The Daybreakers by Louis L’Amour

The Daybreakers by Louis L’Amour

Chapter I

My brother, Orrin Sackett, was big enough to fight bears with a switch. Me, I

was the skinny one, tall as Orrin, but no meat to my bones except around the

shoulders and arms. Orrin could sing like an angel, or like a true Welshman

which was better than any angel. Far away back and on three sides of the family,

we were Welsh. Orrin was a strapping big man, but for such a big man he was

surprising quick.

Folks said I was the quiet one, and in the high-up hills where we grew up as

boys, folks fought shy of me come fighting time. Orrin was bigger than me, fit

to wrassle a bull, but he lacked a streak of something I had.

Maybe you recall the Sackett-Higgins feud? Time I tell about, we Sacketts were

just fresh out of Higginses. Long Higgins, the mean one, was also the last one.

He came hunting Sackett hide with an old squirrel rifle. It was Orrin he was

hunting, being mighty brave because he knew Orrin wouldn’t be packing anything

in the way of sidearms at a wedding.

Orrin was doing no thinking about Higginses this day with Mary Tripp there to

greet him and his mind set on marrying, so I figured it was my place to meet

Long Higgins down there in the road. Just as I was fixing to call him to a

stand, Preacher Myrick drove his rig between us, and by the time I got around it

Long Higgins was standing spraddle-legged in the road with a bead on Orrin.

Folks started to scream and Long Higgins shot and Mary who saw him first pushed

Orrin to save him. Only she fell off balance and fell right into the bullet

intended for Orrin.


He turned sharp around, knowing my voice, and he had that rifle waist-high and

aimed for me, his lips drawed down hard. Long Higgins was a good hip shot with a

rifle and he shot quick … maybe too quick.

That old hog-leg of mine went back into the holster and Long Higgins lay there

in the dust and when I turned around, that walk up into the trees was the

longest I ever did take except one I took a long time later.

Ollie Shaddock might have been down there and I knew if Ollie called I’d have to

turn around, for Ollie was the Law in those mountains and away back somewheres

we were kin.

When Ma saw me cutting up through the woods she knew something was cross-ways.

Took me only a minute to tell her. She sat in that old rocker and looked me

right in the eye while I told it. “Tye,” she was almighty stern, “was Long

Higgins looking at you when you fetched him?”

“Right in the eye.”

“Take the dapple,” Ma said, “he’s the runningest horse on the mountain. You go

west, and when you find a place with deep, rich soil and a mite of game in the

hills, you get somebody to write a letter and we’ll come down there, the boys

an’ me.”

She looked around at the place, which was mighty rundown. Work as we would, and

us Sacketts were workers, we still hadn’t anything extra, and scarcely a poor

living, so Ma had been talking up the west ever since Pa died.

Most of it she got from Pa, for he was a wandering and a knowing man, never to

home long, but Ma loved him for all of that, and so did we young ‘uns. He had a

Welshman’s tongue, Pa did, a tongue that could twist a fine sound from a word

and he could bring a singing to your blood so you could just see that far land

yonder, waiting for folks to come and crop it.

Those old blue eyes of Ma’s were harder to face than was Long Higgins, and him

with a gun to hand. “Tye, do you reckon you could kill Ollie?”

To nobody else would I have said it, but to Ma I told the truth. “I’d never want

to, Ma, because we’re kin but I could fetch him. I think maybe I can draw a gun

faster and shoot straighter than anybody, anywhere.”

She took the pipe from her lips. “Eighteen years now I’ve seen you growing up,

Tyrel Sackett, and for twelve of them you’ve been drawing and shooting. Pa told

me when you was fifteen that he’d never seen the like. Ride with the law, Tye,

never against it.” She drew the shawl tighter about her knees. “If the Lord

wills we will meet again in the western lands.”

The way I took led across the state line and south, then west. Ollie Shaddock

would not follow beyond the line of the state, so I put Tennessee behind me

before the hills had a shadow.

It was wild land through which the trail led, west out of Tennessee, into

Arkansas, the Ozarks, and by lonely trails into Kansas. When I rode at last into

the street at Baxter Springs folks figured me for one more mountain renegade

coming to help keep tick-infected Texas cattle out of the country, but I was of

no such mind.

It was eight miles to where the Texas men held their cattle, so there I rode,

expecting no warm welcome for a stranger. Riding clear of the circling riders I

rode up to the fire, the smell of grub turning my insides over. Two days I’d

been without eating, with no money left, and too proud to ask for that for which

I could not pay.

A short, square man with a square face and a mustache called out to me. “You

there! On the gray! What do you want?”

“A job if one’s to be had, and a meal if you’ve grub to spare. My name is Tyrel

Sackett and I’m bound westward from Tennessee toward the Rockies, but if there’s

a job I’ll ride straight up to it.”

He looked me over, mighty sharp, and then he said, “Get down, man, and come to

the fire. No man was ever turned from my fire without a meal inside him. I’m


When I’d tied Dapple I walked up to the fire, and there was a big, handsome man

lying on the ground by the fire, a man with a golden beard like one of those

Vikings Pa used to tell of. “Hell,” he said agreeably, “it’s a farmer!”

“What’s wrong with farming?” I asked him. “You wouldn’t have your belly full of

beans right now if they’d not been farmed by somebody.”

“We’ve had our troubles with farmers, Mr. Sackett,” Belden said, “there’s been

shooting, the farmers killed a man for me.”

“So,” said a voice alongside, “so maybe we should kill a farmer.”

He had an itch for trouble and his kind I’d met before. He was a medium-tall man

with a low hanging shoulder on his gun side. His black brows met over his nose

and his face was thin and narrow. If it was trouble he was hunting he was

following the right trail to get it.

“Mister,” I told him, “any time you think you can kill this farmer, you just

have at it.”

He looked across the fire at me, surprised I think, because he had expected

fear. My clothes showed I was from the hills, a patched, old homespun shirt,

jeans stuffed into clumsy boots. It was sure that I looked like nothing at all,

only if a man looked at the pistol I wore he could see there’d been a sight of

lead shot out of that barrel.

“That’s enough, Carney!” Mr. Belden said sharply. “This man is a guest at our


The cook brought me a plate of grub and it smelled so good I didn’t even look up

until I’d emptied that plate and another, and swallowed three cups of hot black

coffee. Up in the hills we like our coffee strong but this here would make

bobwire grow on a man’s chest in the place of hair.

The man with the golden beard watched me and he said to Mr. Belden, “Boss, you

better hire this man. If he can work like he can eat, you’ve got yourself a


“Question is,” Carney broke in, “can he fight?”

It was mighty quiet around that fire when I put my plate aside and got up.

“Mister, I didn’t kill you before because when I left home I promised Ma I’d go

careful with a gun, but you’re a mighty tryin’ man.”

Carney had the itch, all right, and as he looked across the fire at me I knew

that sooner or later I was going to have to kill this man.

“You promised Ma, did you?” he scoffed. “We’ll see about that!”

He brought his right foot forward about an inch and I durned near laughed at

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius