Stephen King – Different season

you up and around in no time. Ill feed it to you. Goo-goo, ga-ga. Open wide … over the

teeth, over the gums … look out, stomach, here it comes! … No, don’t say a word, mommy

knows best Would you look at him, Emma, he hardly has any hair left and I don’t wonder,

thinking he might never walk again. It’s God’s mercy. I told him that stepladder was

wobbly. I said, “Morris,” I said, “Come down off there before-“‘

She fed him ice cream and chattered for the next hour and by the time she left,

hobbling ostentatiously on the crutch while Emma held her other arm, thoughts of lamb

stew and voices echoing up through the years were the last things in Morris Heisel’s

mind. He was exhausted. To say it had been a busy day was putting it mildly. Morris fell

deeply asleep.

He awoke sometime between three and four a.m. with a scream locked behind his lips.

Now he knew. He knew exactly where and exactly when he had been acquainted with

the man in the other bed. Except his name had not been Denker then. Oh no, not at all.

He had awakened from the most terrible nightmare of his whole life. Someone had

given him and Lydia a monkey’s paw, and they had wished for money. Then, somehow, a

Western Union boy in a Hitler Youth uniform had been in the room with them. He handed

Morris a telegram which read:







A great wail from Lydia, and although she had never even seen Morris’s daughters,

she held the monkey’s paw high and wished for them to be returned to life. The room

went dark. And suddenly, from outside, came the sound of dragging, lurching footfalls.

Morris was down on his hands and knees in a darkness that suddenly stank of smoke

and gas and death. He was searching for the paw. One wish left If he could find the paw

he could wish this dreadful dream away. He would spare himself the sight of his

daughters, thin as scarecrows, their eyes deep wounded holes, their numbers burning on

the scant flesh of their arms.

Hammering on the door, a perfect fusillade of blows.

In the nightmare, his search for the paw became ever more frenzied, but it bore no

fruit. It seemed to go on for years. And then, behind him, the door crashed open. No, he thought I won’t look. I’ll close my eyes. Rip them from my head If I have to, but I won’t look.

But he did look. He had to look. In the dream it was as if huge hands had grasped his

head and wrenched it around.

It was not his daughters standing in the doorway; it was Denker. A much younger

Denker, a Denker who wore a Nazi SS uniform, the cap with its lightning-bolt insignia

cocked rakishly to one side. His buttons gleamed heartlessly, his boots were polished to a

killing gloss.

Clasped in his arms was a huge and slowly bubbling pot of lamb stew.

And the dream-Denker, smiling his dark, suave smile, said: You must sit down and tell

us all about it-as one friend to another, eh? We have heard that gold has been hidden.

That tobacco has been hoarded. That it was not food-poisoning with Schneibel at all but

powdered glass in his supper two nights ago. You must not insult our intelligence by

pretending you know nothing. You know EVERYTHING. So tell it all. Omit nothing.

And in the dark, smelling the maddening aroma of the stew, he told them everything.

His stomach, which had been a small grey rock, was now a raving tiger. Words spilled

helplessly from his lips. They spewed from him in the senseless sermon of a lunatic, truth

and falsehood all mixed up together.

Brodin has his mother’s wedding ring taped below his scrotum!

(“you must sit down’)

Laslo and Herman Dorsky have talked about rushing guard tower number three!

(‘and tell us everything!’)

Rachel Tannenbaum’s husband has tobacco, he gave the guard who comes on after

Zeickert, the one they call Booger-Eater because he is always picking his nose and then

putting his fingers in his mouth, Tannenbaum gave some of it to Booger-Eater so he

wouldn’t take his wife’s pearl earrings!

(‘oh that makes no sense at all you’ve mixed up two different stories I think but that’s

all right quite all right we’d rather have you mix up two stories than omit one completely

you must omit NOTHING!’)

There is a man who has been calling out his dead son’s name in order to get double


(‘tell us his name’)

I don’t know it but I can point him out to you please yes I can show him to you I will I

will I will I

(‘tell us everything you know’)

will I will I will I will I will I will I will I

Until he swam up into consciousness with a scream in his throat like fire.

Trembling uncontrollably, he looked at the sleeping form in the other bed. He found

himself staring particularly at the wrinkled, caved-in mouth. Old tiger with no teeth.

Ancient and vicious rogue elephant with one tusk gone and the other rooted loose in its socket Senile monster.

‘Oh my God,’ Morris Heisel whispered. His voice was high and faint, inaudible to

anyone but himself. Tears trickled down his cheeks towards his ears. ‘Oh dear God, the man who murdered my wife and my daughters is sleeping in the same room with me, my

God, oh dear dear God, he is here with me now in this room.’

The tears began to flow faster now – tears of rage and horror, hot, scalding.

He trembled and waited for morning, and morning did not come for an age.


The next day, Monday, Todd was up at six o’clock in the morning and poking listlessly

at a scrambled egg he had fixed for himself when his father came down still dressed in

his monogrammed bathrobe and slippers.

‘Mumph,’ he said to Todd, going past him to the refrigerator for orange juice.

Todd grunted back without looking up from his book, one of the 87th Squad mysteries.

He had been lucky enough to land a summer job with a landscaping outfit that operated

out of Sausalito. That would have been much too far to commute ordinarily, even if one

of his parents had been willing to loan him a car for the summer (neither was), but his

father was working on-site not far from there, and he was able to drop Todd off at a bus

stop on his way and pick him up at the same place on his way back. Todd was less than

wild about the arrangement; he didn’t like riding home from work with his father and

absolutely detested riding to work with him in the morning. It was in the mornings that he

felt the most naked, when the wall between what he was and what he might be seemed the

thinnest. It was worse after a night of bad dreams, but even if no dreams had come in the

night, it was bad. One morning he realized with a fright so sudden it was almost terror

that he had been seriously considering reaching across his father’s briefcase, grabbing

the wheel of the Porsche, and sending them corkscrewing into the two express lanes,

cutting a swath of destruction through the morning commuters.

‘You want another egg, Todd-O?’

‘No thanks, dad.’ Dick Bowden ate them fried. How could anyone stand to eat a fried

egg? On the grill of the Jenn-Aire for two minutes, then over easy. What you got on your

plate at the end looked like a giant dead eye with a cataract over it, an eye that would

bleed orange when you poked it with your fork.

He pushed his scrambled egg away. He had barely touched it

Outside, the morning paper slapped the step.

His father finished cooking, turned off the grill, and came to the table. ‘Not hungry this

morning, Todd-O?’

You call me that one more time and I’m going to stick my knife right up your fucking

nose… dad-O.

‘Not much appetite, I guess.’

Dick grinned affectionately at his son; there was still a tiny dab of shaving cream on

the boy’s right ear. ‘Betty Trask stole your appetite. That’s my guess.’

‘Yeah, maybe that’s it.’ He offered a wan smile that vanished as soon as his father

went down the stairs from the breakfast nook to get the paper. Would it wake you up if I told you what a cunt she is, dad-O? How about if I mid, ‘Oh, by the way, did you know

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Categories: Stephen King