Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

seen the Italian mummers do, whom the Cardinal Mazarin

brought over from Bergamo and whom he doubtless took you to

see during your travels in France.”

Mordaunt did not reply.

“Just now,” D’Artagnan continued, “you were disguised — I

mean to say, attired — as a murderer, and now —- ”

“And now I look very much like a man who is going to be


“Oh! sir,” said D’Artagnan, “how can you talk like that when

you are in the company of gentlemen and have such an

excellent sword at your side?”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“No sword is excellent enough to be of use against four

swords and daggers.”

“Well, that is scarcely the question. I had the honor of

asking you why you altered your costume. The mask and beard

became you very well, and as to the axe, I do not think it

would be out of keeping even at this moment. Why, then, have

you laid it aside?”

“Because, remembering the scene at Armentieres, I thought I

should find four axes for one, as I was to meet four


“Sir,” replied D’Artagnan, in the calmest manner possible,

“you are very young; I shall therefore overlook your

frivolous remarks. What took place at Armentieres has no

connection whatever with the present occasion. We could

scarcely have requested your mother to take a sword and

fight us.”

“Aha! It is a duel, then?” cried Mordaunt, as if disposed to

reply at once to the provocation.

Porthos rose, always ready for this kind of adventure.

“Pardon me,” said D’Artagnan. “Do not let us do things in a

hurry. We will arrange the matter rather better. Confess,

Monsieur Mordaunt, that you are anxious to kill some of us.”

“All,” replied Mordaunt.

“Then, my dear sir; I am convinced that these gentlemen

return your kind wishes and will be delighted to kill you

also. Of course they will do so as honorable gentlemen, and

the best proof I can furnish is this —- ”

So saying, he threw his hat on the ground, pushed back his

chair to the wall and bowed to Mordaunt with true French


“At your service, sir,” he continued. “My sword is shorter

than yours, it’s true, but, bah! I think the arm will make

up for the sword.”

“Halt!” cried Porthos coming forward. “I begin, and without

any rhetoric.”

“Allow me, Porthos,” said Aramis.

Athos did not move. He might have been taken for a statue.

Even his breathing seemed to be arrested.

“Gentlemen,” said D’Artagnan, “you shall have your turn.

Monsieur Mordaunt dislikes you sufficiently not to refuse

you afterward. You can see it in his eye. So pray keep your

places, like Athos, whose calmness is entirely laudable.

Besides, we will have no words about it. I have particular

business to settle with this gentleman and I shall and will


Porthos and Aramis drew back, disappointed, and drawing his

sword D’Artagnan turned to his adversary:

“Sir, I am waiting for you.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“And for my part, gentlemen, I admire you. You are disputing

which shall fight me first, but you do not consult me who am

most concerned in the matter. I hate you all, but not

equally. I hope to kill all four of you, but I am more

likely to kill the first than the second, the second than

the third, and the third than the last. I claim, then, the

right to choose my opponent. If you refuse this right you

may kill me, but I shall not fight.”

“It is but fair,” said Porthos and Aramis, hoping he would

choose one of them.

Athos and D’Artagnan said nothing, but their silence seemed

to imply consent.

“Well, then,” said Mordaunt, “I choose for my adversary the

man who, not thinking himself worthy to be called Comte de

la Fere, calls himself Athos.”

Athos sprang up, but after an instant of motionless silence

he said, to the astonishment of his friends, “Monsieur

Mordaunt, a duel between us is impossible. Submit this

honour to somebody else.” And he sat down.

“Ah!” said Mordaunt, with a sneer, “there’s one who is

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre