would she have to carry her through her ordeal? His hard, judgmental


Everyone in his party left Maximilian alone as much as they could. Not even Garth dared

engage him in conversation.

After three days of useless snarling and hanging about the inn from where Ishbel had

been taken, Maximilian made the decision to return to Escator as fast as possible. He could do

nothing here, and at least in Escator he”d have more resources, plus the advice of Vorstus, who

Maximilian realized he needed to speak to very badly, as much as he disliked and distrusted the


And he”d be home.

If without his wife.

Maximilian and his party had just reached the western fringes of the Kyrrian lands when,

at noon on a lovely warm day, eight Icarii landed on the road before them.

“StarWeb!” Maximilian cried, dismounting and striding out to meet her. He grabbed her

shoulders, hugged her, then kissed her on the cheek.

“Thank the gods,” he said.

“Maxel?” she said. “What has happened?”

“Ishbel has been taken. Gods, almost three weeks back. I have no idea where she is.

StarWeb, I need you to—”

“Maxel! Stop a moment…what is going on? I am here because not a week ago Lixel rode

into Ruen with a tale that none of us could believe. Murders, accusations against you…and now Ishbel? Taken?”

Egalion and Garth had now joined Maximilian, and both greeted StarWeb and the other

Icarii warmly.

“Ishbel was kidnapped from my side almost three weeks ago,” said Maximilian, “by men

pretending to be Malat”s soldiers. I have no idea where she is, but now that you”re here—”

“That woman is nothing but trouble,” StarWeb muttered.

“She”s pregnant, StarWeb.”

StarWeb glanced sharply at Maximilian at that, but did not comment.

“We can use your wings and eyes,” Egalion said. “If you—”

“Almost three weeks?” said StarWeb. “She”s likely to be dead by now.”

Maximilian winced. He finally seemed to realize the presence of the other Icarii behind

StarWeb, and greeted them, apologizing for his tardiness.

“You are distracted, Maximilian,” said one of them, a blue-and-silver birdman called

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Categories: Sara Douglass