Stephen King – Different season

Their hunting grounds are the showers, the cramped, tunnel-like area way behind the

industrial washers in the laundry, sometimes the infirmary. On more than one occasion

rape has occurred in the closet-sized projection booth behind the auditorium. Most often

what the sisters take by force they could have had for free, if they wanted it; those who

have been turned always seem to have ‘crushes’ on one sister or another, like teenage girls

with their Sinatras, Presleys, or Redfords. But for the sisters, the joy has always been in

taking it by force… and I guess it always will be.

Because of his small size and fair good looks (and maybe also because of that very

quality of self-possession I had admired), the sisters were after Andy from the day he

walked in. If this was some kind of fairy story, I’d tell you that Andy fought the good fight

until they left him alone. I wish I could say that, but I can’t. Prison is no fairy-tale world.

The first time for him was in the shower less than three days after he joined our happy

Shawshank family. Just a lot of slap and tickle that time, I understand. They like to size

you up before they make their real move, like jackals finding out if the prey is as weak

and hamstrung as it looks.

Andy punched back and bloodied the lip of a big, hulking sister named Bogs Diamond –

gone these many years since to who knows where. A guard broke it up before it could go

any further, but Bogs promised to get him – and Bogs did.

The second time was behind the washers in the laundry. A lot has gone on in that long,

dusty, and narrow space over the years; the guards know about it and just let it be. It’s dim

and littered with bags of washing and bleaching compound, drums of Hexlite catalyst, as

harmless as salt if your hands are dry, murderous as battery acid if they’re wet. The guards

don’t like to go back there. There’s no room to manoeuvre, and one of the first things they

teach them when they come to work in a place like this is to never let the cons get you in

a place where you can’t back up.

Bogs wasn’t there that day, but Henry Backus, who had been washroom foreman down

there since 1922, told me that four of his friends were. Andy held them at bay for a while

with a scoop of Hexlite, threatening to throw it in their eyes if they came any closer, but

he tripped trying to back around one of the big Washex four-pockets. That was ail it took.

They were on him.

I guess the phrase gang-rape is one that doesn’t change much from one generation to the

next. That’s what they did to him, those four sisters. They bent him over a gearbox and

one of them held a Phillips screwdriver to his temple while they gave him the business. It

rips you up some, but not bad – am I speaking from personal experience, you ask? — I

only wish I weren’t. You bleed for a while. If you don’t want some clown asking you if

you just started your period, you wad up a bunch of toilet paper and keep it down the back

of your underwear until it stops. The bleeding really is like a menstrual flow; it keeps up

for two, maybe three days, a slow trickle. Then it stops. No harm done, unless they’ve

done something even more unnatural to you. No physical harm done – but rape is rape,

and eventually you have to look at your face in the mirror again and decide what to make

of yourself.

Andy went through that alone, the way he went through everything alone in those days.

He must have come to the conclusion that others before him had come to, namely, that

there are only two ways to deal with the sisters: fight them and get taken, or just get


He decided to fight When Bogs and two of his buddies came after him a week or so

after the laundry incident (‘I heard ya got broke in,’ Bogs said, according to Ernie, who was around at the time), Andy slugged it out with them. He broke the nose of a fellow

named Rooster MacBride, a heavy-gutted farmer who was in for beating his step-daughter

to death. Rooster died in here, I’m happy to add.

They took him, all three of them. When it was done, Rooster and the other egg – it

might have been Pete Verness, but I’m not completely sure – forced Andy down to his

knees. Bogs Diamond stepped in front of him. He had a pearl-handled razor in those days

with the words Diamond Pearl engraved on both sides of the grip. He opened it and said,

I’m gonna open my fly now, mister man, and you’re going to swallow what I give you to

swallow. And when you done swallowed mine, you’re gonna swallow Rooster’s. I guess

you done broke his nose and I think he ought to have something to pay for it’

Andy said, ‘Anything of yours that you stick in my mouth, you’re going to lose it.’

Bogs looked at Andy like he was crazy, Ernie said.

‘No,’ he told Andy, talking to him slowly, like Andy was a stupid kid. ‘You didn’t

understand what I said. You do anything like that and I’ll put all eight inches of this steel

into your ear. Get it?’

‘I understand what you said. I don’t think you understand me. I’m going to bite whatever you stick into my mouth. You can put that razor in my brain, I guess, but you should

know that a sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to simultaneously urinate,

defecate… and bite down.’

He looked up at Bogs, smiling that little smile of his, old Ernie said, as if the three of

them had been discussing stocks and bonds with him instead of throwing it to him just as

hard as they could. Just as if he was wearing one of his three-piece bankers’ suits instead

of kneeling on a dirty broom-closet floor with his pants around his ankles and blood

trickling down the insides of his thighs.

‘In fact,’ he went on, ‘I understand that the bite-reflex is sometimes so strong that the

victim’s jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar or a jackhandle.’

Bogs didn’t put anything in Andy’s mouth that night in late February of 1948, and

neither did Rooster MacBride, and so far as I know, no one else ever did, either. What the

three of them did was to beat Andy within an inch of his life, and all four of them ended

up doing a jolt in solitary. Andy and Rooster MacBride went by way of the infirmary.

How many times did that particular crew have at him? I don’t know. I think Rooster lost

his taste fairly early on -being in nose-splints for a month can do that to a fellow -and

Bogs Diamond left off that summer, all at once.

That was a strange thing. Bogs was found in his cell, badly beaten, one morning in early

June, when he didn’t show up in the breakfast nose-count He wouldn’t say who had done

it, or how they had gotten to him, but being in my business, I know that a screw can be bribed to do almost anything accept get a gun for an inmate. They didn’t make big salaries

then, and they don’t now. And in those days there was no electronic locking system, no

closed-circuit TV, no master-switches which controlled whole areas of the prison. Back

in 1948, each cellblock had its own turnkey. A guard could have been bribed real easy to

let someone – maybe two or three someones – into the block, and, yes, even into

Diamond’s cell.

Of course a job like that would have cost a lot of money. Not by outside standards, no.

Prison economics are on a smaller scale. When you’ve been in here a while, a dollar bill

in your hand looks like a twenty did outside. My guess is, that if Bogs was done, it cost

someone a serious piece of change – fifteen bucks, well say, for the turnkey, and two or

store apiece for each of the lump-up guys.

I’m not saying it was Andy Dufresne, but I do know that he brought in five hundred dollars when he came, and he was a banker in the straight world – a man who understands

better than the rest of us the ways in which money can become power.

And I know this: After the beating – the three broken ribs, the haemorrhaged eye, the

sprained back and the dislocated hip – Bogs Diamond left Andy alone. In fact, after that

he left everyone pretty much alone. He got to be like a high wind in the summertime, all

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Categories: Stephen King