Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

Ten Years Later. Part two

Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

had fixed. But in the midst of his ardent labor, the soft

strokes upon the little bell placed behind the glass sounded

again, hasty, and, consequently, more urgent.

“The lady appears to be impatient,” said Fouquet. “Humph! a

calm! That must be the comtesse; but, no, the comtesse is

gone to Rambouillet for three days. The presidente, then?

Oh! no, the presidente would not assume such grand airs; she

would ring very humbly, then she would wait my good

pleasure. The greatest certainty is, that I do not know who

it can be, but that I know who it cannot be. And since it is

not you, marquise, since it cannot be you, deuce take the

rest!” And he went on with his work in spite of the

reiterated appeals of the bell. At the end of a quarter of

an hour, however, impatience prevailed over Fouquet in his

turn: he might be said to consume, rather than to complete

the rest of his work; he thrust his papers into his

portfolio, and giving a glance at the mirror, whilst the

taps continued faster than ever: “Oh! oh!” said he, “whence

comes all this racket? What has happened, and who can the

Ariadne be who expects me so impatiently. Let us see!”

He then applied the tip of his finger to the nail parallel

to the one he had drawn. Immediately the glass moved like a

folding-door and discovered a secret closet, rather deep, in

which the superintendent disappeared as if going into a vast

box. When there, he touched another spring, which opened,

not a board, but a block of the wall, and he went out by

that opening, leaving the door to shut of itself. Then

Fouquet descended about a score of steps which sank,

winding, underground, and came to a long, subterranean

passage, lighted by imperceptible loopholes. The walls of

this vault were covered with slabs or tiles, and the floor

with carpeting. This passage was under the street itself,

which separated Fouquet’s house from the Park of Vincennes.

At the end of the passage ascended a winding staircase

parallel with that by which Fouquet had entered. He mounted

these other stairs, entered by means of a spring placed in a

closet similar to that in his cabinet, and from this closet

an untenanted chamber furnished with the utmost elegance. As

soon as he entered, he examined carefully whether the glass

closed without leaving any trace, and, doubtless satisfied

with his observation, he opened by means of a small gold key

the triple fastenings of a door in front of him. This time

the door opened upon a handsome cabinet sumptuously

furnished, in which was seated upon cushions a lady of

surpassing beauty, who at the sound of the lock sprang

towards Fouquet. “Ah! good heavens!” cried the latter,

starting back with astonishment. “Madame la Marquise de

Belliere, you here?”

“Yes,” murmured la marquise. “Yes; it is I, monsieur.”

“Marquise! dear marquise!” added Fouquet, ready to prostrate

himself. “Ah! my God! how did you come here? And I, to keep

you waiting!”

“A long time, monsieur; yes, a very long time!”

“I am happy in thinking this waiting has appeared long to

you, marquise!”

“Oh! an eternity, monsieur; oh! I rang more than twenty

times. Did you not hear me?”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“Marquise, you are pale, you tremble.”

“Did you not hear, then, that you were summoned?”

“Oh, yes; I heard plainly enough, madame; but I could not

come. After your rigors and your refusals, how could I dream

it was you? If I could have had any suspicion of the

happiness that awaited me, believe me, madame, I would have

quitted everything to fall at your feet, as I do at this


“Are we quite alone, monsieur?” asked the marquise, looking

round the room.

“Oh, yes, madame, I can assure you of that.”

“Really?” said the marquise, in a melancholy tone.

“You sigh!” said Fouquet.

“What mysteries! what precautions!” said the marquise, with

a slight bitterness of expression; “and how evident it is

that you fear the least suspicion of your amours to escape.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre