The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon

“Oh, ja. We all saw it. I stopped there for maybe fifteen minutes. They wanted me to stay longer, but the company is very strict about schedules.”

Robert knew the question was futile before he even asked it. “Mr. Beckerman, would you happen to know the names of any of your passengers?”

“Mister, I drive a bus. The passengers buy a ticket in Zurich, and we take a tour southwest to Interlaken and then northwest to Bern. They can either get off at Bern or return to Zurich. Nobody gives their names.”

Robert said desperately, “There’s no way you can identify any of them?”

The bus driver thought for a moment. “Well, I can tell you there were no children on that trip. Just men.”

“Only men?”

Beckerman thought for a moment. “No. That’s not right. There was one woman too.”

Terrific. That really narrows it down, Robert thought. Next question: Why the hell did I ever agree to this assignment? “What you’re saying, Mr. Beckerman, is that a group of tourists boarded your bus at Zurich, and then when the tour was over, they simply scattered?”

“That’s right, Mr. Smith.”

So there’s not even a haystack. “Do you remember anything at all about the passengers? Anything they said or did?”

Beckerman shook his head. “Mister, you get so you don’t pay no attention to them. Unless they cause some trouble. Like that German.”

Robert sat very still. He asked softly, “What German?”

“Affenarsch! All the other passengers were excited about seeing the UFO and those dead creatures in it, but this old man kept complaining about how we had to hurry up to get to Bern because he had to prepare some lecture for the university in the morning…”

A beginning. “Do you remember anything else about him?”


“Nothing at all?”

“He was wearing a black overcoat.”

Great. “Mr. Beckerman, I want to ask you for a favor. Would you mind driving out with me to Uetendorf?”

“It’s my day off. I am busy with—”

“I’ll be glad to pay you.”


“Two hundred marks.”

“I don’t—”

“I’ll make it four hundred marks.”

Beckerman thought for a moment. “Why not? It’s a nice day for a drive, nicht?”

They headed south, past Luzern and the picturesque villages of Immensee and Meggen. The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful, but Robert had other things on his mind.

They passed through Engelberg, with its ancient Benedictine monastery, and Brünig, the pass leading to Interlaken. They sped past Leissigen and Faulensee, with its lovely blue lake dotted with white sailboats.

“How much farther is it?” Robert asked.

“Soon,” Hans Beckerman promised.

They had been driving for almost an hour when they came to Spiez. Hans Beckerman said, “It is not far now. Just past Thun.”

Robert felt his heart beginning to beat faster. He was about to witness something that was far beyond imagination, alien visitors from the stars. They drove through the little village of Thun, and a few minutes later, as they neared a grove of trees across the highway, Hans Beckerman pointed and said, “There!”

Robert braked to a stop and pulled over to the side of the road.

“Across the highway. Behind those trees.”

Robert felt a growing sense of excitement. “Right. Let’s have a look.”

A truck was speeding by. When it had passed, Robert and Hans Beckerman crossed the road. Robert followed the bus driver up a small incline into the stand of trees.

The highway was completely hidden from sight. As they stepped into a clearing, Beckerman announced, “It is right there.”

Lying on the ground in front of them were the torn remains of a weather balloon.

Chapter Eight

I’m getting too old for this, Robert thought wearily. I was really beginning to fall for his flying-saucer fairy tale.

Hans Beckerman was staring at the object on the ground, a confused expression on his face. “Verfalschen! That is not it.”

Robert sighed. “No, it isn’t, is it?”

Beckerman shook his head. “It was here yesterday.”

“Your little green men probably flew it away.”

Beckerman was stubborn, “No, no. They were both tot—dead.”

Tot—dead. That sums up my mission pretty well. My only lead is a crazy old man who sees spaceships.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon