The golden rendezvous by MacLean, Alistair

was exhausting him. “Better hurry, my boy.”

“Yes.” I looked vaguely at the bag i’d brought with me. “I’ve got

the ropes there, archie.”

“Let me have them, sir.” he took the bag, pulled out the two coils

of rope, pulled the pillow from his lower pillowcase, stuffed the ropes

inside, and placed them under his top pillow. “Good a place as any,

sir. If they really start searching, they’re bound to find it anyway.

Now if you’d just be dropping this pillow and bag out the window.. I

did that, stripped, washed, dried myself as best I could, and climbed

into bed, just as marston came into the bay.

“She’ll be all right, john. Simple fracture. All wrapped up and

in her blankets and she’ll be asleep in a minute. Sedatives, you know.”

I nodded. “You did a good job to-night, doctor. Boy outside is

still asleep and I hardly felt a thing in my leg.” it was only half a

lie and there was no point in hurting his feelings unnecessarily. I

glanced down at my leg. “The splints

“I’ll fix them right away.” he fixed them, not more than half

killing me in the process, and while he was doing so I told them what

had happened. Or part of what had happened. I told them the encounter

with tony carreras was the result of an attempt i’d made to spike the

gun on the afterdeck; with old bullen talking away non-stop in his

sleep, any mention of the twister would not have been clever at all.

at the end of it all, after a heavy silence, bullen said

hopelessly, “it’s finished. It’s all finished. All that work and

suffering for nothing. All for nothing.”

it wasn’t finished; it wasn’t going to be finished ever. Not till

either miguel carreras or myself was finished. If I were a betting man

i’d have staked the last cent of my fortune on carreras.

I didn’t say that to them. I told them instead of the simple plan

I had in mind, an unlikely plan concerned with taking over the bridge at

gun point. But it wasn’t half as hopeless and desperate as the plan I

really had in mind. The one i’d tell archie macdonald about later.

Again I couldn’t tell the old man, for again the chances were heavy that

he would have betrayed it in his half-delirious muttering under

sedation. I hadn’t even liked to mention tony carreras, but the blood

had to be explained away.

when I finished, bullen said in his hoarse whisper, “i’m still the

captain of the ship. I will not permit it. Good god, mister, look at

the weather, look at your condition. I will not allow you to throw your

life away. I cannot permit it.”

“Thank you, sir. I know what you mean. But you have

to permit it. You must. Because if you don’t “what if someone

comes into the sick bay when you’re not here?” he asked helplessly.

He’d accepted the inevitable.

“This.” I produced a gun and tossed it to the bo’sun. “This was

tony carreras’. There are still seven shots in the magazine.”

“Thank you, sir,” macdonald said quietly. “I’ll be very careful

with those shots.”

“But yourself, man?” bullen demanded huskily. “How about


“Give me back that knife, archie,” I said.

chapter 10

[friday 9 a. m. saturday 1 a.m.]

I slept that night and slept deeply, as deeply, almost, as tony

carreras. I had neither sedatives nor sleeping pills; exhaustion was

the only drug I needed.

coming awake next morning was a long, slow climb from the depths of

a bottomless pit. I was climbing in the dark, but in the strange way of

dreams I wasn’t climbing and it wasn’t dark; some great beast had me in

his jaws and was trying to shake the life out of me. A tiger, but no

ordinary tiger. A sabre-toothed tiger, the kind that had passed from

the surface of the earth a million years ago. So I kept on climbing in

the dark and the sabre-toothed tiger kept on shaking me like a terrier

shaking a rat and I knew that my only hope was to reach the light above,

but I couldn’t see any light. Then, all of a sudden, the light was

there, my eyes were open, and miguel carreras was bending over me and

shaking my shoulder with no gentle hand. I would have preferred the

sabre-toothed tiger any day.

marston stood at the other side of the bed and when he saw I was

awake he caught me under the arms and lifted me gently to a sitting

position. I did my best to help him but I wasn’t concentrating on it; I

was concentrating on the lip-biting and eye-closing so that carreras

couldn’t miss how far through I was. Marston was protesting.

“He shouldn’t be moved, mr. carreras. He really shouldn’t be

moved. He’s in constant pain and I repeat that major surgery is

essential at the earliest possible moment.” it was about forty years

too late now, I supposed, for anyone to point out to marston that he was

a born actor. No question in my mind now but that that was what he

should have been: the gain to both the thespian and medical worlds would

have been incalculable.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and smiled wanly. “Why don’t you

say it outright, doctor? amputation is what you mean.

he looked at me gravely, then went away without saying anything. I

looked across at bullen and macdonald. Both of them were awake, both of

them carefully not looking in my direction. And then I looked at


at first glance he looked exactly the same as he had a couple of

days ago. At first glance, that was. A second and closer inspection

showed the difference: a slight pallor under the tan, a reddening of the

eyes, a tightening of the face that had not been there before. He had a

chart under his left arm, a slip of paper in his left hand. “Well,” I

sneered, “how’s the big bold pirate captain this morning?”

“My son is dead,” he said dully.

I hadn’t expected it to come like this, or so soon, but the very

unexpectedness of it helped me to the right reaction, the reaction he

would probably expect from me anyway. I stared at him through slightly

narrowed eyes and said, “he’s what?”

“Dead.” miguel carreras, whatever else he lacked, unquestionably

had all the normal instincts of a parent, a father. The very intensity

of his restraint showed how badly he had been hit. For a moment I felt

genuinely sorry for him. For a very short moment. Then I saw the faces

of wilson and jamieson and benson and brownell and dexter, the faces of

all those dead men, and I wasn’t sorry any more. “Dead?” I repeated.

Shocked puzzlement, but not too much shock it wouldn’t be expected of

me. “Your son? dead? how can he be dead? what did he die of?”

almost of its own volition, before I suddenly checked the movement, my

hand started reaching for the clasp knife under the pillow. Not that it

would have made much difference even if he had seen it five minutes in

the dispensary steriliser had removed the last of the traces of blood.

“I don’t know.” he shook his head and I felt like cheering; there

were no traces of suspicion in his face. “I don’t know.”

“Dr. Marston,” I said. “Surely you “we haven’t been able to find

him. He has disappeared.”

“Disappeared?” it was captain bullen making his contribution, and

his voice sounded a shade stronger, a little less husky, than it had the

previous night. “Vanished? a man just can’t vanish aboard a ship like

that, mr. carreras.”

“We spent over two hours searching the ship. My son is not aboard

the campari. When did you last see him, mr. carter?”

I didn’t indulge in guilty starts, sharp upward glances, or

anything daft like that. I wondered what his reactions would have been

if i’d said: “when I heaved him over the side of the campari last

night.” instead I pursed my lips and said, “after dinner last night

when he came here. He didn’t linger. Said something like: ‘captain

carreras making his rounds,’ and left.”

“That is correct. I’d sent him to make a tour of inspection. How

did he look?”

“Not his usual self. Green. Seasick.”

“My son was a poor sailor,” carreras acknowledged. “It is


“You said he was making rounds,” I interrupted. “Of the whole

ship? decks and everything?”

“That is so.”

“Did you have life lines rigged on the fore and after decks?”

“No. I had not thought it necessary.”

“Well,” I said grimly, “there’s your possible answer. Your

probable answer. No life lines, nothing to hang on to. Felt ill, ran

for the side, a sudden lurch ” I left the sentence hanging.

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair