Stephen King – Four Past Midnight


‘Have either of you fine ladies ever heard of the langoliers?’ Craig asked suddenly. His tone was light, almost vivacious.

Laurel jumped and looked nervously toward the others, who were still standing by the windows and talking. Dinah only turned toward Craig’s voice, apparently not surprised at all.

‘No,’ she said calmly. ‘What are those?’

‘Don’t talk to him, Dinah,’ Laurel whispered.

‘I heard that,’ Craig said in the same pleasant tone of voice. ‘Dinah’s not the only one with sharp ears, you know.’

Laurel felt her face grow warm.

‘I wouldn’t hurt the child, anyway,’ Craig went on. ‘No more than I would have hurt that girl. I’m just frightened. Aren’t you?’

‘Yes,’ Laurel snapped, ‘but I don’t take hostages and then try to shoot teenage boys when I’m frightened.’

‘You didn’t have what looked like the whole front line of the Los Angeles Rams caving in on you at once,’

Craig said. ‘And that English fellow . . .’ He laughed. The sound of his laughter in this quiet place was disturbingly merry, disturbingly normal. ‘Well, all I can say is that if you think I’m crazy, you haven’t been watching him at all. That man’s got a chainsaw for a mind.’

Laurel didn’t know what to say. She knew it hadn’t been the way Craig Toomy was presenting it, but when he spoke it seemed as though it should have been that way … and what he said about the Englishman was too close to the truth. The man’s eyes . . . and the kick he had chopped into Mr Toomy’s ribs after he had been tied up … Laurel shivered.

‘What are the langoliers, Mr Toomy?’ Dinah asked.

‘Well, I always used to think they were just make-believe,’ Craig said in that same good-humored voice.

‘Now I’m beginning to wonder … because I hear it, too, young lady. Yes I do.’

‘The sound?’ Dinah asked softly. ‘That sound is the langoliers?’

Laurel put one hand on Dinah’s shoulder. ‘I really wish you wouldn’t talk to him anymore, honey. He makes me nervous.’

‘Why? He’s tied up, isn’t he?’

‘Yes, but -‘

‘And you could always call for the others, couldn’t you?’

‘Well, I think -‘

‘I want to know about the langoliers.’

With some effort, Craig turned his head to look at them … and now Laurel felt some of the charm and force of personality which had kept Craig firmly on the fast track as he worked out the high-pressure script his parents had written for him. She felt this even though he was lying on the floor with his hands tied behind him and his own blood drying on his forehead and left cheek.

‘My father said the langoliers were little creatures that lived in closets and sewers and other dark places.’

‘Like elves?’ Dinah wanted to know.

Craig laughed and shook his head. ‘Nothing so pleasant, I’m afraid. He said that all they really were was hair and teeth and fast little legs – their little legs were fast, he said, so they could catch up with bad boys and girls no matter how quickly they scampered.’

‘Stop it,’ Laurel said coldly. ‘You’re scaring the child.’

‘No, he’s not,’ Dinah said. ‘I know make-believe when I hear it. It’s interesting, that’s all.’ Her face said it was something more than interesting, however. She was intent, fascinated.

‘It is, isn’t it?’ Craig said, apparently pleased by her interest. ‘I think what Laurel means is that I’m scaring her. Do I win the cigar, Laurel? If so, I’d like an El Producto, please. None of those cheap White Owls for me.’ He laughed again.

Laurel didn’t reply, and after a moment Craig resumed.

‘My dad said there were thousands of langoliers. He said there had to be, because there were millions of bad boys and girls scampering about the world. That’s how he always put it. My father never saw a child run in his entire life. They always scampered. I think he liked that word because it implies senseless, directionless, non-productive motion. But the langoliers … they run. They have purpose. In fact, you could say that the langoliers are purpose personified.’

‘What did the kids do that was so bad?’ Dinah asked. ‘What did they do that was so bad the langoliers had to run after them?’

‘You know, I’m glad you asked that question,’ Craig said. ‘Because when my father said someone was bad, Dinah, what he meant was lazy. A lazy person couldn’t be part of THE BIG PICTURE. No way. In my house, you were either part of THE BIG PICTURE or you were LYING DOWN ON THE JOB, and that was the worst kind of bad you could be. Throat-cutting was a venial sin compared to LYING DOWN ON

THE JOB. He said that if you weren’t part of THE BIG PICTURE, the langoliers would come and take you out of the picture completely. He said you’d be in your bed one night and then you’d hear them coming …

crunching and smacking their way toward you … and even if you tried to scamper off, they’d get you.

Because of their fast little -‘

‘That’s enough,’ Laurel said. Her voice was flat and dry.

‘The sound is out there, though,’ Craig said. His eyes regarded her brightly, almost roguishly. ‘You can’t deny that. The sound really is out th -‘

‘Stop it or I’ll hit you with something myself.’

‘Okay,’ Craig said. He rolled over on his back, grimaced, and then rolled further, onto his other side and away from them. ‘A man gets tired of being hit when he’s down and hog-tied.’

Laurel’s face grew not just warm but hot this time. She bit her lip and said nothing. She felt like crying.

How was she supposed to handle someone like this? How? First the man seemed as crazy as a bedbug, and then he seemed as sane as could be. And meanwhile, the whole world – Mr Toomy’s BIG PICTURE – had gone to hell.

‘I bet you were scared of your dad, weren’t you, Mr Toomy?’

Craig looked back over his shoulder at Dinah, startled. He smiled again, but this smile was different. It was a rueful, hurt smile with no public relations in it. ‘This time you win the cigar, miss,’ he said. ‘I was terrified of him.’

‘Is he dead?’


‘Was he LYING DOWN ON THE JOB? Did the langoliers get him?’

Craig thought for a long time. He remembered being told that his father had had his heart attack while in his office. When his secretary buzzed him for his ten o’clock staff meeting and there was no answer, she had come in to find him dead on the carpet, eyes bulging, foam drying on his mouth.

Did someone tell you that? he wondered suddenly. That his eyes were bugging out, that there was foam on his mouth? Did someone actually tell you that – Mother, perhaps, when she was drunk – or was it just wishful thinking?

‘Mr Toomy? Did they?’

‘Yes,’ Craig said thoughtfully. ‘I guess he was, and I guess they did.’

‘Mr Toomy?’


‘I’m not the way you see me. I’m not ugly. None of us are.’

He looked at her, startled. ‘How would you know how you look to me, little blind miss?’

‘You might be surprised,’ Dinah said.

Laurel turned toward her, suddenly more uneasy than ever … but of course there was nothing to see.

Dinah’s dark glasses defeated curiosity.


The other passengers stood on the far side of the waiting room, listening to that low rattling sound and saying nothing. It seemed there was nothing left to say.

‘What do we do now?’ Don asked. He seemed to have wilted inside his red lumberjack’s shirt. Albert thought the shirt itself had lost some of its cheerfully macho vibrancy.

‘I don’t know,’ Brian said. He felt a horrible impotence toiling away in his belly. He looked out at the plane, which had been his plane for a little while, and was struck by its clean lines and smooth beauty. The Delta 727 sitting to its left at the jetway looked like a dowdy matron by comparison. It looks good to you because it’s never going to fly again, that’s all. It’s like glimpsing a beautiful woman for just a moment in the back seat of a limousine – she looks even more beautiful than she really is because you know she’s not yours, can never be yours.

‘How much fuel is left, Brian?’ Nick asked suddenly. ‘Maybe the burn-rate isn’t the same over here. Maybe there’s more than you realize.’

‘All the gauges are in apple-pie working order,’ Brian said. ‘When we landed, I had less than 600 pounds.

To get back to where this happened, we’d need at least 50,000.’

Bethany took out her cigarettes and offered the pack to Bob. He shook his head. She stuck one in her mouth, took out her matches, and struck one.

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Categories: Stephen King