Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

three officers exchanged a meaning look. The lieutenant, by

a tacit convention with the other two, was spokesman.”

“Monsieur, the general left you last night on the borders of

the monastery.”

“Yes, monsieur.”

“And you went —- ”

“It is not for me to answer you, but for those who have

accompanied me. They were your soldiers, ask them.”

“But if we please to question you?”

“Then it will please me to reply, monsieur, that I do not

recognize any one here, that I know no one here but the

general, and that it is to him alone I will reply.”

“So be it, monsieur; but as we are the masters, we

constitute ourselves a council of war, and when you are

before judges you must reply.”

The countenance of Athos expressed nothing but astonishment

and disdain, instead of the terror the officers expected to

read in it at this threat.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“Scotch or English judges upon me, a subject of the king of

France; upon me, placed under the safeguard of British

honor! You are mad, gentlemen!” said Athos, shrugging his


The officers looked at each other. “Then, monsieur,” said

one of them, “do you pretend not to know where the general


“To that, monsieur, I have already replied.”

“Yes, but you have already replied an incredible thing.”

“It is true, nevertheless, gentlemen. Men of my rank are not

generally liars. I am a gentleman, I have told you, and when

I have at my side the sword which, by an excess of delicacy,

I left last night upon the table whereon it still lies,

believe me, no man says that to me which I am unwilling to

hear. I am at this moment disarmed; if you pretend to be my

judges, try me; if you are but my executioners, kill me.”

“But, monsieur —- ” asked the lieutenant, in a more

courteous voice, struck with the lofty coolness of Athos.

“Sir, I came to speak confidentially with your general about

affairs of importance. It was not an ordinary welcome that

he gave me. The accounts your soldiers can give you may

convince you of that. If, then, the general received me in

that manner, he knew my titles to his esteem. Now, you do

not suspect, I should think that I should reveal my secrets

to you, and still less his.”

“But these casks, what do they contain?”

“Have you not put that question to your soldiers? What was

their reply?”

“That they contained powder and ball.”

“From whom had they that information? They must have told

you that.”

“From the general; but we are not dupes.”

“Beware, gentlemen, it is not to me you are now giving the

lie, it is to your leader.”

The officers again looked at each other. Athos continued:

“Before your soldiers the general told me to wait a week,

and at the expiration of that week he would give me the

answer he had to make me. Have I fled away? No, I wait.”

“He told you to wait a week!” cried the lieutenant.

“He told me that so clearly, sir, that I have a sloop at the

mouth of the river, which I could with ease have joined

yesterday, and embarked. Now, if I have remained, it was

only in compliance with the desire of your general, his

honor having requested me not to depart without a last

audience, which fixed at a week hence. I repeat to you,

then, I am waiting.”

The lieutenant turned towards the other officers, and said,

in a low voice: “If this gentleman speaks truth, there may

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

still be some hope. The general may be carrying out some

negotiations so secret, that he thought it imprudent to

inform even us. Then the time limited for his absence would

be a week.” Then, turning towards Athos: “Monsieur,” said

he, “your declaration is of the most serious importance; are

you willing to repeat it under the seal of an oath?”

“Sir,” replied Athos, “I have always lived in a world where

my simple word was regarded as the most sacred of oaths.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre