Stephen King – Different season

with all the taxes on it paid so the IRS wouldn’t get too interested – and invested it for

Peter Stevens. He did that in 1950 and 1951. Today it amounts to three hundred and

seventy thousand dollars, plus change.’

I guess my jaw made a thump when it dropped against my chest, because he smiled.

‘Think of all the things people wish they’d invested in since 1950 or so, and two or three of them will be things Peter Stevens was into. If I hadn’t ended up in here, I’d

probably be worth seven or eight million bucks by now. I’d have a Rolls … and probably

an ulcer as big as a portable radio.’

His hands went to the dirt and began sifting out more pebbles. They moved gracefully,


‘I was hoping for the best and expecting the worst -nothing but that The false name was

just to keep what little capital I had untainted. It was lugging the paintings out of the path

of the hurricane. But I had no idea that the hurricane … that it could go on as long as it


I didn’t say anything for a while. I guess I was trying to absorb the idea that this small,

spare man in prison grey next to me could be worth more money than Warden Norton

would make in the rest of his miserable life, even with the scams thrown in.

‘When you said you could get a lawyer, you sure weren’t kidding,’ I said at last ‘For

that kind of dough you could have hired Clarence Darrow, or whoever’s passing for him

these days. Why didn’t you, Andy? Christ! You could have been out of here like a rocket.’

He smiled. It was the same smile that had been on his face when he’d told me he and

his wife had had their whole lives ahead of them. ‘No,’ he said.

‘A good lawyer would have sprung the Williams kid from Cashman whether he wanted

to go or not,’ I said. I was getting carried away now. ‘You could have gotten your new

trial, hired private detectives to look for that guy Blatch, and blown Norton out of the

water to boot. Why not, Andy?’

‘Because I outsmarted myself. If I ever try to put my hands on Peter Stevens’s money

from inside here, I’d lose every cent of it My friend Jim could have arranged it, but Jim’s

dead. You see the problem?’

I saw it For all the good the money could do Andy, it might as well have really

belonged to another person. In a way, it did. And if the stuff it was invested in suddenly

turned bad, all Andy could do would be to watch the plunge, to trace it day after day on

the stocks-and-bonds page of the Press-Herald. It’s a tough life if you don’t weaken, I


‘I’ll tell you how it is, Red. There’s a big hayfield in the town of Buxton. You know

where Buxton is at, don’t you?’

I said I did. It lies right next door to Scarborough.

“That’s right And at the north end of this particular hayfield there’s a rock wall, right

out of a Robert Frost poem. And somewhere along the base of that wall is a rock that has

no business in a Maine hayfield. It’s a piece of volcanic glass, and until 1947 it was a

paperweight on my office desk. My friend Jim put it in that wall. There’s a key

underneath it. The key opens a safe deposit box in the Portland branch of the Casco


‘I guess you’re in a pack of trouble,’ I said. ‘When your friend Jim died, the IRS must

have opened all of his safety deposit boxes. Along with the executor of his will, of


Andy smiled and tapped the side of my head. ‘Not bad. There’s more up there than

marshmallows, I guess. But we took care of the possibility that Jim might die while I was

in the slam. The box is in the Peter Stevens name, and once a year the firm of lawyers that

served as Jim’s executors sends a check to the Casco to cover the rental of the Stevens


‘Peter Stevens is inside that box, just waiting to get out His birth certificate, his S.S.

card, and his driver’s license. The license is six years out of date because Jim died six

years ago, true, but it’s still perfectly renewable for a five-dollar fee. His stock certificates are there, the tax-free municipals, and about eighteen bearer bonds in the amount of ten

thousand dollars each.’

I whistled.

‘Peter Stevens is locked in a safe deposit box at the Casco Bank in Portland and Andy

Dufresne is locked in a safe deposit box at Shawshank,’ he said. Tit for tat And the key

that unlocks the box and the money and the new life is under a hunk of black glass in a

Buxton hayfield. Told you this much, so I’ll tell you something else, Red – for the last

twenty years, give or take, I have been watching the papers with a more than usual

interest for news of any construction projects in Buxton. I keep thinking that someday

soon I’m going to read that they’re putting a highway through there, or erecting a new

community hospital, or building a shopping centre. Burying my new life under ten feet of

concrete, or spitting it into a swamp somewhere with a big load of fill.’

I blurted, ‘Jesus Christ, Andy, if all of this is true, how do you keep from going crazy?’

He smiled. ‘So far, all quiet on the Western front.’

‘But it could be years -‘

‘It will be. But maybe not as many as the state and Warden Norton think it’s going to

be. I just can’t afford to wait that long. I keep thinking about Zihuatanejo and that small

hotel. That’s all I want from my life now, Red, and I don’t think that’s too much to want. I

didn’t kill Glenn Quentin and I didn’t kill my wife, and that hotel … it’s not too much to

want To swim and get a tan and sleep in a room with open windows and space. .. that’s not too much to want.’

He slung the stones away.

‘You know, Red,’ he said in an offhand voice, ‘a place like that… I’d have to have a man

who knows how to get things.’

I thought about it for a long time. And the biggest drawback in my mind wasn’t even

that we were talking pipedreams in a shitty little prison exercise yard with armed guards

looking down at us from their sentry posts. ‘I couldn’t do it,’ I said. ‘I couldn’t get along on

the outside. I’m what they call an institutional man now. In here I’m the man who can get

it for you, yeah. But out there, anyone can get it for you. Out there, if you want posters or

rock-hammers or one particular record or a boat-in-a-bottle model kit, you can use the

fucking Yellow Pages. In here, I’m the fucking Yellow Pages. I wouldn’t know how to

begin. Or where.’

‘You underestimate yourself,’ he said. ‘You’re a self-educated man, a self-made man. A

rather remarkable man, I think.’

‘Hell, I don’t even have a high school diploma.’

‘I know that,’ he said. ‘But it isn’t just a piece of paper that makes a man. And it isn’t

just prison that breaks one, either.’

‘I couldn’t hack it outside, Andy. I know that.’ He got up. ‘You think it over,’ he said

casually, just as the inside whistle blew. And he strolled off, as if he was a free man who

had just made another free man a proposition. And for a while just that was enough to

make me feel free. Andy could do that. He could make me forget for a time that we were

both lifers, at the mercy of a hard-ass parole board and a psalm-singing warden who liked

Andy Dufresne right where he was. After all, Andy was a lap-dog who could do tax-

returns. What a wonderful animal!

But by that night in my cell I felt like a prisoner again. The whole idea seemed absurd,

and that mental image of blue water and white beaches seemed more cruel than foolish –

it dragged at my brain like a fishhook. I just couldn’t wear that invisible coat the way

Andy did. I fell asleep that night and dreamed of a great glassy black stone in the middle

of a hayfield; a stone shaped like a giant blacksmith’s anvil. I was trying to rock the stone

up so I could get the key that was underneath. It wouldn’t budge; it was just too damned


And in the background, but getting closer, I could hear the baying of bloodhounds.

Which leads us, I guess, to the subject of jailbreaks.

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Categories: Stephen King