Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

into confusion and re-entered Charenton flying. The

coadjutor, dragged along with his fugitive forces, passed

near the group formed by Athos, Raoul and Aramis. Aramis

could not in his jealousy avoid being pleased at the

coadjutor’s misfortune, and was about to utter some bon mot

more witty than correct, when Athos stopped him.

“On, on!” he cried, “this is no moment for compliments; or

rather, back, for the battle seems to be lost by the


“It is a matter of indifference to me,” said Aramis; “I came

here only to meet De Chatillon; I have met him, I am

contented; ’tis something to have met De Chatillon in a


“And besides, we have a prisoner,” said Athos, pointing to


The three cavaliers continued their road on full gallop.

“What were you doing in the battle, my friend?” inquired

Athos of the youth; “’twas not your right place, I think, as

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you were not equipped for an engagement!”

“I had no intention of fighting to-day, sir; I was charged,

indeed, with a mission to the cardinal and had set out for

Rueil, when, seeing Monsieur de Chatillon charge, an

invincible desire possessed me to charge at his side. It was

then that he told me two cavaliers of the Parisian army were

seeking me and named the Comte de la Fere.”

“What! you knew we were there and yet wished to kill your

friend the chevalier?”

“I did not recognize the chevalier in armor, sir!” said

Raoul, blushing; “though I might have known him by his skill

and coolness in danger.”

“Thank you for the compliment, my young friend,” replied

Aramis, “we can see from whom you learned courtesy. Then you

were going to Rueil?”

“Yes! I have a despatch from the prince to his eminence.”

“You must still deliver it,” said Athos.

“No false generosity, count! the fate of our friends, to say

nothing of our own, is perhaps in that very despatch.”

“This young man must not, however, fail in his duty,” said


“In the first place, count, this youth is our prisoner; you

seem to forget that. What I propose to do is fair in war;

the vanquished must not be dainty in the choice of means.

Give me the despatch, Raoul.”

The young man hesitated and looked at Athos as if seeking to

read in his eyes a rule of conduct.

“Give him the despatch, Raoul! you are the chevalier’s


Raoul gave it up reluctantly; Aramis instantly seized and

read it.

“You,” he said, “you, who are so trusting, read and reflect

that there is something in this letter important for us to


Athos took the letter, frowning, but an idea that he should

find something in this letter about D’Artagnan conquered his

unwillingness to read it.

“My lord, I shall send this evening to your eminence in

order to reinforce the troop of Monsieur de Comminges, the

ten men you demand. They are good soldiers, fit to confront

the two violent adversaries whose address and resolution

your eminence is fearful of.”

“Oh!” cried Athos.

“Well,” said Aramis, “what think you about these two enemies

whom it requires, besides Comminges’s troop, ten good

soldiers to confront; are they not as like as two drops of

water to D’Artagnan and Porthos?”

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“We’ll search Paris all day long,” said Athos, “and if we

have no news this evening we will return to the road to

Picardy; and I feel no doubt that, thanks to D’Artagnan’s

ready invention, we shall then find some clew which will

solve our doubts.”

“Yes, let us search Paris and especially inquire of Planchet

if he has yet heard from his former master.”

“That poor Planchet! You speak of him very much at your

ease, Aramis; he has probably been killed. All those

fighting citizens went out to battle and they have been


It was, then, with a sentiment of uneasiness whether

Planchet, who alone could give them information, was alive

or dead, that the friends returned to the Place Royale; to

their great surprise they found the citizens still encamped

there, drinking and bantering each other, although,

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre