Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“but for the respect and admiration I entertain for your

royal highness.”

“Monsieur de Bragelonne,” said the prince, “is a good

officer, and it is plainly seen that he has been to a good

school. Ah, monsieur le comte, in your time, generals had


“That is true, my lord, but nowadays soldiers have


This compliment, which savored so little of flattery, gave a

thrill of joy to the man whom already Europe considered a

hero; and who might be thought to be satiated with praise.

“I regret very much,” continued the prince, “that you should

have retired from the service, monsieur le comte, for it is

more than probable that the king will soon have a war with

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Holland or England, and opportunities for distinguishing

himself would not be wanting for a man who, like you, knows

Great Britain as well as you do France.”

“I believe I may say, monseigneur, that I have acted wisely

in retiring from the service,” said Athos, smiling. “France

and Great Britain will henceforward live like two sisters,

if I can trust my presentiments.”

“Your presentiments?”

“Stop, monseigneur, listen to what is being said yonder, at

the table of my lord the cardinal.”

“Where they are playing?”

“Yes, my lord.”

The cardinal had just raised himself on one elbow, and made

a sign to the king’s brother, who went to him.

“My lord,” said the cardinal, “pick up, if you please, all

those gold crowns.” And he pointed to the enormous pile of

yellow and glittering pieces which the Comte de Guiche had

raised by degrees before him by a surprising run of luck at


“For me?” cried the Duc d’Anjou.

“Those fifty thousand crowns; yes, monseigneur, they are


“Do you give them to me?”

“I have been playing on your account, monseigneur,” replied

the cardinal, getting weaker and weaker, as if this effort

of giving money had exhausted all his physical and moral


“Oh, good heavens!” exclaimed Philip, wild with joy, “what a

fortunate day!” And he himself, making a rake of his

fingers, drew a part of the sum into his pockets, which he

filled, and still full a third remained on the table.

“Chevalier,” said Philip to his favorite, the Chevalier de

Lorraine, “come hither, chevalier.” The favorite quickly

obeyed. “Pocket the rest,” said the young prince.

This singular scene was considered by the persons present

only as a touching kind of family fete. The cardinal assumed

the airs of a father with the sons of France, and the two

young princes had grown up under his wing. No one then

imputed to pride, or even impertinence, as would be done

nowadays, this liberality on the part of the first minister.

The courtiers were satisfied with envying the prince. — The

king turned away his head.

“I never had so much money before,” said the young prince,

joyously, as he crossed the chamber with his favorite to go

to his carriage. “No, never! What a weight these crowns


“But why has monsieur le cardinal given all this money at

once?” asked M. le Prince of the Comte de la Fere. “He must

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be very ill, the dear cardinal!”

“Yes, my lord, very ill; without doubt; he looks very ill,

as your royal highness may perceive.”

“But surely he will die of it. A hundred and fifty thousand

crowns! Oh, it is incredible! But, comte tell me a reason

for it?”

“Patience, monseigneur, I beg of you. Here comes M. le Duc

d’Anjou, talking with the Chevalier de Lorraine; I should

not be surprised if they spared us the trouble of being

indiscreet. Listen to them.”

In fact the chevalier said to the prince in a low voice, “My

lord, it is not natural for M. Mazarin to give you so much

money. Take care! you will let some of the pieces fall, my

lord. What design has the cardinal upon you to make him so


“As I said,” whispered Athos in the prince’s ear; “that,

perhaps, is the best reply to your question.”

“Tell me, my lord,” repeated the chevalier impatiently, as

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre