Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

Ten Years Later. Part one

Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

Ten Years Later

by Alexandre Dumas

The Vicomte de Bragelonne.

Volume I.


The Letter.

Towards the middle of the month of May, in the year 1660, at

nine o’clock in the morning, when the sun, already high in

the heavens, was fast absorbing the dew from the ramparts of

the castle of Blois a little cavalcade, composed of three

men and two pages, re-entered the city by the bridge,

without producing any other effect upon the passengers of

the quay beyond a first movement of the hand to the head, as

a salute, and a second movement of the tongue to express, in

the purest French then spoken in France: “There is Monsieur

returning from hunting.” And that was all.

Whilst, however, the horses were climbing the steep

acclivity which leads from the river to the castle, several

shop-boys approached the last horse, from whose saddle-bow a

number of birds were suspended by the beak.

On seeing this, the inquisitive youths manifested with

rustic freedom their contempt for such paltry sport, and,

after a dissertation among themselves upon the disadvantages

of hawking, they returned to their occupations; one only of

the curious party, a stout, stubby, cheerful lad, having

demanded how it was that Monsieur, who, from his great

revenues, had it in his power to amuse himself so much

better, could be satisfied with such mean diversions.

“Do you not know,” one of the standers-by replied, “that

Monsieur’s principal amusement is to weary himself?”

The light-hearted boy shrugged his shoulders with a gesture

which said as clear as day: “In that case I would rather be

plain Jack than a prince.” And all resumed their labors.

In the meanwhile, Monsieur continued his route with an air

at once so melancholy and so majestic, that he certainly

would have attracted the attention of spectators, if

spectators there had been; but the good citizens of Blois

could not pardon Monsieur for having chosen their gay city

for an abode in which to indulge melancholy at his ease, and

as often as they caught a glimpse of the illustrious ennuye,

they stole away gaping, or drew back their heads into the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

interior of their dwellings, to escape the soporific

influence of that long pale face, of those watery eyes, and

that languid address; so that the worthy prince was almost

certain to find the streets deserted whenever he chanced to

pass through them.

Now, on the part of the citizens of Blois this was a

culpable piece of disrespect, for Monsieur was, after the

king — nay, even, perhaps before the king — the greatest

noble of the kingdom. In fact, God, who had granted to Louis

XIV., then reigning, the honor of being son of Louis XIII.,

had granted to Monsieur the honor of being son of Henry IV.

It was not then, or, at least it ought not to have been, a

trifling source of pride for the city of Blois, that Gaston

of Orleans had chosen it as his residence, and he his court

in the ancient castle of its states.

But it was the destiny of this great prince to excite the

attention and admiration of the public in a very modified

degree wherever he might be. Monsieur had fallen into this

situation by habit.

It was not, perhaps, this which gave him that air of

listlessness. Monsieur had been tolerably busy in the course

of his life. A man cannot allow the heads of a dozen of his

best friends to be cut off without feeling a little

excitement, and as, since the accession of Mazarin to power,

no heads had been cut off, Monsieur’s occupation was gone,

and his morale suffered from it.

The life of the poor prince was, then, very dull. After his

little morning hawking-party on the banks of the Beuvion, or

in the woods of Chiverny, Monsieur crossed the Loire, went

to breakfast at Chambord, with or without an appetite and

the city of Blois heard no more of its sovereign lord and

master till the next hawking-day.

So much for the ennui extra muros; of the ennui of the

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre