Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

known company contract; perhaps such things have been abused

a little since, both in form and principle.

“Now,” said Planchet, pouring out the last glass of Anjou

wine for D’Artagnan, — “now go to sleep, my dear master.”

“No,” replied D’Artagnan; “for the most difficult part now

remains to be done, and I will think over that difficult


“Bah!” said Planchet; “I have such great confidence in you,

M. d’Artagnan, that I would not give my hundred thousand

livres for ninety thousand livres down.”

“And devil take me if I don’t think you are right!” Upon

which D’Artagnan took a candle and went up to his bedroom.


In which D’Artagnan prepares to travel

for the Firm of Planchet and Company

D’Artagnan reflected to such good purpose during the night

that his plan was settled by morning. “This is it,” said he,

sitting up in bed, supporting his elbow on his knee, and his

chin in his hand; — “this is it. I shall seek out forty

steady, firm men, recruited among people a little

compromised, but having habits of discipline. I shall

promise them five hundred livres for a month if they return,

nothing if they do not return, or half for their kindred. As

to food and lodging, that concerns the English, who have

cattle in their pastures, bacon in their bacon-racks, fowls

in their poultry-yards, and corn in their barns. I will

present myself to General Monk with my little body of

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

troops. He will receive me. I shall win his confidence, and

take advantage of it, as soon as possible.”

But without going farther, D’Artagnan shook his head and

interrupted himself. “No,” said he; “I should not dare to

relate this to Athos; the way is therefore not honorable. I

must use violence,” continued he, — “very certainly I must,

but without compromising my loyalty. With forty men I will

traverse the country as a partisan. But if I fall in with,

not forty thousand English, as Planchet said, but purely and

simply with four hundred, I shall be beaten. Supposing that

among my forty warriors there should be found at least ten

stupid ones — ten who will allow themselves to be killed

one after the other, from mere folly? No; it is, in fact,

impossible to find forty men to be depended upon — they do

not exist. I must learn how to be contented with thirty.

With ten men less I should have the right of avoiding any

armed encounter, on account of the small number of my

people; and if the encounter should take place, my chance is

better with thirty men than forty. Besides, I should save

five thousand francs; that is to say, the eighth of my

capital; that is worth the trial. This being so, I should

have thirty men. I shall divide them into three bands, — we

will spread ourselves about over the country, with an

injunction to reunite at a given moment; in this fashion,

ten by ten, we should excite no suspicion — we should pass

unperceived. Yes, yes, thirty — that is a magic number.

There are three tens — three, that divine number! And then,

truly, a company of thirty men, when all together, will look

rather imposing. Ah! stupid wretch that I am!” continued

D’Artagnan, “I want thirty horses. That is ruinous. Where

the devil was my head when I forgot the horses? We cannot,

however, think of striking such a blow without horses. Well,

so be it, that sacrifice must be made; we can get the horses

in the country — they are not bad, besides. But I forgot —

peste! Three bands — that necessitates three leaders; there

is the difficulty. Of the three commanders I have already

one — that is myself; — yes, but the two others will of

themselves cost almost as much money as all the rest of the

troop. No; positively I must have but one lieutenant. In

that ease, then, I should reduce my troop to twenty men. I

know very well that twenty men is but very little; but since

with thirty I was determined not to seek to come to blows, I

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre