Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

discovered, arrested, obliged to kill me, which would be a

crime unworthy of loyal gentlemen like you.”

“He is right,” thought Athos.

And, like every other reflection passing in a mind that

entertained none but noble thoughts, this feeling was

expressed in his eyes.

“And therefore,” said D’Artagnan, to clip the hope which

Athos’s tacit adhesion had imparted to Mazarin, “we shall

not proceed to that violence save in the last extremity.”

“If on the contrary,” resumed Mazarin, “you accept your

liberty —- ”

“Why you, my lord, might take it away from us in less than

five minutes afterward; and from my knowledge of you I

believe you will so take it away from us.”

“No — on the faith of a cardinal. You do not believe me?”

“My lord, I never believe cardinals who are not priests.”

“Well, on the faith of a minister.”

“You are no longer a minister, my lord; you are a prisoner.”

“Then, on the honor of a Mazarin, as I am and ever shall be,

I hope,” said the cardinal.

“Hem,” replied D’Artagnan. “I have heard speak of a Mazarin

who had not much religion when his oaths were in question. I

fear he may have been an ancestor of your eminence.”

“Monsieur d’Artagnan, you are a great wit and I am really

sorry to be on bad terms with you.”

“My lord, let us come to terms; I ask nothing better.”

“Very well,” said Mazarin, “if I place you in security, in a

manner evident, palpable —- ”

“Ah! that is another thing,” said Porthos.

“Let us see,” said Athos.

“Let us see,” said D’Artagnan.

“In the first place, do you accept?” asked the cardinal.

“Unfold your plan, my lord, and we will see.”

“Take notice that you are shut up — captured.”

“You well know, my lord, that there always remains to us a

last resource.”


“That of dying together.”

Mazarin shuddered.

Page 576

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Listen,” he said; “at the end of yonder corridor is a door,

of which I have the key, it leads into the park. Go, and

take this key with you; you are active, vigorous, and you

have arms. At a hundred steps, on turning to the left, you

will find the wall of the park; get over it, and in three

leaps you will be on the road and free.”

“Ah! by Jove, my lord,” said D’Artagnan, “you have well

said, but these are only words. Where is the key you speak


“Here it is.”

“Ah, my lord! You will conduct us yourself, then, to that


“Very willingly, if it be necessary to reassure you,”

answered the minister, and Mazarin, who was delighted to get

off so cheaply, led the way, in high spirits, to the

corridor and opened the door.

It led into the park, as the three fugitives perceived by

the night breeze which rushed into the corridor and blew the

wind into their faces.

“The devil!” exclaimed the Gascon, “’tis a dreadful night,

my lord. We don’t know the locality, and shall never find

the wall. Since your eminence has come so far, come a few

steps further; conduct us, my lord, to the wall.”

“Be it so,” replied the cardinal; and walking in a straight

line he went to the wall, at the foot of which they all four

arrived at the same instant.

“Are you satisfied, gentlemen?” asked Mazarin.

“I think so, indeed; we should be hard to please if we were

not. Deuce take it! three poor gentlemen escorted by a

prince of the church! Ah! apropos, my lord! you remarked

that we were all active, vigorous and armed.”


“You are mistaken. Monsieur du Vallon and I are the only two

who are armed. The count is not; and should we meet with one

of your patrol we must defend ourselves.”

“‘Tis true.”

“Where can we find another sword?” asked Porthos.

“My lord,” said D’Artagnan, “will lend his, which is of no

use to him, to the Comte de la Fere.”

“Willingly,” said the cardinal; “I will even ask the count

to keep it for my sake.”

“I promise you, my lord, never to part with it,” replied

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre