The golden rendezvous by MacLean, Alistair

was at least a couple of miles away too. I only hoped we were a couple

of miles away in the same direction. “Is that you, archie?” god knows

I didn’t doubt it. I just wanted the reassurance of hearing him say so.

“It’s myself, sir. Just you leave everything to me.” it was the

bo’sun all right; he couldn’t have used that sentence more than five

thousand times in the years i’d known him. “Just you lie still.”

i’d no intention of doing anything else. I’d be far gone in years

before i’d ever forget the last time I moved, if I lived that long,

which didn’t seem likely at the moment.

“My neck, archie.” my voice sounded a few hundred yards closer.

“I think it’s broken.”

“Aye, i’m sure it feels that way, sir, but i’m thinking myself

maybe it’s not as bad as all that. We’ll see.”

I don’t know how long I lay there, maybe two or three minutes,

while the bo’sun swabbed the blood away until eventually the stars began

to swim into some sort of focus again. Then he slid one arm under my

shoulders and under my head and began to lift me, inch by patient inch,

into a sitting position.

I waited for the guillotine to fall again, but it didn’t. This

time it was more like a butcher’s meat chopper, but a pretty blunt

chopper: several times in a few seconds the campari spun round 360

degrees on its keel, then settled down on course again. 047, I seemed

to recall. And this time I didn’t lose consciousness.

“What time is it, archie?” a stupid question to ask, but I wasn’t

at my very best. And my voice, I was glad to hear, was at last

practically next door to me.

he turned my left wrist.

“Twelve forty-five, your watch says, sir. I think you must have

been lying here a good hour. You were in the shadow of the boat and no

one would have seen you even if they had passed by this way.”

I moved my head an experimental inch and winced at the pain of it.

Two inches and it would fall off.

“What the hell happened to me, archie? some kind of turn or other?

I don’t remember

“Some kind of turn!” his voice was soft and cold. I felt his

fingers touch the back of my neck. “Our friend with the sandbag has

been taking a walk again, sir. One of these days,” he added

thoughtfully, “i’m going to catch him at it.”

“Sandbag!” I struggled to my feet, but i’d never have made it

without the bo’sun. “The wireless office! peters!”

“It’s young mr. jenkins that’s on now, sir. He’s all right.

you said you’d relieve me for the middle watch, and when twenty

past twelve came I knew something was wrong. So I just went straight

into the wireless office and phoned captain bullen.”

“The captain?”

“Who else could I phone, sir?” who else, indeed? apart from

myself the captain was the only deck officer who really knew what had

happened, who knew where the bo’sun was concealed and why. Macdonald

had his arm round me now, still half supporting me, leading me forward

to the cross passage that led to the wireless office. “He came at once.

He’s there now, talking to mr. jenkins. Worried stiff thinks the same

thing might have happened to you as happened to benson. He gave me a

present before I came looking for you.” he made a movement and I could

see the barrel of a pistol that was all but engulfed in his huge hand.

“I am hoping that I get a chance to use this, mr. carter, and not the

butt end, either. I suppose you realise that if you had toppled forward

instead of sideways, you’d most likely have fallen over the rail into

the sea.”

I wondered grimly why they hadn’t, in fact, shoved me over the side

but said nothing, just concentrated on reaching the wireless office.

Captain bullen was waiting there, just outside the door, and the bulge

in the pocket of his uniform jacket wasn’t caused only by his hand. He

came quickly to meet us, probably to get out of earshot of the wireless

officer, and his reaction to my condition and story of what had happened

was all that anyone could reasonably have wished for. He was just mad

clear through. I’d never seen him in such a mood of tightly controlled

anger since i’d first met him three years ago. When he’d calmed down a

bit, he said, “but why the devil didn’t they go the whole hog and throw

you overboard while they were at it?”

“They didn’t have to, sir,” I said wearily. “They didn’t want to

kill me. Just to get me out of the road.”

he peered at me, the cold eyes speculative. “You talk as if you

knew why they coshed you.”

“I do. Or I think I do.” I rubbed the back of my neck with a

gentle hand. I was pretty sure now there weren’t any vertebrae broken;

it just felt that way. “My own fault. I overlooked the obvious. Come

to that, we all overlooked the obvious. Once they’d killed brownell and

we’d deduced, by association, that they’d also killed benson, I lost all

interest in benson. I just assumed that they’d got rid of him. All I

was concerned with, all any of us was concerned with, was to see that

there was no further attack made on the wireless office, to try to find

out where the receiver was, and to figure what lay behind it all.

Benson, we were sure, was dead, and a dead benson could no longer be of

any use to us. So we forgot benson. Benson belonged to the past.”

“Are you trying to tell me that benson was is-still alive?”

“He was dead all right.” I felt about ninety, a badly crippled

ninety, and the vice round my head wasn’t easing off any I could notice.

“He was dead, but they hadn’t got rid of him. Maybe they hadn’t a

chance to get rid of him. Maybe they had to wait till it was real good

and dark to get rid of him. But they had to get rid of himself we’d

found him, we’d have known there was a murderer aboard. They probably

had him stashed away in some place where we wouldn’t have thought of

looking for him anyway, lying on top of one of the offices, stuck in a

ventilator, behind one of the sundeck benches it could have been

anywhere. And I was either too near where they’d stashed him, so that

they couldn’t get at him, or they couldn’t chuck him overboard as long

as I was standing by the rail there. Barring myself, they knew they

were safe enough. Going at maximum speed, with a bow wave like we’re

throwing up right now, no one would have heard anything if they had

dropped him into the sea, and on a dark and moonless night like this no

one would have seen anything either. So they’d only me to deal with and

they didn’t find that any trouble at all,” I finished bitterly.

bullen shook his head. “You never heard a thing? not the faintest

fall of a footstep, not even the swish of a cosh coming through the


“Old flannel-feet must be a pretty dangerous character, sir,” I

said reflectively. “He didn’t make the slightest whisper of sound. I

wouldn’t have thought it possible. For all I know, I might have taken a

fainting turn and struck my head on the davit as I fell. That’s what I

thought myself even suggested it to the bo’sun here. And that’s what

i’m going to tell anyone who wants to know tomorrow.” I grinned and

winked at macdonald, and even the wink hurt. “I’ll tell them you’ve

been overworking me, sir, and I collapsed from exhaustion.”

“Why tell anyone?” bullen wasn’t amused. “It doesn’t show where

you have been coshed; that wound is just above the temple and inside the

hairline and could be pretty well camouflaged. Agreed?”

“No, sir. Someone knows I had an accident the character

responsible for it-and he’s going to regard it as damned queer if I make

no reference to it at all. But if I do mention it and pass it off as a

ladylike swoon, there’s an even chance he may accept it, and if he does

we’re still going to have the advantage of being in the position of

knowing there’s mayhem and murder aboard, while they will have no

suspicion we know anything of the kind.”

“Your mind,” said captain bullen unsympathetically, “is beginning

to clear at last.”

when I awoke in the morning the already hot sun was streaming in

through my uncurtained window. My cabin, immediately abaft the

captain’s, was on the starboard side, and the sun was coming from

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair