Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

Twenty Years Later. Part two

“But the night is dark,” said Athos, perceiving that Lord de

Winter seemed more uneasy than he wished to appear; “and you

have no servant.”

“I have Tony, a safe if simple youth.”

“Halloo, there, Grimaud, Olivain, and Blaisois! call the

viscount and take the musket with you.”

Blaisois was the tall youth, half groom, half peasant, whom

we saw at the Chateau de Bragelonne, whom Athos had

christened by the name of his province.

“Viscount,” said Athos to Raoul, as he entered, “you will

conduct my lord as far as his hotel and permit no one to

approach him.”

“Oh! count,” said De Winter, “for whom do you take me?”

“For a stranger who does not know Paris,” said Athos, “and

to whom the viscount will show the way.”

De Winter shook him by the hand.

“Grimaud,” said Athos, “put yourself at the head of the

troop and beware of the monk.”

Grimaud shuddered, and nodding, awaited the departure,

regarding the butt of his musket with silent eloquence. Then

obeying the orders given him by Athos, he headed the small

procession, bearing the torch in one hand and the musket in

the other, until it reached De Winter’s inn, when pounding

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on the portal with his fist, he bowed to my lord and faced

about without a word.

The same order was followed in returning, nor did Grimaud’s

searching glance discover anything of a suspicious

appearance, save a dark shadow, as it were, in ambuscade, at

the corner of the Rue Guenegaud and of the Quai. He fancied,

also, that in going he had already observed the street

watcher who had attracted his attention. He pushed on toward

him, but before he could reach it the shadow had disappeared

into an alley, into which Grimaud deemed it scarcely prudent

to pursue it.

The next day, on awaking, the count perceived Raoul by his

bedside. The young man was already dressed and was reading a

new book by M. Chapelain.

“Already up, Raoul?” exclaimed the count.

“Yes, sir,” replied Raoul, with slight hesitation; “I did

not sleep well.”

“You, Raoul, not sleep well! then you must have something on

your mind!” said Athos.

“Sir, you will perhaps think that I am in a great hurry to

leave you when I have only just arrived, but —- ”

“Have you only two days of leave, Raoul?”

“On the contrary, sir, I have ten; nor is it to the camp I

wish to go.”

“Where, then?” said Athos, smiling, “if it be not a secret.

You are now almost a man, since you have made your first

passage of arms, and have acquired the right to go where you

will without consulting me.”

“Never, sir,” said Raoul, “as long as I possess the

happiness of having you for a protector, shall I deem I have

the right of freeing myself from a guardianship so valuable

to me. I have, however, a wish to go and pass a day at

Blois. You look at me and you are going to laugh at me.”

“No, on the contrary, I am not inclined to laugh,” said

Athos, suppressing a sigh. “You wish to see Blois again; it

is but natural.”

“Then you permit me to go, you are not angry in your heart?”

exclaimed Raoul, joyously.

“Certainly; and why should I regret what gives you


“Oh! how kind you are,” exclaimed the young man, pressing

his guardian’s hand; “and I can set out immediately?”

“When you like, Raoul.”

“Sir,” said Raoul, as he turned to leave the room, “I have

thought of one thing, and that is about the Duchess of

Chevreuse, who was so kind to me and to whom I owe my

introduction to the prince.”

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“And you ought to thank her, Raoul. Well, try the Hotel de

Luynes, Raoul, and ask if the duchess can receive you. I am

glad to see you pay attention to the usages of the world.

You must take Grimaud and Olivain.”

“Both, sir?” asked Raoul, astonished.


Raoul went out, and when Athos heard his young, joyous voice

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre