The Bourne Supremacy by Robert Ludlum

As the assassin scrambled under the bent wire, Bourne crouched and surged through the opening inches behind him. Expecting otherwise, the commando whipped around, rising to his knees. He was met by the beam of the penlight, the glow illuminating the weapon levelled at his head. I’d have done the same,’ said Jason, getting to his feet. ‘I’d have thought the same. Now go back to the fence, reach under, and yank that section back into place. Quickly!’

The killer did as he was told, straining as he pulled the thick wire mesh down. At the three-quarter mark Bourne spoke. ‘That’s enough. Get up and walk past me with your hands behind your back. Go straight ahead, shouldering your way through the branches. My light’s on your hands. If you unclasp them I’ll kill you. Am I clear?’

‘You think I’d snap a limb back in your face?’

I would.’

‘You’re clear.’

They reached the road in front of the eerily dark gate. The distant shouts were clearer now, the advance party nearer. ‘Down the road,’ said Jason. ‘Run!’ Three minutes later, he snapped on the penlight. ‘Stop!’ he shouted. That pile of green over there, can you see it?’

‘Where?’ asked the breathless assassin.

‘My beams on it.’

‘They’re branches, parts of the pine trees.’

‘Pull them away. Hurry up!’

The commando began throwing the branches aside, in moments revealing the black Shanghai sedan. It was time for the knapsack. Bourne spoke. ‘Follow my light, to the left of the bonnet.’

To what?

The tree with the white notch on the trunk. See it?’


‘Under it, about eighteen inches in front, there’s loose dirt. Beneath there’s a knapsack. Dig it out for me.’

‘Fucking technician, aren’t you?’

‘Aren’t you?’

Without replying, the sullen killer dug through the dirt and pulled the knapsack out of the ground. With the straps in his right hand, he stepped forward as if to hand the bag to his captor. Then suddenly he swung the knapsack, sweeping it diagonally up towards Jason’s weapon and the penlight as he lunged forward, the fingers of-his hands spread like the extended claws of a huge, furious cat.

Bourne was prepared. It was the precise moment he would have used to gain the advantage, however transient, for it would have given him the seconds he needed to race away into the darkness. He stepped back, smashing the automatic into the assassin’s head as the lunging figure passed him.

He crashed his knee down into the back of the splayed-out commando, grabbing the man’s right arm while clenching the penlight between his teeth.

‘I warned you,’ said Jason, yanking the killer up by his right arm. ‘But I also need you. So instead of your life, we’ll do a little bullet-surgery.’ He put the barrel of his automatic laterally against the flesh of the assassin’s arm muscle and pulled the trigger.

‘Jesus!’ screamed the killer as the spit echoed and blood erupted.

‘No bone was broken,’ said Delta. ‘Only muscle tissue, and now you can forget about using your arm. You’re fortunate that I’m a merciful man. In that knapsack is gauze and tape and disinfectant. You can repair yourself, Major. Then you’re going to drive. You’ll be my chauffeur in the People’s Republic. You see, I’ll be in the back seat with my gun at your head, and I have a map. If I were you, I wouldn’t make a wrong turn.’

Twelve of Sheng Chou Yang’s men raced to the gate, only four flashlights among them. ‘Wei shemme? Cuo wu!’

‘Mafan! Feng kuang.r

‘You mao bing!’


A dozen screaming voices were raised against the unlit floodlights, blaming everything and everyone from inefficiency to treachery. The gatehouse was checked; the electric switches and the telephone were found to be inoperative, the guard nowhere in evidence. Several studied the coiled chain around the gate’s lock and issued orders to the others. Since none could get out, they reasoned, the offenders had to be inside the sanctuary.

‘Biao? shouted the infiltrator who had been the false prisoner. ‘Quart bu zai zheli? he shrieked, telling the others to share the lights and search the parking lot, the surrounding woods and the swamps beyond. The hunters spread out, guns extended, racing across the parking area in different directions. Seven additional men arrived, only one carrying a flashlight. The false prisoner demanded it and proceeded to explain the situation so to form another search party. He was countered by objections that one light among them was insufficient for the darkness. In frustration the organizer roared a series of profanities, ascribing incredible stupidity to everyone but himself.

The dancing flames of torches grew brighter as the last of the conspirators arrived from the glen, led by the striding figure of Sheng Chou Yang, the ceremonial sword swinging at his side in its belted scabbard. The infiltrator showed him the coiled chain and repeated his argument.

‘You’re not thinking correctly,’ said Sheng, exasperated. ‘Your approach is wrong! That chain was not placed there by one of our people to keep the criminal or criminals inside. Instead, it was put there by the offender or the offenders to delay us, to keep us inside!’

‘But there are too many obstacles-‘

‘Studied and considered!’ shouted Sheng Chou Yang. ‘Must I repeat myself? These people are survivors. They stayed alive in that criminal battalion called Medusa because they considered everything! They climbed out!’

‘Impossible,’ protested the younger man. The top rail and the extended panel of barbed wire are electrified, sir. Any weight in excess of thirty pounds activates them. That way the birds and animals are not electrocuted.’

Then they found the source of the current and shut it off!’

The switches are inside, and at least seventy-five metres from the gate, concealed in the ground. Even I am not sure where they are.’

‘Send someone up,’ ordered Sheng.

The subordinate looked around. Twenty feet away two men were talking quietly, rapidly, to each other; it was unlikely either had heard the heated conversation. ‘You!’ said the young leader, pointing to the man on the left.


‘Scale the fence!’

‘Yes, sir!’ The lesser subordinate ran to the fence and leaped up, his hands gripping the open, crisscrossing squares of wire mesh as his feet worked furiously below. He reached the top and started over the angled panel of coiled barbed wire. ‘Aiyaaa!’

A shattering cascade of static was accompanied by blinding, blue-white bolts of fired electricity. His body rigid, his hair and eyebrows singed to their roots, the climber fell backward, hitting the earth with the impact of a heavy flat rock. Flashlight beams converged. The man was dead.

The truck? screamed Sheng. This is idiocy! Bring out the truck and break through! Do as I say! Instantly?

Two men raced into the parking lot and within seconds the roar of the truck’s powerful engine filled the night. The gears whined as reverse was found. The heavy truck lurched backward, its whole chassis shaking violently until it came to a sudden, leaden stop. The deflated tyres spun, smoke curling up from the burning rubber. Sheng Chou Yang stared in growing apprehension and fury.

The others? he shrieked. ‘Start the others! All of them!’

One by one the vehicles were started, and one after another each lurched in reverse only to rattle and groan, sinking into the soft gravel unable to move. In a frenzy, Sheng ran up to the gate, pulled out a gun and fired twice into the coiled chain. A man on his right screamed, holding his bleeding forehead as he fell to the ground. Sheng raised his face to the dark sky and screamed a primeval roar of protest. He yanked out his ceremonial sword and began crashing it repeatedly down on the chained lock of the gate. It was an exercise in futility. The blade broke.


There’s the house, the one with the high stone wall,’ said CIA Case Officer Matthew Richards as he drove the car up the hill in Victoria Peak. ‘According to our information, there are marines all over the place, and it won’t do me any goddamned good being seen with you.’

‘I gather you want to owe me a few more dollars,’ said Alex Conklin, leaning forward and peering through the windshield. ‘It’s negotiable.’

‘I just don’t want to be involved, for Christ’s sake! And dollars I haven’t got.’

‘Poor Matt, sad Matt. You take things too literally.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘I’m not sure I do, either, but drive by the house as if you were going to somebody else’s place. I’ll tell you when to stop and let me out.’

‘You will?’

‘Under conditions. Those are the dollars.’

‘Oh, shit.’

‘They’re not hard to take and I may not even call them in. The way I see it now, I’ll want to stay on ice and out of sight. In other words, I want a man inside. I’ll call you several times a day asking you if our lunch or dinner dates are still on, or whether I’ll see you at the Happy Valley Race-‘

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Categories: Robert Ludlum