The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon

Robert fumbled in his pockets for a moment. “I don’t seem to have any of my cards with me.”

Professor Schmidt said slowly, “Yes, I thought not.”

“Commander Bellamy is on the line.”

General Hilliard picked up the telephone. “Yes, Commander?”

“The latest witness’s name is Professor Schmidt. He lives at Plattenstrasse 5 in Munich.”

“Thank you, Commander. I’ll notify the German authorities immediately.”

Robert was on the verge of saying “I’m afraid that’s the last witness I’ll be able to find,” but something held him back. He hated to admit failure. And yet, the trail had become cold. A Texan and a priest. The priest was from Rome. Period. Along with a million other priests. And there was no way to identify him. I have a choice, Robert thought. I can give up and go back to Washington, or I can go to Rome and give it one last try…

Bundesverfassungsschutzamt, the headquarters of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, is located in central Berlin on Neumarkterstrasse. It is a large, gray, nondescript building, indistinguishable from the buildings around it. Inside on the second floor, in the conference room, the chief of the department, Inspector Otto Joachim, was studying a message. He read it twice, then reached for the red telephone on his desk.

Day Six

Munich, Germany

The following morning, as Otto Schmidt headed for his chemistry lab, he was thinking about the conversation he had had with the American the evening before. Where could that piece of metal have come from? It was astonishing, beyond anything in his experience. And the American puzzled him. He said he was interested in the passengers on the bus. Why? Because they’ve all been witnesses to the flying saucer? Are they going to be warned not to talk? If so, why didn’t the American warn him? There’s something strange going on, the professor decided. He entered the laboratory and took off his jacket and hung it up. He put on an apron to keep his clothes from getting soiled and walked over to the table where he had been working for many weeks on a chemical experiment. If this works, he thought, it could mean a Nobel prize. He lifted the beaker of sterile water and started to pour it into a container filled with a yellow liquid. That’s strange. I don’t remember it being such a bright yellow.

The roar of the explosion was tremendous. The laboratory erupted in a gigantic blast, and pieces of glass and human flesh spattered the walls.









Robert missed the news of the professor’s death. He was aboard an Alitalia plane, on his way to Rome.

Chapter Twenty-three

Dustin Thornton was getting restless. He had power now, and it was like a drug. He wanted more. His father-in-law, Willard Stone, kept promising to bring him into some mysterious inner circle, but so far he had failed to fulfill that promise.

It was by pure chance that Thornton learned that his father-in-law disappeared every Friday. Thornton had called to have lunch with him.

“I’m sorry,” Willard Stone’s personal secretary said, “but Mr. Stone is away for the day.”

“Oh, too bad. What about lunch next Friday?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Thornton. Mr. Stone will be away next Friday also.”

Strange. And it became even stranger, because when Thornton called two weeks later, he received the same reply. Where does the old man disappear to every Friday? He was not a golfer or a man to indulge in any hobbies.

The obvious answer was a woman. Willard Stone’s wife was very social and very rich. She was an imperious woman, almost as strong in her way as her husband. She was not the sort of woman who would tolerate her husband having an affair. If he is having an affair, Thornton thought, I’ve got him by the balls. He knew he had to find out.

With all the facilities at his command, Dustin Thornton could have found out very quickly what his father-in-law was up to, but Thornton was no fool. He was well aware that if he made one misstep, he would be in big trouble. Willard Stone was not the kind of man to brook any interference in his life. Thornton decided to investigate the matter himself.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon