Stephen King – Different season

your good friend Ray Trask’s daughter is one of the biggest sluts in Santa Donate? She’d

kiss her own twat If she was double-jointed, dad-O. That’s how much she thinks of it. Just

a stinking little slut. Two lines of coke and she’s yours for the night. And If you don’t

happen to have any coke, she’s still yours for the night. She’d fuck a dog If she couldn’t

get a man.’ Think that’d wake you up, dad-O? Get you a flying start on the day?

He pushed the thoughts away viciously, knowing they wouldn’t stay gone.

His father came back with the paper. Todd glimpsed the headline: SPY TRIALS


Dick sat down. ‘Betty’s a fine-looking girl,’ he said. ‘She reminds me of your mother when I first met her.’

‘Is that so?’

‘Pretty … young … fresh.’ Dick Bowden’s eyes had gone vague. Now they came back,

focusing almost anxiously on his son. ‘Not that your mother isn’t still a fine-looking

woman. But at that age a girl has a certain … glow, I guess you’d say. It’s there for a

while, and then it’s gone.’ He shrugged and opened the paper. ‘C’est la vie, I guess.’

She’s a bitch in heat. Maybe that’s what makes her glow.

‘You’re treating her right, aren’t you, Todd-O?’ His father was making his usual rapid

trip through the paper towards the sports pages. ‘Not getting too fresh?’

‘Everything’s cool, dad.’

(if he doesn’t stop pretty soon I’ll … /’// … do … something. Scream. Throw his coffee in his face. Something.)

‘Ray thinks you’re a fine boy,’ Dick said absently. He had at last reached the sports.

He became absorbed. There was blessed silence at the breakfast table.

Betty Trask had been all over him the very first time they went out. He had taken her to

the local lover’s lane after the movie because he knew it would be expected of him; they

could swap spits for half an hour or so and have all the right things to tell their

respective friends the next day. She could roll her eyes and tell how she had fought off his

advances -boys were so tiresome, really, and she never fucked on the first date, she

wasn’t that kind of girl. Her friends would agree and then all of them would troop into

the girls’ room and do whatever it was they did in there – put on fresh makeup, smoke

Tampax, whatever.

And for a guy … well, you had to make out. You had to get at least to second base and

try for third. Because there were reputations and reputations. Todd couldn’t have cared

less about having a stud reputation; he only wanted a reputation for being normal. And if

you didn’t at least try, word got around. People started to wonder if you were all right.

So he took them up on Jane’s Hill, kissed them, felt their tits, went a little further than

that if they would allow it. And that was it. The girl would stop him, he would put up a

little goodnatured argument, and then take her home. No worries about what might be

said in the girls’ room the next day. No worries that anyone was going to think Todd

Bowden was anything but normal. Except –

Except Betty Trask was the kind of girl who fucked on the first date. On every date.

And in between dates.

The first time had been a month or so before the goddam Nazi’s heart attack, and Todd

thought he had done pretty well for a virgin … perhaps for the same reason a young

pitcher will do well if he’s tapped to throw the biggest game of the year with no

forewarning. There had been no time to worry, to get all strung up about it

Always before, Todd had been able to sense when a girl had made up her mind that on

the next date she would just allow herself to be carried away. He was aware that he was

personable and that both Ms looks and his prospects were good. The kind of boy their

cunty mothers regarded as ‘a good catch’. And when he sensed that physical capitulation

was about to happen, he would start dating some other girl. And whatever it said about

his personality, Todd was able to admit to himself that if he ever started dating a truly

frigid girl, he would probably be happy to date her for years to come. Maybe even marry


But the first time with Betty had gone fairly well – she was no virgin, even if he was.

She had to help him get his cock into her, but she seemed to take that as a matter of

course. And halfway through the act itself she had gurgled up from the blanket they were

lying on: ‘I just love to fuck!’ It was the tone of voice another girl might have used to express her love for strawberry whirl ice cream.

Later encounters – there had been five of them (five and a half, he supposed, if you wanted to count last night) – hadn’t been so good. They had, in fact, gotten worse at what

seemed an exponential rate … although he didn’t believe even now that Betty had been

aware of that (at least not until last night). In fact, quite the opposite. Betty apparently

believed she had found the battering-ram of her dreams.

Todd hadn’t felt any of the things he was supposed to feel at a time like that Kissing

her lips was like kissing warm but uncooked liver. Having her tongue in his mouth only made him wonder what kind of germs she was carrying, and sometimes he thought he

could smell her fillings – an unpleasant metallic odour, like chrome. Her breasts were

bags of meat. No more.

Todd had done it twice more with her before Dussander’s heart attack. Each time he

had more trouble getting erect In both cases he had finally succeeded by using a fantasy.

She was stripped naked in front of all their friends. Crying. Todd was forcing her to

walk up and down between them while he cried out: Show your tits! Let them see your

snatch, you cheap slut! Spread your cheeks! That’s right, bend over and SPREAD them!

Betty’s appreciation was not at all surprising. He was a very good lover, not in spite

of his problems but because of them. Getting hard was only the first step. Once you

achieved erection, you had to have an orgasm. The fourth time they had done it – this was

three days after Dussander’s heart attack – he had pounded away at her for over ten

minutes. Betty Trask thought she had died and gone to heaven; she had three orgasms

and was trying for a fourth when Todd recalled an old fantasy … what was, in fact, the

First Fantasy. The girl on the table, clamped and helpless. The huge dildo. The rubber

squeeze-bulb. Only now, desperate and sweaty and almost insane with his desire to come

and get this horror over with, the face of the girl on the table became Betty’s face. That

brought on a joyless, rubbery spasm that he supposed was, technically, at least, an

orgasm. A moment later Betty was whispering in his ear, her breath warm and redolent

of Juicy Fruit gum: ‘Lover, you do me any old time. Just call me.’

Todd had nearly groaned aloud.

The nub of his dilemma was this: Wouldn’t his reputation suffer if he broke off with a

girl who so obviously wanted to put out for him? Wouldn’t people wonder why? Part of

him said they would not He remembered walking down the hall behind two senior boys

during his freshman year and hearing one of them tell the other he had broken off with

his girlfriend. The other wanted to know why. ‘Fucked ‘er out,’ the first said, and both of them bellowed goatish laughter.

If someone asks me why I dropped her, I’ll just say I fucked her out. But what if she

says we only did it five times? Is that enough? What? … How much? … How many? …

Who’ll talk?… What’ll they say?

So his mind ran on, as restless as a hungry rat in an insoluble maze. He was vaguely

aware that he was turning a minor problem into a big problem, and that his very

inability to solve the problem had something to say about how shaky he had gotten. But

knowing it brought him no fresh ability to change his behaviour, and he sank into a black


College. College was the answer. College offered an excuse to break with Betty that

no one could question. But September seemed so far away.

The fifth time it had taken him almost twenty minutes to get hard, but Betty had

proclaimed the experience well worth the wait. And then, last night, he hadn’t been able

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Categories: Stephen King