Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

me, count, thanks for your devoted remembrance, but I know

in what I must trust — nothing will save me now. And see,

my friend, I was so convinced, that I was taking the route

of exile with my old Parry; I was returning to devour my

poignant griefs in the little hermitage offered me by

Holland. There, believe me, count, all will soon be over,

and death will come quickly, it is called so often by this

body, eaten up by its soul, and by this soul, which aspires

to heaven.”

“Your majesty has a mother, a sister, and brothers; your

majesty is the head of the family, and ought, therefore, to

ask a long life of God, instead of imploring Him for a

prompt death. Your majesty is an exile, a fugitive, but you

have right on your side; you ought to aspire to combats,

dangers, business, and not to rest in heavens.”

“Count,” said Charles II., with a smile of indescribable

sadness, “have you ever heard of a king who reconquered his

kingdom with one servant of the age of Parry, and with three

hundred crowns which that servant carried in his purse?”

“No, sire; but I have heard — and that more than once —

that a dethroned king has recovered his kingdom with a firm

will, perseverance, some friends, and a million skillfully


“But you cannot have understood me. The million I asked of

my brother Louis was refused me.”

“Sire,” said Athos, “will your majesty grant me a few

minutes, and listen attentively to what remains for me to

say to you?”

Charles II. looked earnestly at Athos. “Willingly,

monsieur,” said he.

“Then I will show your majesty the way,” resumed the count,

directing his steps towards the house. He then conducted the

king to his study, and begged him to be seated. “Sire,” said

he, “your majesty just now told me that, in the present

state of England, a million would suffice for the recovery

of your kingdom.”

“To attempt it at least, monsieur, and to die as a king if I

should not succeed.”

“Well, then, sire, let your majesty, according to the

promise you have made me, have the goodness to listen to

what I have to say.” Charles made an affirmative sign with

his head. Athos walked straight up to the door, the bolts of

which he drew, after looking to see if anybody was near, and

then returned. “Sire,” said he, “your majesty has kindly

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

remembered that I lent assistance to the very noble and very

unfortunate Charles I., when his executioners conducted him

from St. James’s to Whitehall.”

“Yes, certainly, I do remember it, and always shall remember


“Sire, it is a dismal history to be heard by a son who no

doubt has had it related to him many times; and yet I ought

to repeat it to your majesty without omitting one detail.”

“Speak on, monsieur.”

“When the king your father ascended the scaffold, or rather

when he passed from his chamber to the scaffold on a level

with his window, everything was prepared for his escape. The

executioner was got out of the way; a hole contrived under

the floor of his apartment; I myself was beneath the funeral

vault, which I heard all at once creak beneath his feet.”

“Parry has related to me all these terrible details,


Athos bowed, and resumed. “But here is something he has not

related to you, sire, for what follows passed between God,

your father, and myself; and never has the revelation of it

been made even to my dearest friends. `Go a little further

off,’ said the august patient to the executioner; `it is but

for an instant, and I know that I belong to you; but

remember not to strike till I give the signal. I wish to

offer up my prayers in freedom.'”

“Pardon me,” said Charles II., turning very pale, “but you,

count, who know so many details of this melancholy event, —

details which, as you said just now, have never been

revealed to anyone, — do you know the name of that infernal

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre