Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one


The King and the Lieutenant

As soon as the king saw the officer enter, he dismissed his

valet de chambre and his gentleman. “Who is on duty

to-morrow, monsieur?” asked he.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

The lieutenant bowed his head with military politeness and

replied, “I am, sire.”

“What! still you?”

“Always I, sire.”

“How can that be, monsieur?”

“Sire, when traveling, the musketeers supply all the posts

of your majesty’s household; that is to say, yours, her

majesty the queen’s, and monsieur le cardinal’s, the latter

of whom borrows of the king the best part, or rather the

most numerous part, of the royal guard.”

“But in the interims?”

“There are no interims, sire, but for twenty or thirty men

who rest out of a hundred and twenty. At the Louvre it is

very different, and if I were at the Louvre I should rely

upon my brigadier; but, when traveling, sire, no one knows

what may happen, and I prefer doing my duty myself.”

“Then you are on guard every day?”

“And every night. Yes, sire.”

“Monsieur, I cannot allow that — I will have you rest.”

“That is very kind, sire, but I will not.”

“What do you say?” said the king who did not at first

comprehend the full meaning of this reply.

“I say, sire, that I will not expose myself to the chance of

a fault. If the devil had a trick to play on me, you

understand, sire, as he knows the man with whom he has to

deal, he would choose the moment when I should not be there.

My duty and the peace of my conscience before everything,


“But such duty will kill you, monsieur.”

“Eh! sire, I have performed it for thirty years, and in all

France and Navarre there is not a man in better health than

I am. Moreover, I entreat you, sire, not to trouble yourself

about me. That would appear very strange to me, seeing that

I am not accustomed to it.”

The king cut short the conversation by a fresh question.

“Shall you be here, then, to-morrow morning?”

“As at present? yes, sire.”

The king walked several times up and down his chamber; it

was very plain that he burned with a desire to speak, but

that he was restrained by some fear or other. The

lieutenant, standing motionless, hat in hand, watched him

making these evolutions, and, whilst looking at him,

grumbled to himself, biting his mustache:

“He has not half a crown worth of resolution! Parole

d’honneur! I would lay a wager he does not speak at all!”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

The king continued to walk about, casting from time to time

a side glance at the lieutenant. “He is the very image of

his father,” continued the latter, in his secret soliloquy,

“he is at once proud, avaricious, and timid. The devil take

his master, say I.”

The king stopped. “Lieutenant,” said he.

“I am here, sire.”

“Why did you cry out this evening, down below in the salons

— `The king’s service! His majesty’s musketeers!'”

“Because you gave me the order, sire.”



“Indeed, I did not say a word, monsieur.”

“Sire, an order is given by a sign, by a gesture, by a

glance, as intelligibly, as freely, and as clearly as by

word of mouth. A servant who has nothing but ears is not

half a good servant.”

“Your eyes are very penetrating, then, monsieur.”

“How is that, sire?”

“Because they see what is not.”

“My eyes are good, though, sire, although they have served

their master long and much: when they have anything to see,

they seldom miss the opportunity. Now, this evening, they

saw that your majesty colored with endeavoring to conceal

the inclination to yawn, that your majesty looked with

eloquent supplications, first at his eminence, and then at

her majesty, the queen-mother, and at length to the entrance

door, and they so thoroughly remarked all I have said, that

they saw your majesty’s lips articulate these words: `Who

will get me out of this?'”


“Or something to this effect, sire — `My musketeers!’ I

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre