Stephen King – Four Past Midnight

Naomi managed to get one hand down just in time to keep from being struck -and perhaps injured – by the rebound of her own car door. Then she was out, her hair blowing in its own storm about her head, her skirt soaked and painted against her thighs in a moment.

Sam shoved his own door open – the wind was blowing the wrong way for him, and he did literally have to put his shoulder to it – and struggled out. He had time to wonder where in the hell this storm had come from; the Prince of Piggly Wiggly had said there had been no prediction for such a spectacular capful of wind and rain. Just showers, he’d said.

Ardelia. Maybe it was Ardelia’s storm.

As if to confirm this, Dave’s voice rose in a momentary lull. ‘Hurry up! I can smell her goddam perfume everywhere!’

Sam found the idea that the smell of Ardelia’s perfume might somehow precede her materialization obscurely terrifying.

He was halfway to the loading-platform steps before he realized that, although he still had the snot-textured ball of red licorice, he had left the books in the car. He turned back, muscled the door open, and got them.

As he did, the quality of the light changed – it went from a bright, penetrating orange to white. Sam saw the change on the skin of his hands, and for a moment his eyes seemed to freeze in their sockets. He backed out of the car in a hurry, the books in his hand, and whirled around.

The orange arc-sodium security lamp was gone. It had been replaced by an old-fashioned mercury-vapor streetlight. The trees dancing and groaning around the loading platform in the wind were thicker now; stately old elms predominated, easily overtopping the oaks. The shape of the loading platform had changed, and now tangled runners of ivy climbed the rear wall of the Library – a wall which had been bare just a moment ago.

Welcome to 1960, Sam thought. Welcome to the Ardelia Lortz edition of the Junction City Public Library.

Naomi had gained the platform. She was saying something to Dave. Dave replied, then looked back over his shoulder. His body jerked. At the same moment, Naomi screamed. Sam ran for the steps to the platform, the tail of his coat billowing out behind him. As he climbed the steps, he saw a white hand float out of the darkness and settle on Dave’s shoulder. It yanked him back into the Library .

‘Grab the door!’ Sam screamed. ‘Naomi, grab the door! Don’t let it lock!’

But in this the wind helped them. It blew the door wide open, striking Naomi’s shoulder and making her stagger backward. Sam reached it in time to catch it on the rebound.

Naomi turned horrified dark eyes on him. ‘It was the man who came to your house, Sam. The tall man with the silvery eyes. I saw him. He grabbed Dave!’

No time to think about it. ‘Come on.’ He slipped an arm around Naomi’s waist and pulled her forward into the Library. Behind them, the wind dropped and the door slammed shut with a thud.


They were in a book-cataloguing area which was dim but not entirely dark. A small table lamp with a red-fringed shade stood on the librarian’s desk. Beyond this area, which was littered with boxes and packing materials (the latter consisted of crumpled newspapers, Sam saw; this was 1960, and those polyethylene popcorn balls hadn’t been invented yet), the stacks began. Standing in one of the aisles, walled in with books on both sides, was the Library Policeman. He had Dave Duncan in a half-nelson, and was holding him with almost absent ease three inches off the floor.

He looked at Sam and Naomi. His silver eyes glinted, and a crescent grin rose on his white face. It looked like a chrome moon.

‘Not a thtep closer,’ he said, ‘or I’ll thnap his neck like a chicken bone. You’ll hear it go.’

Sam considered this, but only for a moment. He could smell lavender sachet, thick and cloying. Outside the building, the wind whined and boomed. The Library Policeman’s shadow danced up the wall, as gaunt as a gantry. He didn’t have a shadow before, Sam realized. What does that mean?

Maybe it meant the Library Policeman was more real now, more here … because Ardelia and the Library Policeman and the dark man in the old car were really the same person. There was only one, and these were simply the faces it wore, putting them on and taking them off again with the ease of a kid trying on Halloween masks.

‘Am I supposed to think you’ll let him live if we stand away from you?’ he asked. ‘Bullshit.’

He began to walk toward the Library Policeman.

An expression which sat oddly on the tall man’s face now appeared. It was surprise. He took a step backward. His trenchcoat flapped around his shins and dragged against the folio volumes which formed the sides of the narrow aisle in which he stood.

‘I’m warning you!’

‘Warn and be damned,’ Sam said. ‘Your argument isn’t with him. You’ve got a bone to pick with me, don’t you? Okay – let’s pick it.’

‘The Librarian has a score to thettle with the old man!’ the Policeman said, and took another step backward.

Something odd was happening to his face, and it took Sam an instant to see what it was. The silver light in the Library Policeman’s eyes was fading.

‘Then let her settle it,’ Sam said. ‘My score is with you, big boy, and it goes back thirty years.’

He passed beyond the pool of radiance thrown by the table lamp.

‘All right, then!’ the Library Cop snarled. He made a half-turn and threw Dave Duncan down the aisle.

Dave flew like a bag of laundry, a single croak of fear and surprise escaping him. He tried to raise one arm as he approached the wall, but it was only a dazed, half-hearted reflex. He collided with the fire-extinguisher mounted by the stairs, and Sam heard the dull crunch of a breaking bone. Dave fell, and the heavy red extinguisher fell off the wall on top of him.

‘Dave!’ Naomi shrieked, and darted toward him.

‘Naomi, no!’

But she paid no attention. The Library Policeman’s grin reappeared; he grabbed Naomi by the arm as she tried to go past and curled her to him. His face came down and was for a moment hidden by the chestnut-colored hair at the nape of her neck. He uttered a strange, muffled cough against her flesh and then began kissing her – or so it appeared. His long white hand dug into her upper arm. Naomi screamed again, and then seemed to slump a little in his grip.

Sam had reached the entrance to the stacks now. He seized the first book his hand touched, yanked it off the shelf, cocked his arm back, and threw it. It flew end over end, the boards spreading, the pages riffling, and struck the Library Policeman on the side of the head. He uttered a cry of rage and surprise and looked up. Naomi tore free of his grasp and staggered sideways into one of the high shelves, flagging her arms for balance. The shelf rocked backward as she rebounded, and then fell with a gigantic echoing crash. Books flew off shelves where they might have stood undisturbed for years and struck the floor in a rain of slaps that sounded oddly like applause.

Naomi ignored this. She reached Dave and fell on her knees beside him, crying his name over and over.

The Library Policeman turned in that direction.

‘Your argument isn’t with her, either,’ Sam said.

The Library Policeman turned back to him. His silver eyes had been replaced with small black glasses that gave his face a blind, molelike look.

‘I should have killed you the firtht time,’ he said, and began to walk toward Sam. His walk was accompanied by a queer brushing sound. Sam looked down and saw the hem of the Library Cop’s trenchcoat was now brushing the floor. He was growing shorter.

‘The fine is paid,’ Sam said quietly. The Library Policeman stopped. Sam held up the books with the five-dollar bill beneath the elastic. ‘The fine is paid and the books are returned. It’s all over, you bitch … or bastard … or whatever you are.’

Outside, the wind rose in a long, hollow cry which ran beneath the eaves like glass. The Library Policeman’s tongue crept out and slicked his lips. It was very red, very pointed. Blemishes had begun to appear on his cheeks and forehead. There was a greasy lens of sweat on his skin.

And the smell of lavender sachet was much stronger.

‘Wrong!’ the Library Policeman cried. ‘Wrong! Those aren’t the bookth you borrowed! I know! That drunk old cockthucker took the bookth you borrowed! They were -‘

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Categories: Stephen King