Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

lost nothing of his circumspection, the supper, or what was

to serve for one, had been laid upon a deal table. Monk

invited the Comte de la Fere to be seated at this table, and

took his place opposite to him. A single dish of boiled

fish, set before the two illustrious guests, was more

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

tempting to hungry stomachs than to delicate palates.

Whilst supping, that is, while eating the fish, washed down

with bad ale, Monk got Athos to relate to him the last

events of the Fronde, the reconciliation of M. de Conde with

the king, and the probable marriage of the infanta of Spain;

but he avoided, as Athos himself avoided it, all allusion to

the political interests which united, or rather which

disunited at this time, England, France and Holland.

Monk, in this conversation, convinced himself of one thing,

which he must have remarked after the first words exchanged:

that was, that he had to deal with a man of high

distinction. He could not be an assassin, and it was

repugnant to Monk to believe him to be a spy, but there was

sufficient finesse and at the same time firmness in Athos to

lead Monk to fancy he was a conspirator. When they had

quitted table, “You still believe in your treasure, then,

monsieur?” asked Monk.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Quite seriously?”


“And you think you can find the place again where it was


“At the first inspection.”

“Well, monsieur, from curiosity I shall accompany you. And

it is so much the more necessary that I should accompany

you, that you would find great difficulties in passing

through the camp without me or one of my lieutenants.”

“General, I would not suffer you to inconvenience yourself

if I did not, in fact, stand in need of your company; but as

I recognize that this company is not only honorable, but

necessary, I accept it.”

“Do you desire we should take any people with us?” asked


“General, I believe that would be useless, if you yourself

do not see the necessity for it. Two men and a horse will

suffice to transport the two casks on board the felucca

which brought me hither.”

“But it will be necessary to pick, dig and remove the earth,

and split stones; you don’t intend doing this work yourself,

monsieur, do you?”

“General, there is no picking or digging required. The

treasure is buried in the sepulchral vault of the convent,

under a stone in which is fixed a large iron ring and under

which are four steps leading down. The two casks are there,

placed end to end, covered with a coat of plaster in the

form of a bier. There is, besides, an inscription, which

will enable me to recognize the stone; and as I am not

willing, in an affair of delicacy and confidence, to keep

the secret from your honor, here is the inscription: — `Hic

jacet venerabilis, Petrus Gulielmus Scott, Canon Honorab.

Conventus Novi Castelli. Obiit quarta et decima. Feb. ann.

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Dom. MCCVIII. Requiescat in pace.'”

Monk did not lose a single word.- He was astonished either

at the marvelous duplicity of this man and the superior

style in which he played his part, or at the good loyal

faith with which he presented his request, in a situation in

which concerning a million of money, risked against the blow

from a dagger, amidst an army that would have looked upon

the theft as a restitution.

“Very well,” said he; “I shall accompany you; and the

adventure appears to me so wonderful, that I shall carry the

torch myself.” And saying these words, he girded on a short

sword, placed a pistol in his belt, disclosing in this

movement, which opened his doublet a little, the fine rings

of a coat of mail, destined to protect him from the first

dagger-thrust of an assassin. After which he took a Scotch

dirk in his left hand, and then turning to Athos, “Are you

ready, monsieur?” said he.

“I am.”

Athos, as if in opposition to what Monk had done, unfastened

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre