Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

involuntarily, he darted a glance at the minister which

would have terrified him, if Mazarin, at the moment, had not

concealed his head under his pillow.

“Monsieur,” said the young Duc d’Anjou, placing his hand,

delicate and white as that of a woman, upon the arm of

Athos, “tell that brave man, I beg you, that Monsieur,

brother of the king, will to-morrow drink his health before

five hundred of the best gentlemen of France.” And, on

finishing these words, the young man, perceiving that his

enthusiasm had deranged one of his ruffles, set to work to

put it to rights with the greatest care imaginable.

“Let us resume business, sire,” interrupted Mazarin who

never was enthusiastic, and who wore no ruffles.

“Yes, monsieur,” replied Louis XIV. “Pursue your

communication, monsieur le comte,” added he, turning towards


Athos immediately began and offered in due form the hand of

the Princess Henrietta Stuart to the young prince, the

king’s brother. The conference lasted an hour; after which

the doors of the chamber were thrown open to the courtiers,

who resumed their places as if nothing had been kept from

them in the occupations of that evening. Athos then found

himself again with Raoul, and the father and son were able

to clasp each other’s hands.


In which Mazarin becomes Prodigal

Whilst Mazarin was endeavoring to recover from the serious

alarm he had just experienced, Athos and Raoul were

exchanging a few words in a corner of the apartment. “Well,

here you are at Paris, then, Raoul?” said the comte.

“Yes, monsieur, since the return of M. le Prince.”

“I cannot converse freely with you here, because we are

observed; but I shall return home presently, and shall

expect you as soon as your duty permits.”

Raoul bowed, and, at that moment, M. le Prince came up to

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

them. The prince had that clear and keen look which

distinguishes birds of prey of the noble species; his

physiognomy itself presented several distinct traits of this

resemblance. It is known that in the Prince de Conde, the

aquiline nose rose out sharply and incisively from a brow

slightly retreating, rather low than high, and according to

the railers of the court, — a pitiless race even for

genius, — constituted rather an eagle’s beak than a human

nose, in the heir of the illustrious princes of the house of

Conde. This penetrating look, this imperious expression of

the whole countenance generally disturbed those to whom the

prince spoke, more than either majesty or regular beauty

could have done in the conqueror of Rocroy. Besides this,

the fire mounted so suddenly to his projecting eyes, that

with the prince every sort of animation resembled passion.

Now, on account of his rank, everybody at the court

respected M. le Prince, and many even, seeing only the man,

carried their respect as far as terror.

Louis de Conde then advanced towards the Comte de la Fere

and Raoul, with the marked intention of being saluted by the

one, and of speaking to the other. No man bowed with more

reserved grace than the Comte de la Fere. He disdained to

put into a salutation all the shades which a courtier

ordinarily borrows from the same color — the desire to

please. Athos knew his own personal value, and bowed to the

prince like a man, correcting by something sympathetic and

undefinable that which might have appeared offensive to the

pride of the highest rank in the inflexibility of his

attitude. The prince was about to speak to Raoul. Athos

forestalled him. “If M. le Vicomte de Bragelonne,” said he,

“were not one of the humble servants of your royal highness,

I would beg him to pronounce my name before you — mon


“I have the honor to address Monsieur le Comte de la Fere,”

said Conde instantly.

“My protector,” added Raoul, blushing.

“One of the most honorable men in the kingdom,” continued

the prince; “one of the first gentlemen of France, and of

whom I have heard so much that I have frequently desired to

number him among my friends.”

“An honour of which I should be unworthy,” replied Athos,

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre