The Bourne Supremacy by Robert Ludlum

‘We are talking,’ said the man from Medusa, sharply. ‘I know where we’re going and there’s no time to lose.’

‘You have to take the time,’ insisted the analyst. The desperation in his voice forced Bourne to stop and look at him, and then to follow him into the recessed storefront. ‘Before you do anything, you have to understand.’ ‘What do I have to understand? The lies?’ ‘No, the truth.’

‘You don’t know what the truth is,’ said Jason. ‘I know, perhaps better than you do. As you said, it’s my job. Havilland’s strategy would have proved sound had it not been for your wife. She escaped; she got away. She caused the strategy to fall apart.’ ‘I’m aware of that.’

Then surely you’re aware of the fact that whether or not he’s identified her, Sheng knows about her and understands her importance.’

‘I hadn’t thought about it one way or the other.’ Think about it now. Lin Wenzu’s unit was penetrated when it and all of Hong Kong were searching for her. Catherine Staples was killed because she was linked to your wife and it was correctly perceived that through this mystery woman she either had learned too much or was closing in on some devastating truths. Sheng’s orders obviously are to eliminate all opposition, even potential opposition. As you saw in Peking, he’s a fanatic and sees substance where there are only shadows – enemies in every dark corner.’ ‘What’s your point? asked Bourne, impatiently. ‘He’s also brilliant and his people are all over the colony.’


‘When the story breaks in the morning papers and on television, he’ll make certain assumptions and have the house in Victoria Peak as well as MI6 scrutinized every minute of every hour, even if he has to hold hostage the estate next door and once again infiltrate British Intelligence.’

‘Goddamn it, what are you driving at?

‘He’ll find Havilland and then he’ll find your wife.’


‘Suppose you fail? Suppose you’re killed? Sheng won’t rest until he learns everything there is to learn. The key is undoubtedly the woman with Havilland, the tall woman everyone was looking for. She has to be because she’s the enigma at the centre of the mystery and is connected to the ambassador. If anything happens to you, Havilland will be forced to let her go and Sheng will have her picked up – at Kai Tak, or Honolulu or Los Angeles or New York. Believe me, Mr Webb, he won’t stop until he’s caught her. He has to know what’s been mounted against him, and she is the key. There’s no one else.’

‘Again, your point?’

‘Everything could happen all over again with far more horrible results.’

The scenario?’ asked Jason, bloody images of the glen in the bird sanctuary assaulting him.

‘Yes,’ said the analyst firmly. ‘Only this time your wife is taken for real, not simply as part of the strategy to recruit you. Sheng would make certain of it.’

‘Not if he’s dead!’

‘Probably not. However, there’s the very real risk of failure that he’ll remain alive.’

‘You’re trying to say something but you’re not saying it!’

‘All right, I’ll say it now. As the assassin, you’re the link to Sheng, the one to reach him, but I’m the one who can draw him out.’


‘It was the reason I told the embassy to use my name in the press release. You see, Sheng knows me and I listened carefully when you outlined your conspirator-for-a-con-spirator theory to Havilland. He didn’t buy it and frankly I didn’t either. Sheng wouldn’t accept a conference with an unknown person, but he will with someone he knows.’

‘Why with you?’

‘Part truth, part lie,’ said the analyst, repeating Bourne’s words.

Thanks for listening so carefully. Now explain that.’

The truth first, Mr Webb, or Bourne, or whatever you want to be called. Sheng is aware of both my contributions to my government and my obvious lack of progress. I’m a bright

but unseen, unknown bureaucrat who’s been passed over because I lack those qualities that could elevate me, lead me to a degree of prominence and to lucrative jobs in the private sector. In a way, I’m like Alexander Conklin without his drinking problem, but not without a degree of his bitterness. I was as good as Sheng and he knew it, but he made it and I didn’t.’

‘A touching confession,’ said Jason, impatiently again. ‘But why would he meet you? How could you draw him out -for a kill, Mr Analyst, and I trust you know what that means?’ ‘Because I want a piece of that Hong Kong pie of his. I was nearly killed last night. It was the final indignity and now after all these years I want something for myself, for my family. That’s the lie.’ ‘You’re on tenth base. I can’t find you.’ ‘Because you’re not listening between the lines. That’s what I’m paid to do, remember?… I’ve had it. I’m at the end of my professional rope. I was sent over here to trace down and analyse a rumour out of Taiwan. This rumour about an economic conspiracy in Peking seemed to me to have substance and if it was true, there could be only one source in Peking: my old counterpart from the Sino-American trade conferences, the power behind China’s new trade policies. Nothing like this could be done without him, not even contemplated. So I assumed there was at best enough substance for me to contact him, not to blow the whistle but officially to dispose of the rumour for a price. I could even go so far as to say I see nothing against my government’s interests, and certainly not against mine. The main point is that he’d have to meet me.’ ‘Then what?’

‘Then you’d tell me what to do. You said a demolitions “grunt” could do it so why can’t I? Except not with explosives, I couldn’t handle that. A weapon instead.’ ‘You’d get killed.’ ‘I’ll accept the risk.’ ‘Why?’

‘Because it has to be done. Havilland’s right about that. And the instant Sheng sees you’re not the impostor, that you’re the original assassin, the one who tried to kill him in that bird sanctuary, his guards would cut you down.’

‘I never intended him to see me,’ said Bourne, quietly. ‘You were going to take care of that, but not this way.’

In the shadows of the dark storefront, McAllister stared at the Medusan. ‘You’re taking me with you, aren’t you?’ asked the analyst finally. ‘You’ll force me if you have to.’


‘I thought so. You wouldn’t have agreed so readily to my coming with you to Macao. You could have told me how to reach Sheng back at the airport-and demanded that we give you a certain amount of time before we acted. We wouldn’t have violated it; we’re too frightened. Regardless, you can see now that you don’t have to force me. I even brought along my diplomatic passport.’ McAllister paused for a single beat, then added. ‘And a second one that I removed from the technicians’ file – it belongs to that tall fellow who took the picture of you on the table.’

‘You what?

‘All State Department technical personnel dealing in classified matters must surrender their passports. It’s a security measure and for their own protection-‘

‘I have three passports,’ interrupted Jason. ‘How the hell do you think I get around?1

‘We knew you had at least two based on old Bourne records. You used one of the previous names flying into Peking, the one that said you had brown eyes, not hazel. How did you manage that?

‘I wore glasses – clear glass. By way of a friend who uses an odd name and is better than anyone you’ve got.’

‘Oh, yes. A black photographer and ID specialist who calls himself Cactus. Actually, he worked secretly for Treadstone, but then you obviously remembered that, or the fact that he used to come and visit you in Virginia. According to the records he had to be let go because he deals with criminal elements.’

.’If you touch him I’ll blow you out of the bureaucratic water?’

There’s no intention of doing so. Right now, however, we’ll simply transfer the photograph that best suits the features described in the technician’s passport.’ ‘It’s a waste of time.’

‘Not at all.’ Diplomatic passports have considerable advantages, especially over here. They eliminate the time-consuming process of a temporary visa, and although I’m sure you have sources to buy one, this is easier. China wants our money, Mr Bourne, and our technology. We’ll be passed through quickly and Sheng will be able to check immigration and ascertain that I am who I say I am. We’ll also be provided with priority transportation if we want it and that might be important, depending upon our sequential telephone conversations with Sheng and his aides.’

‘Our sequential what?’

‘You’ll talk with his subordinates in whatever sequence is required. I’ll tell you what to say but when the final clearance is given, /’// speak with Sheng Chou Yang.’

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Categories: Robert Ludlum