Stephen King – Umney’s last case

fallen near me and he was going the wrong way. I felt a sudden strong urge to haul off and kick him in his blind

newsboy’s ass.

Instead, I bent over, got his stick, and tapped him lightly on the hip with it.

Peoria turned, quick as a snake, and snatched it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see pictures of Hitler and the

recently deceased Cuban bandleader flapping all over Sunset Boulevard–a bus bound for Van Ness snored through a

little drift of them, leaving a bitter tang of diesel fumes behind. I hated the way those newspapers looked, fluttering

here and there. They looked messy. Worse, they looked wrong. Utterly and completely wrong. I fought another urge, as

strong as the first one, to grab Peoria and shake him. To tell him he was going to spend the morning picking up those

newspapers, and I wasn’t going to let him go home until he’d gotten every last one.

It occurred to me that less than ten minutes ago, I’d been thinking that this was the perfect L.A. morning–so perfect it

deserved a trademark symbol. And it had been, dammit. So where had things gone wrong?

And how had it happened so


No answers came, only an irrational but powerful voice from inside, telling me that the kid’s mother couldn’t have won

the lottery, that the kid couldn’t stop selling newspapers, and that, most of all, the kid couldn’t see. Peoria Smith was

supposed to be blind for the rest of his life.

Well, it’s got to be something experimental, I thought. Even if the doctor up in

Frisco isn’t a quack, and he probably is,

the operation’s bound to fail.

And, bizarre as it sounds, the thought calmed me down.

“Listen,” I said, “we got off on the wrong foot this morning, that’s all. Let me make it up to you. We’ll go down to

Blondie’s and I’ll buy you breakfast. What do you say, Peoria? You can dig into a plate of bacon and eggs and tell me

all ab–”

“Fuck you!” he shouted, shocking me all the way down to my shoes. “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you cheap

gumshoe! You think blind people can’t tell when people like you are lying through their teeth? Fuck you! And keep

your hands off me from now on! I think you’re a faggot!”

That did it–no one calls me a faggot and gets away with it, not even a blind newsboy.

I forgot all about how Peoria

had saved my life during that Mavis Weld business; I reached for his cane, meaning to take it away from him and

whack him across the keister with it a few times. Teach him some manners.

Before I could get it, though, he hauled off and slammed the cane’s tip into my lower

belly–and I do mean lower. I

doubled up in agony, but even while I was trying to keep from howling with pain, I was counting my blessings; two

inches lower still and I could have quit peeping for a living and gotten a job singing soprano in the Palace of the Doges.

I made a quick, reflexive grab for him anyway, and he brought the cane down on the back of my neck. Hard. It didn’t

break, but I heard it crack. I figured I could finish the job when I caught him and ran it into his right ear. I’d show him

who was a faggot.

He backed away from me as if he’d caught my brainwave, and threw the cane into the street.

“Peoria,” I managed. Maybe it still wasn’t too late to catch sanity by the

shirttail. “Peoria, what the hell’s wrong


`Ànd don’t call me that!” he screamed. “My name’s Francis! Frank! You’re the one who started calling me Peoria!

You started it and now everyone calls me that and I hate it!”

My watering eyes doubled him as he turned and fled across the street, heedless of traffic (of which there was currently

none, luckily for him), hands held out in front of him. I thought he would trip over the far curb–was looking forward

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