Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

her majesty that I have come, and tell her with what


Whether he spoke seriously or in jest, since it was evident

that under existing circumstances D’Artagnan was the only

man who could relieve the queen’s uneasiness, Bernouin went

without hesitation to announce to her this strange embassy;

and as he had foreseen, the queen gave orders to introduce

Monsieur d’Artagnan at once.

D’Artagnan approached the sovereign with every mark of

profound respect, and having fallen on his knees presented

to her the cardinal’s letter

It was, however, merely a letter of introduction. The queen

read it, recognized the writing, and, since there were no

details in it of what had occurred, asked for particulars.

D’Artagnan related everything with that simple and ingenuous

air which he knew how to assume on occasions. The queen, as

he went on, looked at him with increasing astonishment. She

could not comprehend how a man could conceive such an

enterprise and still less how he could have the audacity to

disclose it to her whose interest and almost duty it was to

punish him.

“How, sir!” she cried, as D’Artagnan finished, “you dare to

tell me the details of your crime — to give me an account

of your treason!”

“Pardon, madame, but I think that either I have expressed

myself badly or your majesty has imperfectly understood me.

There is here no question of crime or treason. Monsieur de

Mazarin held us in prison, Monsieur du Vallon and myself,

because we could not believe that he had sent us to England

to quietly look on while they cut off the head of Charles

I., brother-in-law of the late king, your husband, the

consort of Madame Henrietta, your sister and your guest, and

because we did all that we could do to save the life of the

royal martyr. We were then convinced, my friend and I, that

there was some error of which we were the victims, and that

an explanation was called for between his eminence and

ourselves. Now, that an explanation may bear fruit, it is

necessary that it should be quietly conducted, far from

noise and interruption. We have therefore taken away

monsieur le cardinal to my friend’s chateau and there we

have come to an understanding. Well, madame, it proved to be

as we had supposed; there was a mistake. Monsieur de Mazarin

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

had thought that we had rendered service to General

Cromwell, instead of King Charles, which would have been a

disgrace, rebounding from us to him, and from him to your

majesty — a dishonor which would have tainted the royalty

of your illustrious son. We were able to prove the contrary,

and that proof we are ready to give to your majesty, calling

in support of it the august widow weeping in the Louvre,

where your royal munificence has provided for her a home.

That proof satisfied him so completely that, as a sign of

satisfaction, he has sent me, as your majesty may see, to

consider with you what reparation should be made to

gentlemen unjustly treated and wrongfully persecuted.”

“I listen to you, and I wonder at you, sir,” said the queen.

“In fact, I have rarely seen such excess of impudence.”

“Your majesty, on your side,” said D’Artagnan, “is as much

mistaken as to our intentions as the Cardinal Mazarin has

always been.”

“You are in error, sir,” answered the queen. “I am so little

mistaken that in ten minutes you shall be arrested, and in

an hour I shall set off at the head of my army to release my


“I am sure your majesty will not commit such an act of

imprudence, first, because it would be useless and would

produce the most disastrous results. Before he could be

possibly set free the cardinal would be dead; and indeed, so

convinced is he of this, that he entreated me, should I find

your majesty disposed to act in this way, to do all I could

to induce you to change your resolution.”

“Well, then, I will content myself with arresting you!”

“Madame, the possibility of my arrest has been foreseen, and

should I not have returned by to-morrow, at a certain hour

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre