Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

his way toward the Richelieu gate.


The Carriage of Monsieur le Coadjuteur.

Instead of returning, then, by the Saint Honore gate,

D’Artagnan, who had time before him, walked around and

re-entered by the Porte Richelieu. He was approached to be

examined, and when it was discovered by his plumed hat and

his laced coat, that he was an officer of the musketeers, he

was surrounded, with the intention of making him cry, “Down

with Mazarin!” The demonstration did not fail to make him

uneasy at first; but when he discovered what it meant, he

shouted it in such a voice that even the most exacting were

satisfied. He walked down the Rue Richelieu, meditating how

he should carry off the queen in her turn, for to take her

in a carriage bearing the arms of France was not to be

thought of, when he perceived an equipage standing at the

door of the hotel belonging to Madame de Guemenee.

He was struck by a sudden idea.

“Ah, pardieu!” he exclaimed; “that would be fair play.”

And approaching the carriage, he examined the arms on the

panels and the livery of the coachman on his box. This

scrutiny was so much the more easy, the coachman being sound


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“It is, in truth, monsieur le coadjuteur’s carriage,” said

D’Artagnan; “upon my honor I begin to think that Heaven

favors us.”

He mounted noiselessly into the chariot and pulled the silk

cord which was attached to the coachman’s little finger.

“To the Palais Royal,” he called out.

The coachman awoke with a start and drove off in the

direction he was desired, never doubting but that the order

had come from his master. The porter at the palace was about

to close the gates, but seeing such a handsome equipage he

fancied that it was some visit of importance and the

carriage was allowed to pass and to stop beneath the porch.

It was then only the coachman perceived the grooms were not

behind the vehicle; he fancied monsieur le coadjuteur had

sent them back, and without dropping the reins he sprang

from his box to open the door. D’Artagnan, in his turn,

sprang to the ground, and just at the moment when the

coachman, alarmed at not seeing his master, fell back a

step, he seized him by his collar with the left, whilst with

the right hand he placed the muzzle of a pistol at his


“Pronounce one single word,” muttered D’Artagnan, “and you

are a dead man.”

The coachman perceived at once, by the expression of the man

who thus addressed him, that he had fallen into a trap, and

he remained with his mouth wide open and his eyes

portentously staring.

Two musketeers were pacing the court, to whom D’Artagnan

called by their names.

“Monsieur de Belliere,” said he to one of them, “do me the

favor to take the reins from the hands of this worthy man,

mount upon the box and drive to the door of the private

stair, and wait for me there; it is an affair of importance

on the service of the king.”

The musketeer, who knew that his lieutenant was incapable of

jesting with regard to the service, obeyed without a word,

although he thought the order strange. Then turning toward

the second musketeer, D’Artagnan said:

“Monsieur du Verger, help me to place this man in a place of


The musketeer, thinking that his lieutenant had just

arrested some prince in disguise, bowed, and drawing his

sword, signified that he was ready. D’Artagnan mounted the

staircase, followed by his prisoner, who in his turn was

followed by the soldier, and entered Mazarin’s ante-room.

Bernouin was waiting there, impatient for news of his


“Well, sir?” he said.

“Everything goes on capitally, my dear Monsieur Bernouin,

but here is a man whom I must beg you to put in a safe


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“Where, then, sir?”

“Where you like, provided that the place which you shall

choose has iron shutters secured by padlocks and a door that

can be locked.”

“We have that, sir,” replied Bernouin; and the poor coachman

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre